Stewart Rakes Huckabee Over The Coals

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
If I tell you a secret, will you leave me alone? My bi-polar doesn't allow me to always be so nice. Trust me this is a good one. Tell me to PM you, I'll keep my word.


Well-Known Member
If I tell you a secret, will you leave me alone? My bi-polar doesn't allow me to always be so nice. Trust me this is a good one. Tell me to PM you, I'll keep my word.
a bipolar piece of shit is still a piece of shit.

the manic episodes just remove the filter, allowing us to see what a piece of shit you are.


Well-Known Member
Which is statistically impossible, but no one cares about that.
how is it statistically impossible for one person to receive zero votes within a subset?

do tell me all about this. as someone who was a few computer science classes away from a BS in mathematics with a concentration in statistics, i would really like to know.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Ok Bucky, back on ignore. I gave you a chance. I can be a real asshole who knows more than he lets on. Such as I know why you "quit" your mod "duties."You're a liar.I tried to be nice.I have a serious mental disorder and you use it as ammo.Go fuck yourself

Uncle Pirate

Active Member


Active Member
The video has an underlining message with the fire and dark imagery. They could have delivered the same message under a different format. Using religion as a scare tactic and preying on the fears of people. They know that if they use religion, which is something that most people hold dearest. That they can take advantage of that. So funny how stewart exposes the hypocrisy. You could tell pastor huckabee felt smaller then stewart is in real life lol.



Well-Known Member
The video has an underlining message with the fire and dark imagery. They could have delivered the same message under a different format. Using religion as a scare tactic and preying on the fears of people. They know that if they use religion, which is something that most people hold dearest. That they can take advantage of that. So funny how stewart exposes the hypocrisy. You could tell pastor huckabee felt smaller then stewart is in real life lol.

Huckabee seems to be getting larger and larger in life. What happened to that great stpry of how he lost hundreds of pounds? Looks like he found them again

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Huckabee should eat dog like Lord Barry. I heard lean meat keeps off the pounds. But as a vegan I wouldn't know. Doing a few lines of blow would probably help too.


Well-Known Member
how is it statistically impossible for one person to receive zero votes within a subset?

do tell me all about this. as someone who was a few computer science classes away from a BS in mathematics with a concentration in statistics, i would really like to know.

apparently he thinks that in a city with all minority neighborhoods it is impossible for a president who carries 97% of the minority vote to get 100% of a minority vote in said neighborhood. They have never learned what a statistical outlier is let alone standard deviation from the mean. Those are a bunch of fancy liberal science words that support fag marriage and make Jesus cry.


Well-Known Member
apparently he thinks that in a city with all minority neighborhoods it is impossible for a president who carries 97% of the minority vote to get 100% of a minority vote in said neighborhood. They have never learned what a statistical outlier is let alone standard deviation from the mean. Those are a bunch of fancy liberal science words that support fag marriage and make Jesus cry.
How come no one brings up Utah and Romney?


Well-Known Member
How come no one brings up Utah and Romney?
I'm guessing right wingers are ashamed of Romney. Hell I would be. I would deflect criticism and start claiming it was a massive conspiracy because the voter id laws we disgined to protect the country from voter fraud was not allowed by the courts. This implies that not only was voter fraud a massive nation wide conspiracy but that the judicial system was in on it. ALl while the flag bearers of freedom like the Koch brothers tried to protect traditional democratic values. You know only white land owning men are allowed to vote.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
So an embryo is not alive? Its not a growing thing? It has no cells?
how about you affirm your belief and tell us how a embryo is alive and a liver cell or skin cell is not?

show what you know vs tell us we are wrong

ill be the first to put my understanding of what life is on the table