Obama's Slogan "Forward" is Socialism


Well-Known Member
frank marshall davis and barack obama junior and senor are not communists. they are/were socialists. theres a difference.
Frank Marshall Davis wrote the book: The Communist.
Obama's mentor was also a well known member of the Communist Party USA.
Shall I go on.......?


Well-Known Member

Ed Montgomery – Auto recovery Czar Radical anti-business black activist. Affirmative Action and Job Preference for blacks. University of Maryland Business School Dean; teaches that US business has caused world poverty. ACORN board member. Communist DuBois Club member.


Well-Known Member

Van Jones – Green Jobs Czar (since resigned) Black activist with strong anti-white views. Member of American Communist Party and San Francisco Communist Party. Said George Bush caused the 9-11 attacks and wanted Bush investigated by the World Court for war crimes.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Obama is stuck on the word "Forward" Its his slogan. Along with Stalin, Lenin and Mao.
and the suffragettes, and the US cavalry, and the Honeywell corporation, and crosby stills and nash, and theodore roosevelt.

looking/moving/stepping/facing/advancing/going etc etc etc Forward is a slogan. and a dead common one at that. it holds no special secret meaning, and has been used by lefties righties marxists, imperialists, and even corporate plutocrats.

theres lots of marxist code words, but "forward" is not really one of them. heres a partial list of marxist dogwhistles.

check out my awesome beard
means of production
income inequality
single payer

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Frank Marshall Davis wrote the book: The Communist.
Obama's mentor was also a well known member of the Communist Party USA.
Shall I go on.......?
socialists often call themselves communists. and some communists believe they are socialists. let me break it down for you.

Marx and Engles codified what is today the backbone of Marxism, the Communist Manifesto.

the Communist manifesto deals with all aspects of the coming worker's revolution including:

radicalizing the lumpen-proletariat (the unter menschen who will be hurled at the barricades in human wave assaults)
radicalizing the proletariat (the "good" marxists who have value to the state, not replaceable peasants)
radicalizing, using and then eliminating the "petty bourgeois" (shopkeepers and smallholders who can finance the revolution before they are "nationalized" by a commissar's pistol to their heads)
eliminating the Bourgeois (dirty evil capitalists. of course they got to die!)
establishing a socialist state as a means to prepare the radicalized populace for de-radicalization (no more revolution for you, time to go back to your drudgery)
stabilizing the socialist state for re-education of the people into the glory of "scientific marxist thought" (you love el presidente! via el presidente!! or go to gulag)
exporting the revolution to non-marxist states (viva la revolucion!)
establishing a socialist bloc of marxist nations to complete the world revolution (we can has our workers paradise now pleeze?)

note the worker's paradise never appears. that would result in Communism, the stated goal. but the stated goal is unattainable, so the politbureau establishes a socialist state and leaves it at that. it's a classic bait and switch.

under socialism the state (the politbureau) owns everything and everyone under their control, and directs all activities by decree. this may sound like a fuedal monarchy, but youre so wrong.
please ignre the little man behind the curtain in north korea, and his son and grandson. its SO not moanrchy! they dont have the title of king! they are the Dear leader, the beloved leader and the beloved successor! no kings here! move along.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Who cares about the differences between socialism and communism. It's like getting raped in the ass with a big dick or small dick. If I'm going to get AIDS no matter what, I'm choosing pussy.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Who cares about the differences between socialism and communism. It's like getting raped in the ass with a big dick or small dick. If I'm going to get AIDS no matter what, I'm choosing pussy.
not all anal rape results in hiv transmission, it would require the virus in the first place as well.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Who cares about the differences between socialism and communism. It's like getting raped in the ass with a big dick or small dick. If I'm going to get AIDS no matter what, I'm choosing pussy.
theres a difference.

in communism your part of a writhing blind orgy. it's not YOUR asshole, its THE asshole and everybody gets a poke, likewise it's not HER pussy its OUR pussy, and we all get a poke too. basically it's win-win for cocks dicks and peckers, and lose-lose for pussies and assholes.

in socialism it's not YOUR asshole,. its the STATE's asshole. and the state's asshole is a resource to be stripmined until it is useless and then they fill it with concrete, rubble and radioactive waste from chernobyl

communists are free love orgy patrons. everybody gets fucked equally, for good or ill.
socialists are Pimps and youre the whore working the street doing $5 blowjobs so daddy gets his money.
capitalism lets the whore keep most of her earnings, but if a john beats you down, well... shit happens.
anarcho-______________ is grand theft auto. if you stab the hooker you can take your money back.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I feel sad for you FreedomSquirt. Two more days and your main source of income is going to dry up. How much Koch do you have to suck to break even? It must really chap your ass to realize that all of your efforts have gone to shit.


Active Member
I feel sad for you FreedomSquirt. Two more days and your main source of income is going to dry up. How much Koch do you have to suck to break even? It must really chap your ass to realize that all of your efforts have gone to shit.
HAHAHAHA. Much laughter. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I feel sad for you FreedomSquirt. Two more days and your main source of income is going to dry up. How much Koch do you have to suck to break even? It must really chap your ass to realize that all of your efforts have gone to shit.
<conserving spot for lulz incase Romney wins>

Future content planned


Active Member
theres a difference.

in communism your part of a writhing blind orgy. it's not YOUR asshole, its THE asshole and everybody gets a poke, likewise it's not HER pussy its OUR pussy, and we all get a poke too. basically it's win-win for cocks dicks and peckers, and lose-lose for pussies and assholes.

in socialism it's not YOUR asshole,. its the STATE's asshole. and the state's asshole is a resource to be stripmined until it is useless and then they fill it with concrete, rubble and radioactive waste from chernobyl

communists are free love orgy patrons. everybody gets fucked equally, for good or ill.
socialists are Pimps and youre the whore working the street doing $5 blowjobs so daddy gets his money.
capitalism lets the whore keep most of her earnings, but if a john beats you down, well... shit happens.
anarcho-______________ is grand theft auto. if you stab the hooker you can take your money back.
I was hoping to get down to your Libertarian analogy. Got one?


Active Member
libertarianism is not a economic plan. but it usually embraces capitalism.
that's OK about it not being an economic plan... let's get out of the box a little and throw it into the template...

How about... people fuck who they want to as long as that person wants to be fucked. Government: No peeking. Also feel free to smoke joints while you are at it.... LEGALLY!


Well-Known Member
Any map that still has N.C. and Florida as a toss up is pure trash. Obama's team has already pulled the advertising from there knowing they are lost causes. Pennsylvania, Ohio, and a few others are now up for grabs and come Tues. night, I guess we'll see. If the Republicans can't win against a president this bad, I guess there's no hope for any of us.........