
Well-Known Member
lol this is the largest iot vest they make... and it fits small has hell on me..... tell me again how im not has big has i say i am... im bullitproof hommie..


see i only work out when im in jail.. bu threw the years of incarceration ive learned a thing or two about working out.... do it in groups... back bicepts.. shoulders tricepts.. then leg days... looks like all u do is bench and curl.... thats why ur arms so big and chest.. but the rest of u aint.... work them abs out.... i can work em out for ya... with some mean ass hooks to da body.. tighten ya shit up for ya real sweet like... u ever been rocked by a 250 pound dude? how many u think u can take?
I prefer the company of women over men bro. So can't say I have.


Well-Known Member
that vest was made for someone thats like 5'10 180 pounds the average size of a us soldier... im supersized cuzz....... ask ya girlfriends they tell ya :]


Well-Known Member
lol get yo big i model for abercrombie and fitch ass on!!!!! lol yall need to start making clothes in 3x.... raw ass pitt what bloodline?

Lol Abercrombie and fitch tho haha thanks?
Idk what bloodline he is I rescued him as a pup from somebody that is known to fight dogs.