Dark period after flowering?

Anything that means I will be harvesting a wilted plant is not viable. Ever try trimming a zillion little leaves that are now laying down due to wiltage instead
of sitting up so I can remove them? I will sacrifice a tiny bit of tri action to avoid trimming a wilted plant.

im gonna have to agree 100% with the above posters whos opinions are that it just dont matter. HeartLandHank said it the best IMO...if i could de-leaf all mine in 1 night, i would do it too. i do mine simiular to him except i move all my ladies out of the flower room at harvest time cuz my flower room never gets unpluged. new ones go in the day old ones come out. but just like HeartLandHank, by the time i get to the last couple plants..they have been sittin in the dark for 3-4 days...sometimes longer depending on how big/many were in the front of the line before we got to them. this next part im gonna say is not just my opinion, its my opinion, my wifes, my dads, and about a dozen or so close bros of mine. NONE and i do mean NONE of us can see any difference in tri's using 2 different scopes. ZERO difference with the naked eye, and absolutely ZERO difference a month later when it hits the bowl. if i was blindfolded, there is no way in hell i could tell the difference...no way. i myself think its a myth...but to each his own. this is the same kind of question as the good ol' "Should i leave fan leaves on or cut some off?"
easy answer to both is: do whatever works for YOU. none of it is rocket science..lol
Of course you give them 24 hours of dark. That's the way nature does it, isn't it? :roll:

ps The biggest variable is not what you do in the final days before harvest, but how well you cure. I never ever smoke any buds until they have cured properly (in glass with controlled humidity) for a minimum of 90 days. Only hack commercial growers concerned with rapid cash flow quick dry buds and put them on the market. Nimrods.
ive gone as little as 24 hours all the way to 5 days in dark. they will love you. different strains like different amounts of time. Just remember not to let the go over dry at all because it will over ripen then and you don't want that.
Agreed, I put mine in a dark closet for 24-48 hours but I dont know that it really makes a noticable difference. .....And dont ask about flushing around here :) Sparks fly every time it comes up. I swear its worse than politics. :)

It is politics ;)

Just like Obama Vs. Romney, Same Sex Marriage and Legalizing drugs.
Flushing, Dark Periods and LED lighting! Everyone has an opinion, everyone has varying evidence. So doowutchyalike!
This first popped up in a High Times in the mid nineties. I started doing it in 2000. It does make a big difference in the final product. Certain esters and volatile oils burn off in light very quikly, and light destroys THC and THC is manufactured in the plant cells during the dark cycle. This is not an "urban legend".
It is politics ;)

Just like Obama Vs. Romney, Same Sex Marriage and Legalizing drugs.
Flushing, Dark Periods and LED lighting! Everyone has an opinion, everyone has varying evidence. So doowutchyalike!
This is a false statement. These techniques have been developed over long periods of time through extensive number of experiments repeated countless times in countless gardens. When you test a hypothesis and obtain similar results over a long period of time eventually you are left with enough data to call your finding a fact. I have been growing since the 80's and I know others who where growing in the 70's, that's alot of years of trial and error combined so in place of an ANOVA on the results of peoples experiments we discuss our results and after 40 years of discussion these are the techniques that the science of growing weed has come up with. Science not opinion.
This is a false statement. These techniques have been developed over long periods of time through extensive number of experiments repeated countless times in countless gardens. When you test a hypothesis and obtain similar results over a long period of time eventually you are left with enough data to call your finding a fact. I have been growing since the 80's and I know others who where growing in the 70's, that's alot of years of trial and error combined so in place of an ANOVA on the results of peoples experiments we discuss our results and after 40 years of discussion these are the techniques that the science of growing weed has come up with. Science not opinion.
So, you did double blind tests, right? How did you measure quality?
This is a false statement. These techniques have been developed over long periods of time through extensive number of experiments repeated countless times in countless gardens. When you test a hypothesis and obtain similar results over a long period of time eventually you are left with enough data to call your finding a fact. I have been growing since the 80's and I know others who where growing in the 70's, that's alot of years of trial and error combined so in place of an ANOVA on the results of peoples experiments we discuss our results and after 40 years of discussion these are the techniques that the science of growing weed has come up with. Science not opinion.

Ok. Let's see them. Give me a data sheet. Give me an analysis. Or just keep talking like everyone else, "I've done it for 30 years and it works! Just do it! Nike."
This is why we can't have nice things, I've done it, and I can't really tell the difference. Since I can't (don't know how to), test them myself, I just do what feels right on some things.
This is a false statement. These techniques have been developed over long periods of time through extensive number of experiments repeated countless times in countless gardens. When you test a hypothesis and obtain similar results over a long period of time eventually you are left with enough data to call your finding a fact. I have been growing since the 80's and I know others who where growing in the 70's, that's alot of years of trial and error combined so in place of an ANOVA on the results of peoples experiments we discuss our results and after 40 years of discussion these are the techniques that the science of growing weed has come up with. Science not opinion.

Sounds like folk wisdom to me. Until someone can explain exactly "why" a cannabis plant left in the dark for a few days produces more of anything, I don't buy it. For such a claim to be true, there would have to be an evolutionary explanation for why this plant responds botanically to a condition which nature never presented it with over millions of years. Not likely.
Sounds like folk wisdom to me. Until someone can explain exactly "why" a cannabis plant left in the dark for a few days produces more of anything, I don't buy it. For such a claim to be true, there would have to be an evolutionary explanation for why this plant responds botanically to a condition which nature never presented it with over millions of years. Not likely.
I never said "a few days" I flush them out the last two days and then leave them in the dark for a full 24hrs, after they are ripe. That's it. And the trichomes produce THC during the dark cycle and THC production stops and THC begins being destroyed as soon as the lights go on. That is a fact kids.
I never said "a few days" I flush them out the last two days and then leave them in the dark for a full 24hrs, after they are ripe. That's it. And the trichomes produce THC during the dark cycle and THC production stops and THC begins being destroyed as soon as the lights go on. That is a fact kids.
What do you grow, by the way? I'm thinking of ordering some Flushed-Out Dark Cycle OG Kush seeds. Any experience with that strain?
I never said "a few days" I flush them out the last two days and then leave them in the dark for a full 24hrs, after they are ripe. That's it. And the trichomes produce THC during the dark cycle and THC production stops and THC begins being destroyed as soon as the lights go on. That is a fact kids.

If this is a fact, do you have a single source for it? Folk wisdom is not a source. Show me something from botany or plant science that says "any" plant will do "anything" with 24 hours of dark (which is not found in nature) that it won't do with natural light cycles.
I never said "a few days" I flush them out the last two days and then leave them in the dark for a full 24hrs, after they are ripe. That's it. And the trichomes produce THC during the dark cycle and THC production stops and THC begins being destroyed as soon as the lights go on. That is a fact kids.
This right here is a fact. Every one has been doing it this way for decades. If u don't believe it u just don't want to.
If this is a fact, do you have a single source for it? Folk wisdom is not a source. Show me something from botany or plant science that says "any" plant will do "anything" with 24 hours of dark (which is not found in nature) that it won't do with natural light cycles.

24 hours of dark does occur in nature. Thunderstorms, extremely cloudy days will block the sun from anything. Also in Alaska it is dark there at times, at least that's what I've heard...
24 hours of dark does occur in nature. Thunderstorms, extremely cloudy days will block the sun from anything. Also in Alaska it is dark there at times, at least that's what I've heard...

Go measure the light on a cloudy day and then try that level in your flowering room for dark time. No plant experiences 24 hr darkness in nature. Alaska lol. What plants grow in northern Alaska in the dead of winter when there is indeed, 24 hrs of darkness. This whole subject is pure legend.
Go measure the light on a cloudy day and then try that level in your flowering room for dark time. No plant experiences 24 hr darkness in nature. Alaska lol. What plants grow in northern Alaska in the dead of winter when there is indeed, 24 hrs of darkness. This whole subject is pure legend.

You're right, I'm wrong. Feel better?
I read through these silly posts and all I see is a bunch of 10 year olds arguing about whos dad can kick whos dads ass. Why does somebody ALWAYS think that they know more...or they know better?? Seriously...how about looking at it as "I know differently"...not BETTER or WORSE...what the flick? If it weren't for all the people who tried something "different" there'd be one way and one way ONLY to grow weed. Who the hell wants that? Me...I like choices, I like being able to choose a method that sounds like it would work for ME...not for some other guy in some other place with some other conditions and some other method under some other lights and some other seeds...hey I'm glad it worked for YOU...but for ME...maybe not. And I'm thankful to have all these people trying all kinds of different things...because it gives me choices. But just because I CHOOSE to do things in a different way than any of you, doesn't make my way better or worse than yours....just different. I don't care if yours smells better or smokes smoother or makes my head spin more...as long as I'm happy with what I've got (I'm the only one smokin it) then I win. This is a forum made to bring people together who enjoy the wonders of this amazing plant, whose main benefit is pain, stress, anxiety relief...in other words it relaxes you. Well...there is nothing relaxed about these forums sometimes...some days I'd swear I'm in a PMS forum for a bunch of bitchy women (no offense women...I'm quite sure I wouldnt be in such a good mood either). When I come here looking for knowledge...and I find DRAMA...sigh...just makes me wanna go smoke more weed and watch "Finding Bigfoot" (I guess thats not such a bad thing). Cant we all just group hug? Come on...after this I need a hug...anyone...anyone? Fine...I'm off to find muchies a blunt wrap and a beer...:peace: