You libertarians happy you voted in Obama?


Well-Known Member
I already said I'm not gluten-free, you Obam-o-rama lovin' ginger.
Plants like animals are people too dickhead, why not just go the whole ridiculous hog (no pun intended) and just live off water and air?

If you eat carrots you're denying some little shit-head bunny his dinner, plus plants have feelings too.

Personally, I eat em all.

Gimme ribs, sausages, pork chops, steak, rabbit, venison...fuck it, if it had a pulse at some stage it's probably delicious cooked.

If Carebears and Unicorns were real I'd probably eat them too.

Have you calmed down now? Or ...



Well-Known Member
I will give you props for still hanging out and debating. While all the other fucker are in their one-zyz. sucking thumb. Don't you realize food stamps goes right back into the economy. It's not like poor people invest it and it doesn't go out in the economy. Do you think that 47% of people want to be on food stamps? If you do, I think you got your head where the sun don't shine. Of course we are going to have people take advantage of the system. You have to keep adapting to the current scams going on and make it hard to take advantage of government assistance. There are many stories where people who had government assistance pulled themselves out of poverty and became contributing members of society.

Food stamps came out of the economy when the source (government) levied the taxes that pay for them. So the effect is nil. Invested money does go into the economy. The portion of the populous on food stamps is no where near 47%. There are also stories of generations of families who have been on the government dole, never even attempting to get off. When you hear "immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do", it is at least partially because they can subsist on public largess. The key is to finding a balance between charity and encouraging people to become self-supporting.


Well-Known Member
When you hear "immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do", it is at least partially because they can subsist on public largess.
i guarantee you can't provide citation of that.

sounds more to me like you're upset about all those afro-american preachers busing their congregations to the polls and winning last night.

deal with it, stormfront red.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I have a good friend that lives in Inyokern.......I liked it there for some reason.........nitro..
Wow! I could throw a rock and hit Inyokern, and that is just a slight exaggeration, so now you probably know where I live.

I like Inyokern too, for what it is worth.


Well-Known Member
If I fucked the Republicans by voting for Gary, well it makes me just as happy as if I fucked the Democrats. You see, I don't like either of them so, well I can't loose. Or maybe win.

Anyway, your stupid, oh vote for this guy because that guy is more evil shit no longer works on me. You wan't my vote, you gotta fucking do what I want.

Don't give me this democrat bla bla bla republican bla bla bla shit.. They're both the fucking same. Neither party has a different platform when it comes to anything I give a shit about.

Freedom. Weed. Less Irritating Government. End to Foreign Fuckups... Sound Currency...

I'd fucking vote for communists, anarchists or pornographers before I will vote for any of the dillrods you have been putting up. At least pornographers care about the NSA wiretapping the internet. They probalby care more about global warming too.

And unless you've actually hired homeless and worked with them, shut the fuck up about the homeless. I'll kick you in the ass so hard it will fucking make you homeless you prissy bitch. Unless you have been homeless then shut the fuck up about it because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Oh, I'm looking forward to trying to fuck up your next election too and make whatever candidate you like loose. Hell, I bet it was all the Ron Paul ballots they tossed in the trash without counting because he wasn't a writein candidate that made Romney loose.

Yes, feel my 1% wrath of the dissaffected voter for third party candidates voter wrath. Suffer Bitch. I'll be back next time with 2%.


Well-Known Member
Every single person in the USA could have voted for Romney and Obama would still be president. US Citizens don't elect presidents, the electoral college does that. You get to vote for the real politicians with real power...the other 535 idiots we call congresspeople.

Don't confuse anyone's vote for a president as counting one little bit.


Well-Known Member
Every single person in the USA could have voted for Romney and Obama would still be president. US Citizens don't elect presidents, the electoral college does that. You get to vote for the real politicians with real power...the other 535 idiots we call congresspeople.

Don't confuse anyone's vote for a president as counting one little bit.
name one time an elector has gone against the votes of the people and had any affect on an election.


Well-Known Member
All your Gary Johnson bullshit was a vote for Obama. You say you hate Obama and he lied to you, so you wouldn't vote for him. Yet you did. So how do you libertarians, I mean Democrats doing tonight?
This post is retarded
Sorry, but your logic and argument are WAY off
Hold on Johnson took votes from Bronco Bama's. Think how large Bama's lead would have been if Johnson had not run? It should make the GOP shake in their wingtips.


King Tut
name one time an elector has gone against the votes of the people and had any affect on an election.
The electoral college is outdated and outmoded imo.

Useless for anything other than usurping the popular vote whether it has done it or not (bet you were bitching a storm with Gore and Florida lol).


Well-Known Member
.A vote for Gary Johnson or Obama led to a Obama victory.If all Gary Johnson voters stayed home,Obama would've still been elected.If all Gary Johnson voters and other party voters had voted Romney, Obama would'vr lost.The logical fallacy is winner take all
We could also say that if all of you Romney voters had voted Gary Johnson, then Gary Johnson would be our POTUS. Perhaps you got it wrong? OR perhaps I would have voted for Obama instead of Romney had Gary Johnson not been on the ballot?

Do you hate Obama because he is black? Because he has a different name than you? What is it? Where were all the Teabaggers when Bush was destroying our nation?


Well-Known Member
We could also say that if all of you Romney voters had voted Gary Johnson, then Gary Johnson would be our POTUS.
false. i just rechecked, and not a single state would have flipped had romney and johnson combined their votes. florida came the closest, but no cigar.

Do you hate Obama because he is black?
he does call him choomboy and other racially charged terms. he only started doing that once he lost his fucking mind last night.


New Member
If I fucked the Republicans by voting for Gary, well it makes me just as happy as if I fucked the Democrats. You see, I don't like either of them so, well I can't loose. Or maybe win.

Anyway, your stupid, oh vote for this guy because that guy is more evil shit no longer works on me. You wan't my vote, you gotta fucking do what I want.

Don't give me this democrat bla bla bla republican bla bla bla shit.. They're both the fucking same. Neither party has a different platform when it comes to anything I give a shit about.

Freedom. Weed. Less Irritating Government. End to Foreign Fuckups... Sound Currency...

I'd fucking vote for communists, anarchists or pornographers before I will vote for any of the dillrods you have been putting up. At least pornographers care about the NSA wiretapping the internet. They probalby care more about global warming too.

And unless you've actually hired homeless and worked with them, shut the fuck up about the homeless. I'll kick you in the ass so hard it will fucking make you homeless you prissy bitch. Unless you have been homeless then shut the fuck up about it because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Oh, I'm looking forward to trying to fuck up your next election too and make whatever candidate you like loose. Hell, I bet it was all the Ron Paul ballots they tossed in the trash without counting because he wasn't a writein candidate that made Romney loose.

Yes, feel my 1% wrath of the dissaffected voter for third party candidates voter wrath. Suffer Bitch. I'll be back next time with 2%.
buahaha best reply ever, If I could 5 star replies this would be the one. +rep

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I was all for Ron Paul and made a thread when he lost calling the "people" idiots. Why you fucking with me?


Well-Known Member
I was all for Ron Paul and made a thread when he lost calling the "people" idiots. Why you fucking with me?
You made a moan thread about how apparently Libertarians made Romney lose (as if that's such a bad thing)...what'd you expect?

You still havnt answered Mr Two Term Peaceprize:



Well-Known Member

You expect me to debate you when you don't even know when to use a simple 6 letter word? Pffft. Puuuhleeease.
fuck, you are right.

affect vs effect is my achille's.

i used to use effect all the time and mostly wrongly, so i have lately defaulted to using affect when not sure.

on hindsight, this one does seem to lend itself to use of effect.

i have brought shame to family. i will sit in the corner now.