Its really the deep water part that can be daunting. Having the plant roots sit in water demands more attention. There is the problem of temperature, O2 levels, and also bacteria. My water supply if plauged with brown slime so I have to be extra dilligent. You will find 10,000 examples of people saying "just ad h2o2 bro" and it will fix everything. If your in my situation, that is FAR from the truth.
PLus ebb and grow is sooo simple. Only one pump and a timer. It can yield great results, the veg time is just a little slower. In all honesty, the yield numbers at this point in your growing "career" are going to be WAY more tied to your skill at groowing and not over feeding than what type of system your using. Yeah, skilled guys KILL IT in UC. But, unfortunately I don't think your oone of those guys. What I am saying is that if you took two growers in your shoes with one growing in UC and another in ebb/flow; the math says that the ebb/grow guy will probably have better results.
Good luck in what ever method you try. Just be open to advice and keep a grow journal.