WTF is going on here?


First off it is my first time growing any plants. I got some mystery seeds that date back to the late 90's. I have followed and read many microgrow guides to a T so I really don't know what is going wrong. Almost all of the plants that sprouted just get remain dormant with the first two leaves (the round ones). This is the only one that went any further and all I got was this. It has been 7 days since it has broken the soil now and its not looking too hot. Any input is welcome Thanks in advance.
2012-10-29 22.49.06.jpg
More info:
-Temps around 25 degrees
-Soil is walmart miracle grow
-Only used tap water (no nutes)
-2 6500K CFL's 24/0
-1 Large exhaust fan


Alright, what do you guys recommend that I could get from a canadian tire/walmart on the cheap? Some type of mixture or what? And thanks for the quick responses!


Well-Known Member
yea mg is BAD from experience ,especially with new cuts/seedlings, u mean 75 right lol
I think he means 25 C

I have read that people have luck with 1 part worm castings, 1 part pearlite, and 2 parts peat but I have never used it.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dam she is doing bad ph water take out new soil at hydro store that is presure cooked so that all the eggs die i first started with miricle gro soil just like you and it has pests inside like afids and thrips and shit like that thier is tiny larva in their look next time you go to a home depo or walmart tons of nats fling around the soil bags.


Ok, well I got some miracle grow seedling start soil which I think feels much better then the potting soil and has less chunks of wood in it. I then mixed it 1 part perlite to 2 parts soil. We shall see how this soil differs as soon as some more seeds decide to germinate.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Miracle Grow will work but it has to be moisture control. I dispelled all the people who said it wont. i did a few full grow journels on this site to show from day 1 til harvest. It worked just fine huge 2 foot buds. You have to do a few things. Make sure the bags are from indoors to prevent bugs. You have to use ph7 water. You might need more lights to as cfls dont really work well but if you do then get as big as you can . i think walmart sells 85 watt cfls equal to 250 normal watts get 3 or 4 of those for one maybe 2 small plants. It can also help to mix perlite in with the soil to help airation.If I remember right my MG posts were like Fletch gets dirty and Fletch get dirty 2.0

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ow i nevor sead it didnt work i got some big ass crown nugets back in the day also some of the bigest buba's wen buba's were the shit same with all that fruity shit lolz but i got tired of drinking coffee and seeing nats in my shit lolz let me see if i have a pic