Club 600


Well-Known Member
That's about 35 miles from where I grew up.
Genetics plays a huge part, as always.
The strains of veggies being grown have been selectively bred to thrive in Alaska's summer climate, or they come from countries on similar latitudes.
They just didn't mention it in the video.
But was a cool one to watch!
Almost makes me homesick.
Except that in a couple of months it will potentially be -20f there.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That's about 35 miles from where I grew up.
Genetics plays a huge part, as always.
The strains of veggies being grown have been selectively bred to thrive in Alaska's summer climate, or they come from countries on similar latitudes.
They just didn't mention it in the video.
But was a cool one to watch!
Almost makes me homesick.
Except that in a couple of months it will potentially be -20f there.

hahah no shit, it's a small world eh. just this week i met budolski who lives about 10 mins walk from my work lol. and screw -28c or -20f that's just crazy


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be re-innoculating my plant's soil in the next day.
Picked up something other than Mykos from Xtreme Gardening.
This other stuff is called Soluble Root Zone and has a more complete mix of beneficials than the Mykos.
Don't want the soil petering out halfway through flowering in a few weeks.
I had left over room this current grow, so the next batch of plants is going to be vegged longer, and topped more than once to get them to bush out as much as possible so I can fill up my little grow closet.


Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot to mention, the little ditty I used is part of a different song I'm working on.
It was actually just an 8-bar loop for the bass & synth, and the drums were the only thing not totally repeating.
Not sure how long it will take to finish, as I'm re-working the lyrics to tighten it up as I work on the instrumentals.
I'm about two-thirds the way done with editing the lyrics, then I have to learn them inside & out before I even attempt to record them.
Making progress, though.


"my weed
tastes better than yours,
it's a natural fact

your weed
just tastes all wack
makes you cough & hack
and don't do jack.

Don't want none of that

My smoke
is as smooth as silk
It's as sweet as honey
worth twice the money

it's got it goin' on

Like a super collider
or a magnetron"

etc., etc., etc.


Well-Known Member
Oh, forgot to mention, the little ditty I used is part of a different song I'm working on.
It was actually just an 8-bar loop for the bass & synth, and the drums were the only thing not totally repeating.
Not sure how long it will take to finish, as I'm re-working the lyrics to tighten it up as I work on the instrumentals.
I'm about two-thirds the way done with editing the lyrics, then I have to learn them inside & out before I even attempt to record them.
Making progress, though.


"my weed
tastes better than yours,
it's a natural fact

your weed
just tastes all wack
makes you cough & hack
and don't do jack.

Don't want none of that

My smoke
is as smooth as silk
It's as sweet as honey
worth twice the money

it's got it goin' on

Like a super collider
or a magnetron"

etc., etc., etc.
Lol, you're getting there. gonna do a vid?


Well-Known Member
Lol, you're getting there. gonna do a vid?
I'm hoping to.
Probably have a few more go-throughs to make it tight.
(I just finished another round of editing)

But I plan on being done with it well before my next crop is harvested & ready, so will be taking video footage of it as it grows so I'll have good stuff to work with.
Then, after it's dry, I'll record the rest so I'll have some buds & spliffs & bong rips to add to the ambiance.


Active Member
whats up guys little update screen filling in a bit now there about 2 and half weeks 12. 3 pk's going natural still not showing sex and a few of the kids.DSCF1241.jpgDSCF1242.jpgDSCF1244.jpgDSCF1245.jpgDSCF1246.jpgDSCF1248.jpgDSCF1249.jpg the pk's are throwing out some big arse fans:-P
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Active Member
these pk's are quiet different looking to my last one. the biggest one of the 4 in there i thought would deffo be male showed sex within a couple days and turned out female she is under the scrog. but the 3 on the side been in 2 and a half weeks and nothing yet. the one under the screen smells lemony, give a couple more weeks to really stink up. there seems to be 2 different phenos out the 3 on the side aswell.


Well-Known Member
Had a puff of the LEM p k with d in its early stages, and I keep a cut off the las SLH. But the pk was more full bodied a great smoke for day or night


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with people woke up to a email on my phone asking if I would ship a 4 foot tall mom I have for sale...ya let me get right on that


Well-Known Member
Well that time again, loading the chilla for the last time the night then gona lie in bed watch sum more of the shield proper hooked to them