Most interestingly...Cannabis re-legalization


Well-Known Member
i'll just go ahead and post this ahead of time: cannabis has just been re-legalized in two states (colorado and washington).

i can't wait to see what happens now. both candidates wisely avoided commenting on the fact that these were going to pass. i am not surprised, even issues like marriage equality and anthropogenic climate change never came up.

long term popcorn in hand.
The USA don't work that way. If Washington and Colorado legalize,the DEA will flood those states with drug dogs.Not even babies will be safe.The DEA needs repealed.Only the president can do it.But the savior sucks DEA cock.Good luck if Barry does #2 on you
The USA don't work that way. If Washington and Colorado legalize,the DEA will flood those states with drug dogs.Not even babies will be safe.The DEA needs repealed.Only the president can do it.But the savior sucks DEA cock.Good luck if Barry does #2 on you

If Obama has nothing to lose he might go ahead and make the proper laws regarding cannabis.
It would truly cement him in the annals of history.

But I don't think the US will see proper cannabis laws until 2016 at the earliest (libertarian per chance?).
If we legalize cannabis, then we have to legalize hemp. This would upset the power structure way too much. They'll change the laws when they're good n ready (to monopolize hemp). Which is why 'the law' is a joke.
If we legalize cannabis, then we have to legalize hemp. This would upset the power structure way too much. They'll change the laws when they're good n ready (to monopolize hemp). Which is why 'the law' is a joke.

Not just that.
The pharmaceutical industry will take extremely heavy losses when people figure out there is a free plant out there which can provide relief in over 100 different illnesses.
And what will the cotton industry do if hemp is legal? Buckle under?
It would tear down so many industries if it ever got fully legalized, which probably is the reason why it won't be legalized at this moment in time.
If we legalize cannabis, then we have to legalize hemp. This would upset the power structure way too much. They'll change the laws when they're good n ready (to monopolize hemp). Which is why 'the law' is a joke.

Alright, Mister Sister!! I want you to tell me... No better yet, stand up and tell the class... Wadda you wannaadooowithyourliiife?!?!
honestly in one season I think hemp could just as easily replace cotton. Farmers wouldn't be hit hard obviously. It would be clothing manufacturers, they could adapt or die. There will always be a demand for cotton, just like there is still demand for silk, hemp, synthetic fibers.
i'll just go ahead and post this ahead of time: cannabis has just been re-legalized in two states (colorado and washington).

i can't wait to see what happens now. both candidates wisely avoided commenting on the fact that these were going to pass. i am not surprised, even issues like marriage equality and anthropogenic climate change never came up.

long term popcorn in hand.

Wow. I was absolutely convinced it was going to end up the the other way. This is a conundrum.
honestly in one season I think hemp could just as easily replace cotton. Farmers wouldn't be hit hard obviously. It would be clothing manufacturers, they could adapt or die. There will always be a demand for cotton, just like there is still demand for silk, hemp, synthetic fibers.

Yeah... LOL!!! They both grow in the dirt...

New machines would have to be manufactured to harvest the hemp so it would take a few years but if hemp is better then farmers will just grow that...
I think you are right, Buck, those initiatives will pass but you are premature. The vote is not yet in for either Colorado or Washington.
We had a bill that let the state sell bud at the state run liquor stores we had at the time, but the governor vetoed it at the last minute, saying the feds threatened to arrest state workers working at the liquor stores for selling a schedule 1 narcotic.

This new bill is a referendum and the governor cannot veto it. And, it's the highest polling thing on the ballot, while almost everything up for vote is supposed to pass.

Back in 1923 they knew how to build composite boards and building materials from hemp, saying it would replace cutting down forests....hemplumberDec1923.jpg
Do hemp and maijuana cross breed? (probably the wrong term on a pot website)

Because my concern would be that fields of hemp could contaminate natural pot gardens creating undesirable hybrid strains...
Do hemp and maijuana cross breed? (probably the wrong term on a pot website)

Because my concern would be that fields of hemp could contaminate natural pot gardens creating undesirable hybrid strains...

Yes they do. And it can contaminate the strain.
But it's highly unlikely that it'll happen on a large scale since most contaminated plants/seeds would be discarded by the grower.

As long as people, continue to grow "pure (includes Indica / Sativa hybrids of course)" marijuana strains and discard any contaminated incidents, there will not be a decline in quality of strains.
Hemp MAY take some cotton business away, but not very much. There are many reasons why cotton is so desirable.
Hemp MAY take some cotton business away, but not very much. There are many reasons why cotton is so desirable.

I could see the crops co-existing without an issue since again, you could grow either one on the same patch of land.
Was watching the news a few minutes ago and they actually said "in Washington and Colorado, people are voting for the legalization of marijuana, if they can get off the couch." Lol So, are those states full of that couch-lock? bongsmilie
i'll just go ahead and post this ahead of time: cannabis has just been re-legalized in two states (colorado and washington).

i can't wait to see what happens now. both candidates wisely avoided commenting on the fact that these were going to pass. i am not surprised, even issues like marriage equality and anthropogenic climate change never came up.

long term popcorn in hand.

How do you know this before the polls close?

Awesome news either way if true