600w multi strain grow


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;CwndxS1zvsg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwndxS1zvsg&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.goog le.c om%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dinformation%2520 on%2520hermaphrodite%2520cannabis%26source%3Dvideo %26cd%3D3%26ved%3D0CEMQtwIwAg%26url%3Dhttp%253A%25 2F%252Fwww.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DCwndxS1 zvsg%26ei%3Dg1-YUN6bPIy08ASE34H4BA%26usg%3DAFQjCNEX8HYVDG0trdQlMC 8EuGs_d22kwQ&ytsession=WhVcYvB2xYcorXqaHvtlLyM G8sw UfZrk3rxnjiwTVsehjx1rb0bLnuCzZN07kKd1JmiB2dKtZsUkx FAOq1JIiq0yulsQsgjtwbDQ_8CaZvWSOsHykkYEMgWk-C31X1Fp9sC5esY1JzDu1dg6DKGKSCTCU8AULtZmHpCgb32aGpO 0XQp3l7LXfqjnY-bBGXS5r6wZD1Z_p8uq1ZOmICXa07dWKUZfVuufiWawOZ15uVga 3ioEOamijo9QCWq7akJ-NGfmFr-a8vPSwKZGHH9XtipMzsdgb1zOLepgEiSYDxWJqiNdWDA7HiCel p4CxIW5BSqaD-J0nE7G_Aa_g9AJJlimc1clam0rsF9noOPRw0MuXjEwlJAgWXwb 8gzQ5S2YvhbUT0rDlBddqKBEuRMbM3-F_Z9vffQLdIjhNfxzp1QSWYHHah2QzJzjMTAlGP9ODY9Nn2cQ0 5akK3JNgh5sNKNQ1FQyTYOKcU0bzWEUsBA2E7flj83o-2Qgt1n5VIevEhVTYRci6UWIfHIjyNaFrw7YWqdMqaw4MNaLdTK eg-CxuwPB7Q5ZjHZpzW5vYDXSAY3NTljgCeTuJGNFrqIdG81n18eL X2NpLJoQHUVe_1YqBmIOfg_fEklbB-Ie1cXtULEHnZI69M3FoPYH2EWGFdpMFSkWIZ-dJZzzOSE80mOB4ipJjBjANazQN7x3u-lt[/video]

here ya go man


Well-Known Member
why is thta? i thought he did a really good job explaining some of the misunderstandings about Hermies.
I've alwsays read that a herm plant with produces herm prone seeds. And in order to get fem seeds u take the herm plant a pollinate different plant of the same strain.


Well-Known Member
I've alwsays read that a herm plant with produces herm prone seeds. And in order to get fem seeds u take the herm plant a pollinate different plant of the same strain.
there is a lot of factor but IMO that is the best way, it will give you more pheno although. but selfing isnt as bad as it seems, its really several generations of selfing that causes problems.


Well-Known Member
I've alwsays read that a herm plant with produces herm prone seeds. And in order to get fem seeds u take the herm plant a pollinate different plant of the same strain.
well thats somewhat correct, fem seeds are made from plants that "forced" to hermie through chemicals but otherwise would not hermie. this way the offspring are not likely to hermie. if you have the room creating feminized seeds really isnt that hard.


Well-Known Member
well my light came in today, fucking MH bulb is broken but the HPS one seems intact and thats the one ill be using. stil would be nice if bith bulbs were operational. heading over to the indoor spot in a little bit and will be posting a update by sunday night with plenty of pics


Well-Known Member
O dood. Check craigslist for mh bulbs n such. It's not rare for people to sell the bulb and fixture for roughly 20 bucks. A lot of companies n warehouses n shit are switching to more efficient lighting.

And don't order grow equipment to the grow house...just a precaution. That why I like driving out of my county to buy supplies with cash only. Leads are generated by nosy cops that follow you home from the hydro shop.


Well-Known Member
O dood. Check craigslist for mh bulbs n such. It's not rare for people to sell the bulb and fixture for roughly 20 bucks. A lot of companies n warehouses n shit are switching to more efficient lighting.

And don't order grow equipment to the grow house...just a precaution. That why I like driving out of my county to buy supplies with cash only. Leads are generated by nosy cops that follow you home from the hydro shop.
im goingto contact amazon and they will replace it. problem is since i bought it as a "kit" i may have to send the whole light back to get a replacement bulb.

my grow is "classified" :) i had it at home and got jacked so......thats why im "retired"

i have a fictional grow that i do on here because im a dork, honestly i dont even smoke weed


Well-Known Member
"i have a fictional grow that i do on here because im a dork, honestly i dont even smoke weed"

LOL!!!! Hell No, Matt you just made ma night! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thats hilarious matt...ME EITHER! lol.

your cloners look good, like a double version of mine. awesome that it doesnt leak. thats the main problem with the diy ones. grow room is looking good, full.

sucks about ur light coming broked. that would really piss me off. ESPECIALLY if i had to send the whole thing back.


Well-Known Member
im off to build my flowering cab. will take lots of pics and clones. my perpetual of 6 plants every 2 weeks is going to be underway soon. hoping veg growth goes steady for my clones and i can get some decent sized plants into my flower room soon.

i have 3 going into flower this weekend then in 2 weeks i will be putting any clones that are ready in. took a bunch of clones last night and will be ordering some more beans soon. pics later!!


Well-Known Member
cos i get half way through and i always nod off before he finishes lol and i have never had a hermie before.always use trusted seed banks :)


Well-Known Member
well spent all day yesterday working on my new grow room and i finally got it up. it is big enough for me to walk inside 6ft long 4 ft wide and 6ft tall (interior dimensions) the outside dimensions are actually a bit bigger than 6x4x6

moved my veg tent and i think i blewm my only MH bulb, need to get another one ordered but for now i am using the CFL fixture i have. its nice to have a backup.

i took about 6 clones, 2 blue cheese and 4 fruity chron juice. i have some clones that have been in cloner for around a week and starting to get roots. next weekend i will probabally plant them and that will be my third round in the. i have my second round already planted just waiting for them to start some new growth.

heres some pics



Well-Known Member
looks good man.

where did you find that black and white poly?

and you might want to consider moving your ballast out of the room. not only does it help with heat problems (which you probably dont have any with that cool tube) but i heard it lengthens the life of it. look into it. im going to make a small stand to go over mine where the clones can go and hopefully root better.


Well-Known Member
you cna get it at the hydro store. they dont sell it like that at the hardware store unfortunately.

you are right about the ballast but his room is pretty aerated and i dont see any insulation, so his ballast probably runs cool enough. i actually have may ballast where my veg exhaust comes out(T5, no heat) so it cools the ballast off too