Busted 4 days after 420

lmao....I got stoned in high school too but i was a working stiff then too.
for real though
At least wait till your kids MATURE enough to make that decision. It ultimately has nothing to do with age, even though faded is right in the fact that a 13 year olds body is generally just hitting puberty and STARTING to mature so they shouldent be setting that back by smoking bud.
keep thinking that way and you arent gonna have a baby cause that babys momma will be keeping yo ass away from it, I PROMISE, (if shes any kinda mother that is anyways)
do you know why I picked thirteen? cause when I started smoking at 13, I knew exactly what I was doing. CASH remember that name, in 20 years I'll be shoving those words down your throat. but in the meantime, burn in hell, koncyse

kid first smoked at 13... what was that? 2 weeks ago.... and saying FDD sees weed as a drug!!!!!!

what an ass.... you've got another completely different world ahead of you once you strap on your "man pants" and grow the fuck up... kids (especially your own kids) need to be kept away from anything intoxicating until they are old enough to fully understand the responsibility involved...

douchebags like this only assure that pot will remain labeled as "the bad guy" for generations to come...

dont worry too much though, 20 years from now, when your kid is a complete failure, he can look back on his "good times" with dad growing the old happy plant when he should have been finger painting and playing catch..

this guy is saying 1 is old enough cuz he doesn't see weed as a drug... so if beer is not a drug its ok for 13yrs old to get drunk? or smoke cigarettes? man you are completely wrong.. i love weed i will never stop smoking it. but if i ever have a kid i will never make him or give him weed. thats just wrong man at that age you need to worry of taking you kid to the park, school, help them with their homework n shit. man weed is not bad if your a responsible adult, but a 13 yrs old he is just gona destroy his life, he might get caught with weed, thats problems with the cops.... im just gonna stop here im just wasting my n your time.
dont worry too much though, 20 years from now, when your kid is a complete failure, he can look back on his "good times" with dad growing the old happy plant when he should have been finger painting and playing catch..

people like this is why the literacy rate is so much of a problem in the states than it has been here in the past 20 years.

i suggest.......

my son is 13.

he is a straight A student when he remembers to turn in his homework.

he does all his homework correctly he just forgets to turn it in.

maybe tonight i'll take him out to my office and teach him how to do bong rips.
burn in hell, koncyse

attacks may not be the best thing to do when the general population despises you.

My friend you have a lot to learn about parenting before you even dream of stepping into those shoes.
you want someone to smoke with, then get some friends loser, dont have a kid and fuck its life up by wrongly influencing it.
whatever. like I said I'm smarter than you, I know what I'm talking about. you don't. I'm not gonna go over every detail, till you figure out I'm right. just know, I know what I'm doing, you don't know what I'm doing. my kids gonna be better than you, better than your kid, better than everybody.
son, put down that learning instrument and hit this pipe ....... :hump::hump:

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good kid can he make any barred chords yet or just learning the open ones right now? how long has he been playing?

see kids generally take interest in what theyre folks do. thats why my kids never see me sucking on the pipe, they can make their own decisions about that when they get to the proper maturity to make those decisions.
ill try to teach them that it isnt as harmful as the media presents but they wont see me smoking till they are 17+
then if they decide thats what they wanna do, ill bake his head for em.
attacks may not be the best thing to do when the general population despises you.

My friend you have a lot to learn about parenting before you even dream of stepping into those shoes.
you want someone to smoke with, then get some friends loser, dont have a kid and fuck its life up by wrongly influencing it.

thas why i roasted his ass in the last post!

you cannot get mad when people give opinions on a message board....if you dont like it, log the fuck out & dont come back!

whas the purpose of telling folks to burn in hell? i just cant understand that logic.

if it looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit, taste like bullshit.......guess what?
ha ha ha. when lb goes off he goes OFF!
i know its all been settled as adults and whatnot but i almost spit tea on my new plasma monitor cause of that...
Im going to need a screen cover for this thing with yours and fdd's comments on here.

oh and firebrand, I suggest that you get larry drunk as hell and make him think that theres no hard feelings and then get him a hooker.....A tranny hooker that dosent take no for an answer.:hump:

i was chilling until he told me to burn in hell....wtf dude?

and i aim to please kochab :hump::hump::hump:
hey man! I thought you insulted me. I said sorry. let it go. and I tell somebody to burn in hell everyday. you know what man, I'm just gonna drop this, I'm right, I know what I'm doing. goodbye

someone was supposed to fill that in for me. nobody for the assist?!?!?!
hey man! I thought you insulted me. I said sorry. let it go. and I tell somebody to burn in hell everyday. you know what man, I'm just gonna drop this, I'm right, I know what I'm doing. goodbye

i, for one, sure will miss you... good thing we still have GP420