Global warming

oh i know you "write what you believe" without checking its veracity and thats why so many of your posts are little more than a page of drivel

typing more is no substitute for researching the subject however clever your imagining you are

clever enough to see that the claims of the hysterical global warming crowd dont hold up to scrutiny.

if the facts dont mesh then the theory is flawed.

but if the theory is flawed then a lot of big name scientists will have egg on their faces, and a lot of people will demand to know why we had to spend so much money on a lie. like wmd's in iraq.
bad science journalism that got funding, grants and darpa financing to see if theres a way to stop the ice age? and then more funding and grants to stop global warming? and now the boogeyman of "climate change" which, like the long forgotten Mc DLT keeps some parts hot and other parts cold through the magic of styrofoam insulation? not very likely. every snowstorm is blamed on climate change, every drought, every summer shower and every time it hails in june in california... yes virginia, it hailed in the moiddle of june last year. it's happened in sacramento county 4 or 5 times since the 1800's. were the other hailstorms also global climate change?
lol show me a scientific paper anywhere that links single weather occurrences to climate change

if the CO2 output from muana loa must be factored out, why not put the CO2 detectors someplace else? like maybe in the rockies? in bermuda? in Gdansk? nope. the side of a volcano provides the data desired, with no information available on methodologies to eliminate geologic emissions anywhere i can see. you'd think that info would be readily apparent, to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but nope. if these methods to account for geologic emissions were available i cant find em.

Importantly, Mauna Loa is not the only atmospheric measuring station in the world. As the graph from NOAA shows, other stations show the same year-after-year increasing trend. The seasonal saw-tooth varies from place to place, of course, but the background trend remains steadily upwards. The Keeling Curve is one of the best-defined results in climatology and there really are no valid scientific reasons for doubting it."
and finally, you simply declare i dont know enough about the weather to know if my crops are getting frozen or baed outside the expected range set forth in farmer's almanacs since the 1700's... heres a newsflash for ya, droughts happen, heatwaves DO occur and have long before global climate change became the new cash cow, floods also are recorded since LONG before the industrial revolution, and there are even instances of extended cold and warm periods in history which were NOT caused by industry, unless you count subsistence farming and hunter/gatherer societies and Green House Gas Polluters starting 10,000 years ago.
i said you dont know enough about "climate change" or AGW theory and that you took that misunderstanding and applied it to a theory (agw) that never suggested it

but keep on going on about "weather" it just reinforces that you do not know what your talking about

oh yeah about 10000 years ago agriculture took hold and you know what goes hand in hand with that? deforestation

modern anthropology studies are the study of human migration due to climactic changes long before the first cities were built.

use the googles, read the latest reports on how the australian aborigines migrated from africa through india and into australia following the weather over narrwoed seas and land bridges caused by sea level drops from glaciation.

wow, 8000 years ago? must have been atlantean global warming.

yeah more smoke and mirrors
clever enough to see that the claims of the hysterical global warming crowd dont hold up to scrutiny.

if the facts dont mesh then the theory is flawed.

but if the theory is flawed then a lot of big name scientists will have egg on their faces, and a lot of people will demand to know why we had to spend so much money on a lie. like wmd's in iraq.

"Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better or is this real?"
"Is this just math that you do as a Republican to make yourself feel better or is this real?"

if you ever cleared land with hand tools you would realize how insane your deforestation 10,000 years ago claims really are. clearing trees, pulling stumps and tilling root bound forest soil is not easy with modern equipment much less tools of stone, bone bronze or even steel.

in fact up till the 1700's it was accepted wisdom among the europeans (from cato the elder, all the way up to the start of the enlightenment era) that forested land was UNSUITABLE for farming, even if the trees were cleared. the common belief was that the soil was no good for crops or orchards.

this is why vast areas of western europe and britain had, and still have forests. not because they couldnt clear the land, but because the land was believed to be useless for farming. only the very poor farmed the fringes of the forests, and by the time it became possible to actually clear the land for farms, the forests had become game reserves.

those few areas where the forests was cut for timber, like libya, cyprus, and large parts of turkey the land became deserts or grasslands for generations before the soil became workable with dray animal powered plows, and even those clearcuts were in the classical era, not the stone age.

edit: i HAVE cleared land with hand tools, dug stumps, and tilled with mule powered plows. it's not the agriculture you envision today. i even helped rebuild mission santa barbara by making original style adobe bricks, and cutting native stone with hammer and steel, rome wasnt built in a day, for damn good reasons.
if you ever cleared land with hand tools you would realize how insane your deforestation 10,000 years ago claims really are. clearing trees, pulling stumps and tilling root bound forest soil is not easy with modern equipment much less tools of stone, bone bronze or even steel.

in fact up till the 1700's it was accepted wisdom among the europeans (from cato the elder, all the way up to the start of the enlightenment era) that forested land was UNSUITABLE for farming, even if the trees were cleared. the common belief was that the soil was no good for crops or orchards.

this is why vast areas of western europe and britain had, and still have forests. not because they couldnt clear the land, but because the land was believed to be useless for farming. only the very poor farmed the fringes of the forests, and by the time it became possible to actually clear the land for farms, the forests had become game reserves.

those few areas where the forests was cut for timber, like libya, cyprus, and large parts of turkey the land became deserts or grasslands for generations before the soil became workable with dray animal powered plows, and even those clearcuts were in the classical era, not the stone age.

lol it was too hard for them to remove trees? next you'll be telling us that it was too hard for them to build pyramids

i'd love for you to point to these "forests" that the uk still has especially if you can find any "virgin forests"

but congratulations on yet another wall of drivel kynes
Like I said put a hose from your car to your house and come back and tell me how your environment is. Cause and effect. So where do you think all of the carbon goes? Out in space? We have proven volcanos have dramatic change on the climate. Or do you not believe that either? I guess it's not happening if you can't see it right? Humans can be so naive.


It's just not that simple. The scare is all about heralding in world wide carbon credits (TAX) to fund the One World Government

I am all for eliminating fossil fuel whenever possible, like to operate industry, the electrical grid, and many urban uses. However, doing so cuts into the trillions in profits that repubs don't want to give up. Further it is about control and wars, which many do not want to give up

One thing is certain, it's not about what's best for us or the planet
It's just not that simple. The scare is all about heralding in world wide carbon credits (TAX) to fund the One World Government

I am all for eliminating fossil fuel whenever possible, like to operate industry, the electrical grid, and many urban uses. However, doing so cuts into the trillions in profits that repubs don't want to give up. Further it is about control and wars, which many do not want to give up

One thing is certain, it's not about what's best for us or the planet
Electrical power simply should not be produced using fossil fuels.

Cars, trucks, etc primarily use fossil fuels because it contains a huge amount of energy that is easily transported. Power stations have no such requirement.

Thank fuck when the European inter-connector is built we'll have huge wind-farms off our west coast (because it becomes economically viable when you can sell the power onto the European grid). It means we'll be able to produce all the power we need for us and the UK from 100% wind power.

Ill be truely proud of our country that day.
Electrical power simply should not be produced using fossil fuels.

Cars, trucks, etc primarily use fossil fuels because it contains a huge amount of energy that is easily transported. Power stations have no such requirement.

Thank fuck when the European inter-connector is built we'll have huge wind-farms off our west coast (because it becomes economically viable when you can sell the power onto the European grid). It means we'll be able to produce all the power we need for us and the UK from 100% wind power.

Ill be truely proud of our country that day.
have you got any idea how many windmills you'd need to supply ireland and uk with 100% of its power?
Sell the power or keep it for yourselves. No cake to have and eat, also. How much power is needed for the Isles? In megawatts per year? How many acres are there of wind production, available? What is the production time ratio. 50%, 40%, 30%? Do the math and I bet you will find you have just simply swallowed what you were told.

We run square miles of wind farms in the US for drops in the bucket. And hundreds of endangered predatory birds kick the bucket, as well. Can't see the blades.

The only reason is tax credit. There is no profit in green energy. Just govt scam. It is an very inefficient way of producing power, subject to weather, high and no winds, and water in your case. Can't even have decent maintenance schedules for water mills. Sometimes its just too rough out there.
Dr., I see that Ginja has methodically addressed your concerns, and exposed where your protestations of integrity ran aground on your aversion to research.

I was especially intrigued by your repeated mention of the Mauna Loa CO2 station being on the side of an active volcano.
You seemed to have been implying that that upsets the quality of the data produced by that monitoring station, but you never said so. You seemed to expect the reader to take that and develop it in his mind into an otherwise undefined impression of fraud. My problem is that you never expressed or defined your objection to the apposition of volcano and station.
So you engaged in a rhetorical maneuver worthy of a parliamentarian.
(Of course, among the serious science-minded, that is mortal insult, a demonstration of the wrong mindset.)

I went and did a bit of research on that this morning, but was anticipated by Ginja. Note that the Mauna Loa trace corresponds perfectly with the ones from three other remote and nonvolcanic locations.

i will extend you the benefit of the doubt ... that you were misled, and that you didn't deliberately select bad info knowing its defects. Wherever you read that the volcanic placement of the Mauna Loa station was a) significant and b) injurious to the claim of rapid pCO2 rise ... you must now mentally mark those sources as dishonest. cn
clever enough to see that the claims of the hysterical global warming crowd dont hold up to scrutiny.

also, fluoride is a commie conspiracy to indoctrinate our women and children into limp dicked liberalism, just as the birchers say, and you and palin can frolic happily through a field in the REAL AMERICA and have 10,000 ass babies.
if us geeks were so incredibly right about the electoral college, what are the chances we might also be right about anthropogenic climate change? :lol:

that's just silly. a bircher told me so.
Dr., I see that Ginja has methodically addressed your concerns, and exposed where your protestations of integrity ran aground on your aversion to research.

I was especially intrigued by your repeated mention of the Mauna Loa CO2 station being on the side of an active volcano.
You seemed to have been implying that that upsets the quality of the data produced by that monitoring station, but you never said so. You seemed to expect the reader to take that and develop it in his mind into an otherwise undefined impression of fraud. My problem is that you never expressed or defined your objection to the apposition of volcano and station.
So you engaged in a rhetorical maneuver worthy of a parliamentarian.
(Of course, among the serious science-minded, that is mortal insult, a demonstration of the wrong mindset.)

I went and did a bit of research on that this morning, but was anticipated by Ginja. Note that the Mauna Loa trace corresponds perfectly with the ones from three other remote and nonvolcanic locations.

i will extend you the benefit of the doubt ... that you were misled, and that you didn't deliberately select bad info knowing its defects. Wherever you read that the volcanic placement of the Mauna Loa station was a) significant and b) injurious to the claim of rapid pCO2 rise ... you must now mentally mark those sources as dishonest. cn

PERHAPS the mauna loa site selection was simply for convenience, but i doubt it. as to the exact correlation with other sources, i still have doubts about the impartiality of the global climate wonks, as they have demonstrated a willingness to alter data to suit their agenda.

if i wanted to find CO2 i could, and if i wanted to create the appearance of correlation among many sites it would be simple to change the numbers to suit my desires. weather stations that dont report increases in temperature get shut down, with no comment from the people who should be watching for shenanigans, the russian temp data was deliberately altered to show temps the russians never reported, the indian glacial measurements were deliberately altered to show shrinkage far in excess of measured reductions in those areas where a reduction was noted, and those glaciers which were shown to be advancing were re-imagined as shrinking or stable.

see im not even suggesting that it's poorly exectued science im saying FRAUD on a massive scale is what probably going on. the global warming community has become a religion, and non-believers are cast out, while those who make wild unsupportable claims are embraced as heroes.

does it make sense to YOU that CO2 measurements should be done on the side of an active volcano? or that other locations which are NOT on the side of a volcano should show the same numbers? either mauna loa is correct and CO2 is increasing to almost 3% globally, and the volcano is unique in that it's the only active volcano in the world that doesnt release CO2, or perhaps the other reports are indulging in the already established preference to "Hide The Decline".

you cant sniff for CO2 in the middle of the northwest forests and get 3%, then sniff at the tailpipe of a running automobile and get the same number without something being wrong someplace.

between fear of exile from the academic establishment, the drive to publish or perish, the need for funding, and the abject terror of being declared a "climate denier" theres plenty of reasons to fake results.

if your latest paper becomes the hot new topic in the media, you might even guest segment on the view or a cushy job as a government advisor, if your latest paper casts doubts on the global climate change model, then youll be teaching remedial chemistry at a community college in oxnard. if youre lucky.