Juicy Fruit,Widow,Haze,Ak47,BC Mango, Kahuna


Well-Known Member
Alright first off, Seeds are from BCSeedking.com I got a mix of seeds that I asked for, however they were not labeled. Seeds came with 10 free kahunas, but he gave me 13. Kahunas were in a different bag, and labeled. The other bag contains 25 seeds, from the following strains, Haze,White Widow,BC mango,Ak-47, and Juicy Fruit.

For this journal, I am germinating 2 kahunas, and 2 from the mix. Hopefully we will be able to pick which strains the plants are out of the 5, when they get mature.

Here is what I will be using for this grow:

My Soil Mix
FoxFarms Ocean Forest
Worm Castings

Foxfarms Grow Big
Foxfarms Big Bloom
Foxfarms Tiger Bloom
Maxicrop Liquid Seaweed

I have not decided whether or not to get the Cha Ching, Beastie Bloomz, and Open Sesame. but I dont have to worry about that until flowering anyways, so I might also use those

This Grow will be outdoors, the kahunas directly in the ground, with a hole that will be filled in with soil mix. The 2 mysterys will be in an Earthbox outside. If you dont know what an Earthbox is, I used it in my last outdoor grow, you can check the link in my Signature for pictures.

Seeds have been germinating for 26 hours. One of the mystery ones has started to pop.

I hope to update this journal with weekly pics, and also include all information on what I did.

Wish me luck mates <3


Well-Known Member
Ok well today I made my soil mix, hopefully I can get a picture of it for you guys, even tho its not that interesting. As I said before it contains FF ocean forest, worm castings, and perlite. I didnt measure anything I just kind of did what I thought looks good.

I also sprayed the area around my grow with Bayer Pesticide today, so hopefully bugs wont be an issue this season.

Alright ill let you guys know when both seeds crack. Later


Well-Known Member
The Fucius likes the possibilities of the mysteries, can't wait to see them... and i see you got the "cilantro" back haha, close one


Well-Known Member
Alright update:

Well all 4 seeds sprouted. I planted the two mystery seeds in a earthbox, I think its like... 10 gallons or something like that. The 2 kahunas I planted into the ground. I dug a hole and filled it with my soil mix before planting.

Ok well I checked the earthbox about 24 hours later, and it looked like something dug threw it. Alot of my soil was outside the earthbox, and there was alot of soil moved aroudn inside of it. I quickly looked through the remaining soil, and found both seeds. One seed actually had a sprout on it, so I got him above soil. The other still has seed on it, so I just put him back under soil. Any idea as to what animals would do this? Im thinking squirels or racoons. How do I keep them away?

Well... even worse then that, I went to check the Kahunas. And I saw ants on top of the soil. I checked to see if seed was still there, and it was gone, in both spots. I guess the ants either ate the sprouts, or carried the seed and root off somewhere. I hate ants... I think im going to germinate 2 more, and through out some ant killer pellets around the spot before I plant.

I should have pictures this weekend. So just be patient = )


Well-Known Member
Alright update:

Well all 4 seeds sprouted. I planted the two mystery seeds in a earthbox, I think its like... 10 gallons or something like that. The 2 kahunas I planted into the ground. I dug a hole and filled it with my soil mix before planting.

Ok well I checked the earthbox about 24 hours later, and it looked like something dug threw it. Alot of my soil was outside the earthbox, and there was alot of soil moved aroudn inside of it. I quickly looked through the remaining soil, and found both seeds. One seed actually had a sprout on it, so I got him above soil. The other still has seed on it, so I just put him back under soil. Any idea as to what animals would do this? Im thinking squirels or racoons. How do I keep them away?

Well... even worse then that, I went to check the Kahunas. And I saw ants on top of the soil. I checked to see if seed was still there, and it was gone, in both spots. I guess the ants either ate the sprouts, or carried the seed and root off somewhere. I hate ants... I think im going to germinate 2 more, and through out some ant killer pellets around the spot before I plant.

I should have pictures this weekend. So just be patient = )

Alright so if you read the bold, underlined paragraph, i got some good news!!. My matethats doing the kahunas with me went to check the spot, and guess some. There was a sprout at one of the spots. |So lucky that after mixing the soil around looking for the sprout, that it ended up near the top. The other one hasnt sprouted yet, but im hopin = )


Well-Known Member
Alright well, damn racoons keep screwing with my stuff. Seeds still survived however they were moved couple feet, but they still sprouted and looking great. Pictures coming tomorow!!!


Well-Known Member
alright well I got seeds fixed, and got some Ritter Critter to keep racoons away. I applied the ritter critter friday night, and racoons didnt mess with them all weekend = )

Sorry didnt have enough time over the Easter break to get any pictures, but pictures of sprouts are boring anyways lol.

But they are doing good, they are working on 3rd set up leaves, counting the cotyles.

Soil level is a bit low in the earthbox so I am going to have to pick up some more ocean forests and perlite to add to the mix. It rained all this weekend, unfortunately, but it let me see the drainage, and retention properties of my soil, and I gotta say I like it. When it just stoped raining I went out and checked the soil, and it wasnt muddy, and when I pushed down on the top it was kind of spongy so I know that the roots are able to breathe.

Alright, I promise I will get you guys pictures next weekend..... and plenty of them

As for kahunas.... By the way, when I talk about the EarthBox, those are two seeds from the mix of Bc mango, ak-47,widow,juicy fruit,and haze. Do not know which two seeds they are yet. But the kahunas came separtely labeled so I know those.

Well kahunas went strait into the ground. Dug a hole and filled with ocean forest, perlite,worm castings. Well those are doing good as well. I thought ants killed them but one sprouted, and then after searching threw the soiil of the other one, I found the other sprout, and got him above ground.

Ill get pictures of all 4 plants this weekend <3

until then, not really any updates. I plan on topping these plants early on, becuase they have all summer to grow, and I dont want them tall. Im going to top them first at anywhere from the 5th to 7th node, depending on how they look. And then continue to top them after that.

Anyone want to take an early guess at which two strains the mystery seeds are? I have no idea so wont be able to tell you if your right or wrong for a while, but fun to see who guessed right from beginning. Its going to be fun through this whole grow trying to decide which strains from the 5, these two seeds are. Going to be able to elliminate some just becuase of sativa or indica, and then from there use smells, and then for final test to which strain it is, smoke it = ). Hopefully Strains like Juicy Fruit, and BC mango, will be easy to tell apart from widow, and ak-47. And if its haze, then that should be easy to identify, by its sativaness.

good luck, and im more then welcome for comments, or questions, or whatever. Nothing to update for another week, so I have plenty of time to clear up things = )

Growers <3


Well-Known Member
havent seen the plants in a while, but ill see them in a couple days.

Hope they are still alive, if so, ill update with pics. im serious this time = )


Well-Known Member
alright been a while since I updated, heres whats up

4 plants died, I couldnt really attend to them, because of some things, and so they died.

But I just germed 4 more seeds. 2 Kahunas again, which are fucking insane seeds. after 30 hours of germinating, the seeds not only sprouted a almost 2 inch sprout, but they even already removed the seed and had started to sprout. I got both of them planted.

I also germinated 2 more seeds from the mix I ordered. 1 of them has sprouted so far, and he has been planted as well. still waiting for the 4th.

Im going to go get pictures right now, if I can find batteries for the cam.

I should be able to update this journal with pictures every 4 days now = )


Well-Known Member
as promised, here are the pictures. Not to excieting tho, just little sprouts.

The ones in the little green pots are kahunas, the bigger one is one from the mix.



Active Member
looking good, I just finished planting one yesterday because only 1 out of 5 of mine germinated. So, today I decided to germinate the rest of the seeds and hopefully I can have about for plants going. Keep in touch.


Well-Known Member
damn only 1 out of 5.... what germination method were you using? Did you keep them in a dark warm place? Also if using the papertowel method, make sure the papertowel isnt to wet.

Pictures coming in a couple minutes = )


Well-Known Member
Alright so today gave the babies some filtered water, the plant in the bigger pot didnt yet need it, but sense the other plants are in those small pots they will be needing water more frequently.

The Kahunas that are in the small green pots are showing some serious vigor, I cant wait to introduce them to some foxfarm nutes in 3 weeks.

The plant from the mix bag that I planted that didnt yet come up, has now came up and you can see his pictures in one of the three posted above. Also I had that one seed that wouldnt germinate so I put another one in the paper towel, and the next day they both germinated. So I planted them both as well.

So as of now I have 2 kahunas, and 3 from the mix. The strains from the mix are (juicyfruit,ww,ak47,haze, and bc mango. So dont really care which strains I get, they are all pretty badass.

Well adding to the 4 plants that died a while ago, so far 9/9 for germination = ), now lets see how my male to female ratio works out = /

I will have new pictures for you guys.... probably sunday. Hopefully all 5 have sprouted by then = )


Active Member
After a rough start, looks like you have everything under control at the moment. You have some cute sprouts there that look happy. Cant wait to see them frosty slopes! take care and have a shroomy day! peace, e :leaf:


Well-Known Member
After a rough start, looks like you have everything under control at the moment. You have some cute sprouts there that look happy. Cant wait to see them frosty slopes! take care and have a shroomy day! peace, e :leaf:
Thanks alot donut. Yeah, everything should be smooth sailing from here on out = ) *knocks on wood


Active Member
They are starting to look pretty good man. when I got the 1 to 5 germination, I was doing the paper towel method and everything seemed to look good. The one that germinated was growing really fast and I might not have patient enough for the other 4.

Then I germinated the other six 6 seeds using the same method, and this time all of the seeds germinated. So I think 4 out of the first 5 were just immature or something.

I will have some pics up soon on my thread. So check for them in the next couple days.