Help Hermie?!? 60 days today what to do?! (picture)


Since it is 60 days today and I was planning on harvesting soon I cut of a mini-bud on a lower site to see how the high was.
As I cut the minibud into pieces I noticed some mini mini seeds in the calyxes. They are approximately 2mm and brownish.

I cut of some mini buds last week but there were no seed-like thingsin the calyxes. Might I have stressed them with the cutting of
mini buds and it hermied because of that?

I have a picture but it is taken from my laptop camera so it is not good quality. But I think you can tell if it is normal or not in buds.

What to do if it is a hermie? Should I chop it right away?

It is an auto white russan btw.

Pictures of the mini-seed, there are many of these in the mini-bud that I cut.
Photo on 2012-10-28 at 15.20.jpg

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Well-Known Member
If its already seeded there is not a lot you can do. If its the only plant then let it finish. I don't know what that is in the pic....


Well-Known Member
nahh it don't have time, already look nice, better let it finish/mature, also if you find any seeds they might be matured aswell, can always use a few seeds and a few don't harm your yield or potent atall ..


Active Member
Worse case scenario harvest some seeds for next season lol
BTW nice WR. Hope I can get mine to get some nice nuggage like that!

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
...chill man, it's not as big of a deal as you may think...noone wants a hermie, but you'll still have some dank...with seeds.:shock:


Well-Known Member
...chill man, it's not as big of a deal as you may think...noone wants a hermie, but you'll still have some dank...with seeds.:shock:
Sensible post, what ever happen to the days when a few seeds in the bag was a god send? Your potency will be fine and your yield will be minimally affected, what you have to decide now is do you want to wait for the seeds to mature before harvesting.

I remember smoking some fire 14 week sativa then finding out the grower got 300+ seeds from the harvest, the potential yield may have suffered but the potency sure as hell did not.



Ok thanks everyone =D As you say I might get some seeds but I do not think that they will mature before I chop it.
The seeds I saw are still very small and 2 were green others are a little brown. Im thinking of chopping on friday or so.

How long does it take for seeds to be fully developed? And also, aren´t these seeds gonna produce hermies?


Sensible post, what ever happen to the days when a few seeds in the bag was a god send? Your potency will be fine and your yield will be minimally affected, what you have to decide now is do you want to wait for the seeds to mature before harvesting.

I remember smoking some fire 14 week sativa then finding out the grower got 300+ seeds from the harvest, the potential yield may have suffered but the potency sure as hell did not.

I do not think that I want to wait until the seeds are fully developed, I´m guessing now that it will take a few weeks or so? As said in earlier post, will chop next week sometime, probably friday.

trichome fiend

Well-Known Member
And also, aren´t these seeds gonna produce hermies?'s very possible. The seeds will be either female or hermie, but you'll not get any males....they'll be mostly mature seeds when you see them as tan/brown/black in color and they will protrude.


Well-Known Member
yea you will most likely get seeds with the same trait, but looking at your pics that dont sounds to bad ..

about matureing the seeds, no mather what let em be in the buds, they will mature more, like the buds doing the drying process ..

if you can see some seed bag on the low small bud sites you could chop the plant 90% down and let a few small side branches mature a week or two more with the seed wile you dry and cure the other .. just use a CLF inside if that is easy for you ..


Well-Known Member
Something happened to me and I panicked and when I cut her down I found nothing. I don't know if it's normal in some strains or if the female goes through a period of that or what but when I took little buds off while it was still in the soil it had little seeds but none after dry and cure.


Well-Known Member
your little seeds did`t mature, so after drying you smoked them, wont harm your buds but quality will suffer if its full of unmature seeds, instead of quality bud ..

Femi seeds often have a tendency to Hermi easily if you have the slightest light leak or stress em in anyway doing flowering, treat em like babies and watch lower bud sites for male flowers and remove em if you spot any..

or grow reg. seeds and remove males, females will be stronger and more healthy and hermi a lot less in general, or grow autos and finish fast if your one who find it hard to make a +3 month trouble free grow ..

I don't mind removing a few male flowers now and then and even get a few seeds (seeds are expensive)

but I don't like to remove many seeds from my buds, not that I find the bud less potent or yield less, its just that some of the yield is seeds and annoying if we don't talk one seed in averages in a bud then Im ok with it .. in other words 10-20 seeds on a plants lower bud site is ok with me, but +100 spread on all the bud sites is annoying and harm the yield IMO