First time using RW, I'm on around 2/3 week of 12/12 but going well so far.
Can't remember, and I'm a sparks. LoL. I've never actually done a load check on my rig.
Am using more coal than the titanic! fucking cold weather for 3 months, man i had it easy not needing to buy or use coal there for months
my mazar kush is poped and doing well my coletrain poped but wouldent open because the seed shell was stuck on it and when i tryd to help it free i crushed it lol, oh well, i added lime to the coco girl (because i tryd everything else) and after a few spoonfulls on top of coco and watered the leaves look alot better, dont know yet how or why but fuck coco i dont take how well it grows now i wont be using it again
a sparkie .... we been needing one of them for ages hahahahaha tell me dude, when your stringing lights together on one switch @13a how many light fittings can you have on it, is the wattage of the bulb a factor, if i have say 65w bulbs how many can i fit saftley on one plug....
have a sparkie friend who calculated the 4 i have now are pulling 4a across the fuse but i don`t know how he got that, like the equation he used?
well lads after a cold one here but temps were good ish so im happy small improvement so all good
any sign of mdjenk lads have not heard from him since he pm me about seeds an shit id say they ran him damn moderator he had some fine plants
ive got one of them stoves they are a great job you can close them up and they burn all through the night if you use red flame coal, its so cold i keep it turned up and burning like mad allday lol
getting curious what happend to him now. bad day if you cant give freebies.well lads after a cold one here but temps were good ish so im happy small improvement so all good
any sign of mdjenk lads have not heard from him since he pm me about seeds an shit id say they ran him damn moderator he had some fine plants
ah that formula is lost on me stickey, i`m a nuts and bolts man not a weights and measures kind hahahaha...
we all have been there on the good and bad grows, but hey you can`t win them all....what lights you running now? sorry if you answered already but the ould memory isn`t up to speed these days..