Obama vs Romney? Who gives a shit?


free country
mitt should be able to put his pickle In a pickle jar
That sir, is a political opinion. A biased one I might add. The same "black guy"? He is the President of The United States and deserves the respect that office holds. Once again, this belongs in the politics section.

Deserves the "respect" office holds?! He & the vast majority of congress are nothing but traitors to this nations people & its original framework. Everyone who supported the NDAA 2012 is a traitor. Obama places Michael Taylor (A former Lobbyist/Attorney for Monsanto) to Chairman of the FDA. That is only 1 example amongst an ocean. Fascism/Corporatocracy is the system most of the world lives under, it will become more vivid with each passing day. The founders warned us.


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well, at least he^^^ gets the difference between socialism and what is actually happening to america.

more than i can say for most people on here.
I know we're all extremely busy with the elections and whatnot but can someone PLEASE fill me in as to why you give a fuck at all? I'm trying to analyze the options Americans have. You can either vote for the same black guy that promised you so much hope and "change" four years ago but has literally done nothing at all. If you claim he has done anything truly benneficial you're clearly in denial because He hasn't. He's added about 5trillion in the last 4 years and the (unwinnable)war across seas is still going on.

My next point, you guys are being tricked because your only other valid option is so completely retarded that if he gets elected then I officially have lost hope for all mankind. I don't think I even need to explain how stupid and racist Romney is. Why tell when I can show... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0rgQ_Mjv-P0

You know when it's Olympic season suddenly everyone thinks they're an athlete or a sport buff, at world cup everyone thinks they're a huge soccer fan, etc. it's just ridiculous to see so many retards posting romney vs Obama status updates on Facebook trying to look sophisticated or whatever.

Okay my rant is over, but In conclusion, I made this thread to let you all know that you're fucked. It doesn't matter who your president is because there was really no difference between even bush and Obama. So basically you guys are fucked, but it's ok don't worry about it just grab some beer and forget bout it.

Gary Johnson 2012.
NL - you've read every thread on this subject and who is exactly responsible for those raids. I'm not going to rehash that shit over and over again just so you can continue with your fucking retarded talking points. Romney has made it plain he is going to end medical marijuana and toughen the drug laws. You're talking out your ass again. My priorities are: Ending the war and bringing our kids home, A stable economy, Fair taxing for all, affordable health care, and the right to make choices about our own bodies (Roe vs Wade). Cannabis is the least of my priorities but this IS a Marijuana website and we're all here for the same reason. Marijuana. Dumb ass.

A stable economy? I'm sure you're one of those Keynesian degenerates. Merry Christmas...


  • BankSters_Monopoly_Press.jpg
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Deserves the "respect" office holds?! He & the vast majority of congress are nothing but traitors to this nations people & its original framework. Everyone who supported the NDAA 2012 is a traitor. Obama places Michael Taylor (A former Lobbyist/Attorney for Monsanto) to Chairman of the FDA. That is only 1 example amongst an ocean. Fascism/Corporatocracy is the system most of the world lives under, it will become more vivid with each passing day. The founders warned us.

well, at least he^^^ gets the difference between socialism and what is actually happening to america.

more than i can say for most people on here.

Uncle Buck! Are you saying at least we are not socialist? :eyesmoke:

What again is it everyone is so scared of? That under socialism they will be forced to work hard to support the lazy members of society who won't pull their weight because they won't have to? What do you think the Elites or the 1% or the illuminati or nwo or what ever label you wish to place on the fat cats running this Corporatocracy? They are 1% of the population, do no work yet happily accept all our welfare in bailouts and tax loopholes and plain theft and fraud and they get away with it because they are the ones in charge. where did i lose you?

Thats a great point and allow me to add the fact that these supposed voters who make all the difference more than likely 'influence' politics once every four years and then remain sitting pigeons. How many of you can actually say you partake in your local or even federal government in anything but elections? The worst part is that they're taking your money, using it on classified things like black projects and making new technologies to fuck you harder then they already have.
Sometimes I wonder if they really care what the truth is so long as they look to be winning. :wall:
Uncle Buck! Are you saying at least we are not socialist? :eyesmoke:

no, i'm commending someone for getting it right. we are closer to fascism (there are varying definitions, but i define it as a unity of government and corporations, public and private, whatever terms you might use) than to socialism.

we have some socialistic institutions which the people overwhelmingly support and which it's easily possible to make solvent until infinity with the right changes. SS, medicare, public education come to mind.

but for the most part, we are slipping into corporatocracy/fascism. money goes a long way in politics. even something which i support like the individual mandate can be defined as fascist/corporatist.

nonetheless, i remain optimistic and believe that we can and will prevail. if things were really as bad as some conspiracy theorists/hopeless partisans/mentally infirm people suggest, we would be out revolutioning. instead, we are watching TV, posting online, and consuming like normal.

no matter who wins next week, things will be more or less unchanged. the SCOTUS matters and the general direction of our slide towards fascism/socialism may shift, but that is all. a well informed populace will prevail.
Polotics give people the illusion they have a choice. I beleave we do not, or a lot less than most believe. Goverment will be corrupt as long as lobbiest and corporations have seniet and congress in there pocket. We are children controled by media and big money shoving what they want us to see in our face through CNN, FOX, MSNBC and everyday propoganda. bongsmilie
I "beleave" you should stop the "Polotics" talk until you finish school.

Then maybe you can make up some of your own "propoganda" and maybe get elected to the "seniet".


So much fail, you must be a Constitution Party supporter.
no, i'm commending someone for getting it right. we are closer to fascism (there are varying definitions, but i define it as a unity of government and corporations, public and private, whatever terms you might use) than to socialism.

we have some socialistic institutions which the people overwhelmingly support and which it's easily possible to make solvent until infinity with the right changes. SS, medicare, public education come to mind.

but for the most part, we are slipping into corporatocracy/fascism. money goes a long way in politics. even something which i support like the individual mandate can be defined as fascist/corporatist.

nonetheless, i remain optimistic and believe that we can and will prevail. if things were really as bad as some conspiracy theorists/hopeless partisans/mentally infirm people suggest, we would be out revolutioning. instead, we are watching TV, posting online, and consuming like normal.

no matter who wins next week, things will be more or less unchanged. the SCOTUS matters and the general direction of our slide towards fascism/socialism may shift, but that is all. a well informed populace will prevail.
Have you heard of Occupy? It is everywhere not just NYC

, This is in Austin, TX


Published on Sep 10, 2012 by RussiaToday

Infiltration, entrapment and dramatic revelations - the kind of plot you'd get in a gangster movie is apparently happening for real in the American state of Texas.

Seven Occupy activists there are facing years in jail for attempting to block a port entrance last year.

But it's now emerged that undercover cops were not only involved - but actually set it up - dusting their tracks as they went.

One of the charged activists - Ronnie Garza told RT of his predicament.

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:blsmoke: A Marine, 2 tours will explain it all for you and how he got shot by a rubber bullet and how people are too scared to protest or their would be many many many more
