Seedling question


Active Member

Was misinformed at first about nutes and watering, she's gotten a lot better. Sprouted on the 30th, just been ph water for last week or so of around 6.0. Would it be okay to introduce 1/4th nutes now or wait another week or so? Nute burn and or watering seems to have stunted its growth, not even 2 inches yet. Air flow is great, under 4 foot 4 bulb 54 watt T5. I want my baby back to full speed lol

Much appreciated,

allen bud

Active Member
she looks like a I would wait a week or so and wait for new growth.Shes a bit wacked right now and will be stunted for a while.
I started mine around the same time, there about the same size, roots are doing good. AN schedule says 1ml/l for seedlings so im curious also


Active Member
she looks like a I would wait a week or so and wait for new growth.Shes a bit wacked right now and will be stunted for a while.
lol I've just been calling her retard, but thanks for the input everyone. I'll give her another 1-2 weeks and post again.



Active Member
I started mine around the same time, there about the same size, roots are doing good. AN schedule says 1ml/l for seedlings so im curious also
You should post a pic if you could, just curious on what you got going. My roots are doing great too, all the way to the bottom of the RW already.


Well-Known Member
you would be better off starting new ones if you did they would for sure blow right past that one if you dont fuck up again at the start


Active Member
you would be better off starting new ones if you did they would for sure blow right past that one if you dont fuck up again at the start
I've thought about it but wanna see what I can do with what I got now. I got plenty of bodhi goji og and dream lotus, I just want to grow with my freebies first.