The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
oh well if the sun says sumting it must be true lol just kiddin,, if u see it you can tell by the way he reacted, i really felt for the guy, his heart was doing 90 and that was no acting,, he ovo is using actors to play every other part,, ill try find the ep if u wana stream it an see urselvs

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
i agree with you mand, he`s a good mentalist darren brown, so would be shocked if it was an actor, seen the one where he made a guy into a prescher and some of the other shows and yes he does convince them that "its" really happening, the plane crash one for instance..... did you see that guys face when he tought the plane was going to hit the ground...;)

hows the garden comeing, getting stinky?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ta plug the light into it lowers the voltage or sometin cig have them i think they stop the timer burnin out other than that i dont know what there for.

sorry dude was pretty high last night and could barely think in a straight line.... (first time high in awhile) ..;)

yes i use a contractor strip for the electrics to avoid power surges etc from damageing the ballast...


Active Member
here ya go ,,play at 37min and watch on if u just wanna see his mini heart attack



Active Member
i agree with you mand, he`s a good mentalist darren brown, so would be shocked if it was an actor, seen the one where he made a guy into a prescher and some of the other shows and yes he does convince them that "its" really happening, the plane crash one for instance..... did you see that guys face when he tought the plane was going to hit the ground...;)

hows the garden comeing, getting stinky?
chopped the side branches on on and left the main cola just to see it she grows on,, very stinky but the olbas oil is working

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
why wouldn`t it grow on? surely even with an auto that shouldn`t stop her, possibly slow her a bit but stop her???

had tough of removeing the lower growth myself to allow the plant to focus bud production on the canopy.. haven`t got to it yet tho, just been messing with croping and topping and small lst training...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
see you throw me with the autos all the time.... seems to be alot you can`t do with them..

but if your willing take the small popcorn stuff away and let her focus on the top, thats what i`ll be doing with the next run but thats more because i`ll have the room filled with plants more than anything else....


Active Member
i think ur mad not doing autos,, you got 2 rooms u could fill 8 in each ,around 2oz a plant for 16 plants every 8-9 weeks thats 32 zips. just an idea. and theres not much care involved


Well-Known Member
i think ur mad not doing autos,, you got 2 rooms u could fill 8 in each ,around 2oz a plant for 16 plants every 8-9 weeks thats 32 zips. just an idea. and theres not much care involved
iv mates that grow autos mandy wit unreal results big crops etc lovely buds and your own look fantastic. but in my opinion your never goin to get the same flavour or couchlock stone as u do wit fem
i plan to grow reg next spin for the crack iv been told they are way better again. i think autos are great but only if your looking for fast weed that like i said is just what i think.
most of the lads that i know growin them do it to sell um cos there fast i was never mad about the stuff they give me to sample and funny enough either were they.
and these boys are growing since 2000

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
can`t give away too much just yet, but along them lines and not with autos tho....

if i can repeat what i`ve done so far on 1.5ft plants on larger scale say 5ft then i won`t have to worry about the yeild it`ll come from the training etc...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
iv mates that grow autos mandy wit unreal results big crops etc lovely buds and your own look fantastic. but in my opinion your never goin to get the same flavour or couchlock stone as u do wit fem
i plan to grow reg next spin for the crack iv been told they are way better again. i think autos are great but only if your looking for fast weed that like i said is just what i think.
most of the lads that i know growin them do it to sell um cos there fast i was never mad about the stuff they give me to sample and funny enough either were they.
and these boys are growing since 2000

think i have to agree there trek, good for fast weed, but its the lack of trainability that sucks for me, as you all know i like to mess with plants as they grow so autos wouldn`t suit me for that reason, but like mand said 2 oz plant.... nothing to be sniffed at really....

so theres a 50/50 argument for them .......


Active Member
ill let you know after my ak is done, heard great stuff about it,, , i did smoke the best the dam had a couple of mounts ago so ill judge it on that.
but i still think autos make sence, and the smoke is getting better all the time so it wont be long before its mastered

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
just cooked dinner for the clan, and sitting back while she dish`s up.... not doing any washup either i can assure you...

as for the girls well tonight is going to be a cold one here, last night was pretty chilly too, with frost on some cars as early as 12am, so lets hope the sheds up to the job now and we can rule out cold as an issue and keep on growing cause if it goes tits up now i think thats me sunk for growing..


Active Member
Was just begining to worry about cold myself. Seem to have held up well enough last night. Dropped to around 55 so not too bad.
Think I have a new record for smoke prices too. 100 notes for 3.2g!!!


Active Member
youll be fine , good things happen to people who do good deeds, so get in that kitchen and clean up lol.. he bought me a dish washer, so now i cant moan at him for not washing up, crafty shite