Can I vent into the chimney????



  • So I'm setting up my first grow room. It's in the basement, so heat is not an issue....venting is. I currently have a Phresh 8" x 39" carbon filter, 8" Max-Fan, 2 8" Magnum XXXL's setup. I was thinking of running it to a reducer, and putting it to a 'Y' and venting it out with my furnace. Problem is when I did that the fan blows so much air that is pushes the furnace gases back into the basement......not good.

    I was wondering if anyone else has tried to do this, as I would rather vent the air up through the chimney then out of the glass block windows if possible. The only way I can think to do that now is to maybe combine the furnace vent with my hot water heater vent, and have them feed into one line into the chimney. Then have the room feed a 5" pipe into the chimney above the other feed.

    I know this may sound confusing, and may not be the right forum for this, but I am in need of some advice so I can get my girls growing.​


Detroit J420

Well-Known Member

  • So I'm setting up my first grow room. It's in the basement, so heat is not an issue....venting is. I currently have a Phresh 8" x 39" carbon filter, 8" Max-Fan, 2 8" Magnum XXXL's setup. I was thinking of running it to a reducer, and putting it to a 'Y' and venting it out with my furnace. Problem is when I did that the fan blows so much air that is pushes the furnace gases back into the basement......not good.

    I was wondering if anyone else has tried to do this, as I would rather vent the air up through the chimney then out of the glass block windows if possible. The only way I can think to do that now is to maybe combine the furnace vent with my hot water heater vent, and have them feed into one line into the chimney. Then have the room feed a 5" pipe into the chimney above the other feed.

    I know this may sound confusing, and may not be the right forum for this, but I am in need of some advice so I can get my girls growing.​

  • I vent a dual cool tube with 2 600watters in the clean out in my chimney with a 440cfm i use 6inch duct, the hole starts out about 8inches then get's smaller to about 5 1/2 works beatifully you should have one below your furnace and water tank exhaust, then i vent a lil 400 watter into a 4inch hole in the basement floor in the sewer awesome no carbon filter needed......

If you're going to do this (which I wouldn't recommend, It's not worth your families lives) I would buy two or three carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they work. I think the fire department can check them out for you.


Well-Known Member
yeah, be careful about A. creating a negative pressure in your living space and B. combining exhausts of your gas appliances or altering their the way they exhaust in such a manner that you care causing a backdraft of poisenous gases into the living space.

Open a window somewhere and buy some Co sensors.

Good times.


Keep your hot water exhaust alone. Put a hole in the side of your chimney and run your duct into that. Go up on your roof and lift up the exhaust stack thing that your hot water heater exhaust is connected to and figure out a way to keep it proped up so that your grow room exhaust can come out also. I am currently doing this and it worka great. I am gping to get one of those tankless hot water heaters so i wont even have a exhaust out my chimney and it will be completely open for my other exhaust.