bright green tip


Well-Known Member
nothing to worry about here with those man. leaf deformitys dont always mean there's something wrong neither. that could well be just genetics. as far as feeding goes if you're using a good quality soil it will support your plants for about four to five weeks. whilst the plants still have vigour and good colour dont give them anything but water. all the best:-o
oh yeh dont wash your plants with nutes either. you will burn the shit out of em


oh yeh dont wash your plants with nutes either. you will burn the shit out of em
Well i am not sure what the actual term is but I sprayed the leafs with nutes than left if under a t5 for about 30 min for it to absorb the nutes than put it back under the 1000 mh light. I though it had some sort of nutes deficiency cant wait until tomorrow to get my copy of the bible