my first grow from clones..PICS


Active Member
Sooo got my clones at about week 4. placed in 4x4 rockwool cubes. Had them under three 4ft t5 bulbs for about a week when i noticed that the roots were coming out from the bottom. at around this time the leaves seemed a little droopy and were slightly yellowing on some. So i transplanted them into gallon and a half pots with fresh fox farm ocean forest soil. was feeding them day old sink water up until about 5 days ago. I figured the yellowing could be from nitrogen def. and the droopy leaves from overwatering. i changed the water cycle to every 2nd or 3rd day and it seemed to work. Leaves not AS droopy anymore but yellowing still there. Started feeding it maxibloom nutes 5-15-14. on one plant, leaves were yellowing and folding upwards while the other was just droopy and yellowing. Look at the pics for examples. It's only on the bottom set of leaves. Top set of leaves look very healtly. anybody have advice??



Well-Known Member
i got da same problem, escept mines advanced to more of the plant..I have no fukin clue wat it could b as iv tryed cutting bak water, to increasing nitrogen, to cutting of all nutes. Nothing is improving them, but they are still growing so im not having a heart attack, yet.


Active Member
nice indica....looks like nirtogen to me, whats your watering technique?

...yeah i figured it would mostly likely be nitrogen after reading about that problem on here. I bought some nutes and mixed it with water and feed them about 150-200ml every two or three days depending on the soil. The nutes don't seem to be doing anything for the nitrogen def. I was thinking about buying some organic nitrogen blood meal but i wanted to get some solid advice first. Like SOUTHERNOREGON, my plants still seem to be growing with the top leaves looking nice so i'm not in panic yet. It's only affecting the bottom leaves right now but i think it's spreading slowly so what should i do. Someone said flush it? I don't know how to perform a flush...


Well-Known Member
...yeah i figured it would mostly likely be nitrogen after reading about that problem on here. I bought some nutes and mixed it with water and feed them about 150-200ml every two or three days depending on the soil. The nutes don't seem to be doing anything for the nitrogen def. I was thinking about buying some organic nitrogen blood meal but i wanted to get some solid advice first. Like SOUTHERNOREGON, my plants still seem to be growing with the top leaves looking nice so i'm not in panic yet. It's only affecting the bottom leaves right now but i think it's spreading slowly so what should i do. Someone said flush it? I don't know how to perform a flush...
dont feed so often, these things take about a week or so to show signs on real improvement.