Spit or Swallow

Spit, Swallow, Neither

  • Spit

    Votes: 1 4.0%
  • Swallow

    Votes: 14 56.0%
  • Neither

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
All my GF's have swallowed, not necessarily by choice. Sometimes I would surprise them by nutting randomly in their mouths, or I would just hold their head down while she deep throated me, that's pretty hot if I do say so myself. I didn't do it often, just enough to keep her guessing ;).

I've never had a GF who liked to take it in the ass, they either said it hurt too much before I stuck it in (They're being babies) or there was some anal bleeding that occurred as the result of minor penetration.

Oh well I guess. Big dick probz.

Dude you sound like an awesome boyfriend ;)
I was just joking about the pineapple lol...just something I heard. A note on it though - Bromelain is a protein digesting enzyme that brings down inflammation. Helps with arthritis and gout. Eat your pineapple between meals, not with them, or the enzymes will be used up digesting your food. And stay with fresh or frozen. If you develop mouth sores from NSAIDs or methotrexate, eat your pineapple dipped in honey (local, of course;) which is also a natural anti-inflammatory.

Now, back to my earlier post...No, I am no slut. I just have very different views on things I guess. Girls have always had to put up with mens' shit. What do you think PMS stands for? Do you really think we can't and don't do the same things you guys do? We are just wayyy better at it. 'You, male, come now. Shh, don't ruin it.' LOLOLOL Pink is my new idol btw.

And A.D.H.D...I would hate to see how you would wake up walking the next day. You gotta sleep sometime ;)
To go along with your last thought Fumble......... :)analsex_zps06734046.jpg
I've never had a GF who liked to take it in the ass, they either said it hurt too much before I stuck it in (They're being babies) or there was some anal bleeding that occurred as the result of minor penetration.

Oh well I guess. Big dick probz.[/QUOTE

no they were pussies.
all of the women (<-- key) I have dated have at least tried it and it was good with some, some were real bitches, all she had do do was say no an all would have been negotiated very differently thr coy ones are fun. for you never any one else. lol once just for 'you baby" .
it was a gift to here here scream and ask can we stop now when i was not finished withe the Little man in the boat yet.
That is not to say all lkied it. but all tried it an there was no groveling NOR bad boy syndrome to coerce it.

Married now so it dont come my way often but when it does it is special cause it is her idea about 60% to my %40 percent.
Revolution is the very best green tea. It actually is the onlu one which lists the type of leaves and more than one type used.
I just tell em that it is high in pottasium...works every time. Not to mention that cum and piss is germ free for the most part...while a pussy has all kinds of germs (female bathrooms have more germs than mens). So the way I see it if Im willing to earn my red wings (sort of like a kid gets after drinking cherry coolaid) form eating pussy that is on the rag she is more than happy to swallow.
Wow. You went above and beyond right there.

A girl told me she was interested in doi that recently. I thought menstruating would put her off. Even had I been single.. The embarrassment 0_o And the mess.. You sir, are a trooper. Orgasms help with period pain.. Sex during that timbisbone thing.. Oral? Medal for you. Especially as its no quick thing, women take a while to get off, fact.

You deserve 100 horny virgins swallowing you by the bucketload.


How to Earn Your Red Wings
People generally fall into a few different camps when it comes to red wings. First, there are those who think it&#8217;s absolutely disgusting and would never consider it. Often these are men who are physically mature enough to have sex, but who lack the emotional development to accept menstruation as a normal, beautiful part of being a woman. You probably shouldn&#8217;t be having sex with someone like that in the first place.
Then there are those who love oral sex with a menstruating woman so much, it becomes a fetish. In lesbian relationships, this usually stems from a deep appreciation of the female body and the ritual of menstruation. Men who love eating bloody pussy have reported they like the way it looks, tastes and smells. This makes sense, since hormone and pheromone levels are increased during menstruation.
If the woman you&#8217;re about to go down on doesn&#8217;t warn you and you get a mouthful of blood unexpectedly, that would be considered rude in most circles. A warning is always in order, as it can be kind of alarming if you don&#8217;t know what&#8217;s going on.
There are plenty of good reasons to engage in cunnilingus during menstruation. Many women say they are more aroused when they are on their periods. And orgasm has been scientifically proven to relieve cramps. Men report that the blood connects them to an instinctual side of themselves, to their cave man roots of hunting and passionately devouring the kill. Grrrr...
If you want to earn your Red Wings, some practical considerations are in order. Most of these are oriented towards achieving ultimate pleasure, sans the mess.
1) Consider bathing first. While some enjoy a pungent odor, menstrual blood does take on a very strong smell when exposed to air. As every woman knows, after few hours on the pad, you usually feel ready for a bath. Cleaning yourself beforehand is a good idea.
2) Do it in the shower or bath. This will wash everything away and make it more enjoyable if you happen to be kind of skittish. Even though the blood will provide extra slipperiness, some lube may still be necessary if you are doing it in the water.
3) Use towels. Blood can be tricky to remove from bedding and clothes, so put down some old towels before you get busy. If you do stain something, soak it in cold water with some hydrogen peroxide, then wash as usual.
4) Try a tampon. Inserting a tampon before you go down on her will stop the flow and since she&#8217;ll be so aroused, its presence might even stimulate her. But hello! Do not forget to take it out before penetrating her.
5) Or a diaphragm, or cervical cap. This works the same way as a tampon, by stopping the flow. Porn stars and strippers use these during performances.
6) Lick only the clit. Position yourself parallel to her instead of facing her, and lick her clitoris from the top. (This 69-style position will also give her better access to your genitals.)
7) Use a vibrator, or fingers. Both of these can accomplish the same thing as a tongue when applied correctly.
8) Try anal. Although if you can&#8217;t stand the blood, or are really into cleanliness, you might have some issues with the booty. Remember that during the first few days of her flow, her bowels might be in an uproar. It&#8217;s therefore unwise to go the anal route while she&#8217;s having her &#8220;nasty period shits.&#8221;

I just tell em that it is high in pottasium...works every time. Not to mention that cum and piss is germ free for the most part...while a pussy has all kinds of germs (female bathrooms have more germs than mens). So the way I see it if Im willing to earn my red wings (sort of like a kid gets after drinking cherry coolaid) form eating pussy that is on the rag she is more than happy to swallow.

Your username and this post crack me up.. And what a badass +rep