Growing in your bedroom


New Member
So as you all know I'm dirt poor. I wanted your opinion on growing where you sleep. I will have the light timers on 12/12 so that they have light during the day, and total darkness at night. I'll have just 1 600 watter and will try for a 3 plant by 3 plant grow using just one light.... Is there anything wrong with this?


Active Member
I don't think so I do the same thing but then again I work tons but when I don't work the lights wakes me up but it's love opening your eyes to a bigger plant everyday and it a lot easier to handle temps.. I using a 250watt no ducting and tons on cfl 2 small fans plus the ceiling fan with 80 degrees max


New Member
I don't think so I do the same thing but then again I work tons but when I don't work the lights wakes me up but it's love opening your eyes to a bigger plant everyday and it a lot easier to handle temps.. I using a 250watt no ducting and tons on cfl 2 small fans plus the ceiling fan with 80 degrees max
Sounds like ur doin it perfectly fine. I don't see any reasons as to why it wouldn't work.


Active Member
You should be fine. Just make sure there is fresh air circulating for optimal conditions, and keep the lights off when they need to be off. I have done the same thing with no issues.


Well-Known Member
Mmmm, that would be a perk, not a problem :D
Unless ya got pulled over,haha. I remember last year I was working in my grow room, [closet with 2 plants] and decided to go get some cigs from the gas station a mile away. Now, my haircut is real short, buzzcut from being in the military now retired, which basically makes my head a big piece of velcro. Get to the station, buy my cigs and come back home. I smoke in the bathroom cause the exhaust fan in there, and as I go in I look in the mirror and there's a pot leaf stuck to my I dont know why the chick who sold the cigs didnt say anything. Felt like a HUGE dumbass.


New Member
Unless ya got pulled over,haha. I remember last year I was working in my grow room, [closet with 2 plants] and decided to go get some cigs from the gas station a mile away. Now, my haircut is real short, buzzcut from being in the military now retired, which basically makes my head a big piece of velcro. Get to the station, buy my cigs and come back home. I smoke in the bathroom cause the exhaust fan in there, and as I go in I look in the mirror and there's a pot leaf stuck to my I dont know why the chick who sold the cigs didnt say anything. Felt like a HUGE dumbass.
yeah right. You know EVERYONE working at a gas station or circle k WISHES they grew pot.


Well-Known Member
I grew in my bedrooms in college. I had a hard time sleeping with the sound of the fans going. Plus, back then I was poor too, and couldn't afford a legit setup, so I had to keep doors open to keep down the heat. It was like sleeping in an orange parking lot. Plus its really hard to bring girls home and keep things a secret.


New Member
I grew in my bedrooms in college. I had a hard time sleeping with the sound of the fans going. Plus, back then I was poor too, and couldn't afford a legit setup, so I had to keep doors open to keep down the heat. It was like sleeping in an orange parking lot. Plus its really hard to bring girls home and keep things a secret.
lol, you can fuck them in your van bro. They don't need to know where you live


Well-Known Member
So as you all know I'm dirt poor. I wanted your opinion on growing where you sleep. I will have the light timers on 12/12 so that they have light during the day, and total darkness at night. I'll have just 1 600 watter and will try for a 3 plant by 3 plant grow using just one light.... Is there anything wrong with this?
From what I have read, I think your light could be more, but I am going to try a closet grow with a few CFL's over the winter, so I guess we'll both be experimenting and see what happens. :)


I grow in my closet too, works well. Just a bit harder to fall asleep. But at least its easier to wake up in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I grow in my closet in the bedroom, CFL grow, and at night I actually keep the door closed with a towel under the door so as to not leak light (I need complete darkness to sleep) but when I wake up, I'm diligent to open the door and let it ventilate. When it was summer, I would open a window and point the fan outward, but it's getting to be winter here and in the 30's so it's not really an I got some ONA Blocks and just let it ventilate into my house. But I'm on 12/12 so the light leak isn't a problem for my sleep! But before the ONA Blocks dude, my room REAKED of skunk. Was kinda nice to walk into, but I'm growing Sour Diesel and it is so god damn skunky. My clothes also carry a small smell of weed in them though...