Is this lineup of nutes and soil good? - Please help a new grower!!

Hello everybody, i'm currently about to purchase my first lineup of nutes and soils. I was wondering if my plants would survive with what i'm planning on buying.. you tell me?

-Thanks for the help in advance!


Well-Known Member
nah wont harm it but if you add some it will help keep your ph at bay also adds cal/mag i would recommend adding some its cheap you can get a 40lb bag for like 4 bucks at lowes or home depot


Well-Known Member
Ill pick myself up some, One more question though. How should i mix my per-lite with my soil? 50/50?
you could do 50/50 if you wanted i only do 30% does fine for me the more perlite the better the drainage tho also will help with not over watering
x4 23w CFL's 1600 lumens, x2 43w CFL's 2600-(Somewhere around there).. lumens

And i'm glad to hear that, it's rather hard deciding a good soil and nute line.


Well-Known Member
Good i haven't went out to the store yet then, thanks. Also will my lights do me fine?
They should be for a little grow but id get a 150w hps sooner than later.

They probably cost as much as you spent on that whole set up.

But those cfls should be fine