• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Fuck it im gonna get bashed anywhere so post here


sorry bout the spelling . but my brothers dog has seizures and there bad he gets them for like 2 min at a time and like 5 a month . my buddy also has them and he smokes pot . i grow for my mom and he said too give him some trim not huge thc amout but mild does . i dont think the tinksure would be good cause u use everclear . but wat we do is just take some trim and kiff them down so its not so strong . but he just eats the weed . now im not saying its going to take them away but he only has 2 to 3 a month now . i think it help . if you love your dog like i do mine you will at least try it . just no marijuana when eaten gets you high and high untell your done

Dice Clay

Active Member
Warlock.. so sorry to hear about your situation.. and I think your intentions are nothing but kind and noble... anyone who bashes you for trying to ease the pain of your loved companion is a fuck head! This is not pertaining to a cannabis solution to your problem, however I have read and seen that Phenobarbital is supposed to help reduce the chance and severity of seizures, it is however a heavy sedative... I really hope you find the best solution for your situation.

good luck



Well-Known Member
The only tincture I have is 190 proof corn grain mixed with 50/50 MK buds. Any animal people out there that can help. Mom is a vet down here and told me to try it. Better then anything they would do.
I'd be concerned that much alcohol would cause problems.


Ursus marijanus
The alcohol tink is all I have right now. The others won't be ready for a week. But there still alcohol based. So gonna try the doggie biskets thing. Some of them I think I would eat." lol thanks all you made me feel better for medicating my dog. I can't get pain killers from the vet for her.
Why on Earth would your vet prescribe painkillers and not a seizure med, like phenobarb or phenytoin?? I don't get that.

But as far as dosing is concerned, I would not worry. There appears to be no upper limit to the safe dose of weed in dogs. Start "high" and dial back until you find the best blend of effectiveness and being awake. ;) cn


Well-Known Member
They don't want to do anything. I'm in a 1 vet town so by saying they can't do anything but put her down is better then saying they dont know what to do. The pain meds would be for when she falls and hits her head on the tile. Seizers don't happen much but the after affect is there. If the time comes I will put her down but she is healthy and happy. So it's not the time. I need to make some puppy treats for her with my butter. I don't like the idea of her with the alcohol. But she is calming down and is more stable on her legs. Don't want her loopy just mello. So not to hurt herself. Well off to make some treats. I Exspected to get slot of slack for getting the dog high.


Ursus marijanus
They don't want to do anything. I'm in a 1 vet town so by saying they can't do anything but put her down is better then saying they dont know what to do. The pain meds would be for when she falls and hits her head on the tile. Seizers don't happen much but the after affect is there. If the time comes I will put her down but she is healthy and happy. So it's not the time. I need to make some puppy treats for her with my butter. I don't like the idea of her with the alcohol. But she is calming down and is more stable on her legs. Don't want her loopy just mello. So not to hurt herself. Well off to make some treats. I Exspected to get slot of slack for getting the dog high.
If it's flak you're after, repost on T&T. :joint::bigjoint: cn

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Epileptic is the word you're looking for. Look for something high in CBD. Won't have the 'high' effect and AFAIK CBD is stronger treatment for epilepsy than THC. THC works too though.

Good luck.
This is what you want to do. Look for a strain with high CBD. It helps human epileptics.
This site has a wheelchair with front end attachment that would help your boxer mix from hitting the floor and other good things on the site.
I ordered from them years ago, good products.



Well-Known Member
This is what you want to do. Look for a strain with high CBD. It helps human epileptics.
This site has a wheelchair with front end attachment that would help your boxer mix from hitting the floor and other good things on the site.
I ordered from them years ago, good products.

Thanks for the site. I think I will look into that. She is still small and will get 3 times her size. That realy didn't have anything that will grow with her. So might just build one or 2 till she gets full size then spend fit the long lasting one from here. 400 each is pricey to get 3 in different sizes.


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the effects weed has on dogs, this is probably not the best place to get an educated anwser (no harm intended). I was trying to find a way to calm my dog down after he had cut his pad off and went to many dog care sites. The issue was he would not stop running on it so it was not healing and bleeding all over the house (he's 90lbs of high energy!!). There was more things against the use of weed than for. Finallly what did work was gravol, made him calm but not comatose. I'm not suggesting anything except do the research and talk to another vet if possible.

dwc rebel

i love your idea, i also had a dog with this problem but it didn't show till he was about 4-5 yrs. power to ya brother!


Well-Known Member
Sincerely sorry to hear about your puppy, ordinarily I would never even post something like this but I think what your doing is admirable and I understand you need some real help.
I think you should take your trim and popcorn buds (even good quality if you can spare enough mixed in) and dry sift it down until you get nothing but keef then measure it out into doses by weight. In order to do this you might need to order a scale that will measure to the hundredths of a gram or smaller. Then go to a health food store or order them online and get some fill-able gel caps, the small ones should do you. Then just load them up and make yourself meds to give your puppy, and as suggested above start with a reasonably high dose and work your way up or down from that. I would then find a strain that has more sedative effects and keep going from there. Your going to want to try to replicate, naturally, the effects of phenobarbital. I wish you and your puppy the best of luck with the meds and I hope any decisions you have to make will be easier with time.


Well-Known Member
tried to mssg you warlock....lost this thread originally but riu mssg are being wonky...hey warlock,lemme start by saying i admire your setup and hope to be at your level one day....i saw your post about your epeleptic dog......i lost the forum it was in but i know u had posted in.....i have a year old havanese/papillon mix named elly......shes the best dog....we got her when we went to the groomers and my gf found a box of puppies in the alley in mid winter last year.......teskes(local pet/grow store) had a batch of the same puppies...we wondered if they were ''rejects'' soon enough we found out by her having seizures.....look for signs a seizure is about to occur...for example my dog....when shes fine and healthy her ears are perky and up in the air almost like a bat...when she starts having one her ears ''fold'' back, she starts walking at a diagnol and her eyes dialate..kinda like shes on shrooms...she starts haullcinating(sp) and gets real bug eyed....her paws get really hot so sometimes we put a cool cloth on her paws and turn the light off and just comfort her...her seizures are more relaxed...she doesnt run around foaming at the mouth...she more or less looks like the town drunk on shrooms...she just lays down and ''rocks'' uncontrolably... sometimes we turn the lights off to help her relax.....other than that we just get her high......shes only a few pounds so a couple puffs seems to do the job....i just put my mouth over hers,open my mouth and let the smoke gently roll out....2/3 puffs later you can already tell the difference....we tried buying her seizure medicine but the vet said seizures are caused by alot of different things and to test it is way too much for a couple broke college kids... and if one medicince doesnt work....you have to try another.....it gets EXPENSIVE! but when she was taking her meds she was having seizure 3 times a wk...we took her off of her meds and just got her high everytime she showed symptoms...catching it in the ''early epeleptic state'' before it starts but after you realize its gonna have one is important(atleast for my dog)...earlier i get her high the shorter her symptoms.....ex if i come home and shes in the middle of a seizure i get her high it will last anywhere between 10 mins and the rest of the night till she wakes up.....if im home and realize she is about to have one i get her high and it will last anywhere between 5 mins and an halfhour!! weed helps her soooooo much:clap:! she only has seizures once a month now!!!! if not once every two months.....i dont think its mean at all....either does the gf...FOR ONCE LOL!!!:-P!!! don't let anyone tell you when to put your dog down....your its owner you know how happy it is and the quality of life it gets.....idk if the tincture you are talking about would be better then just smoking with your dog.....dogs bellies break down chemicals differently (gf wants to be a vet) EX. ppl would over dose on 10 xanax......a dog will just be fucked up for a day or 2 but will live and be ok as long as it doesnt happen all the time.....just google dog seizures and try out what other ppl do too..... just letting u know what works for my dog...sorry for rambling just trying to give you my 2 cents,,,good luck with your pit mix and happy growing!!! -regards HR


Active Member
I have a realy apaleptic(sp) dog. She is 16 weeks old a boxer/ pit mix and I'm trying to calm her down with a tincture. We have only tile floors so if she hit her head it could do damage. But when calm she if fine. At this time we can pick her up but later there is no way. So I want to know who would try this and who is going to call me a bad man?
Thats the best idea ANYONE has had as far as your doggie goes. Like you were saying, the doctors are just going to want to put her down, we dont put down apaleptic humans. Humans get a green card and special care.

Keep up the love! On ANOTHER note: if your attempts (as pure as they are) fail, put the poor girl out of her misery bro.

I would stick to oil, my "rich" aunt, lets call her Linda, had a dog who went through cancer removal, and like 10 other things horible I dont care to list, by the time her dog "rusle" died he was wearing a diaper every where he walked ( well he didnt walk much). Any ways she had this oil that we had to put in his food and mix it was some sh!t from a health food store, HOWEVER it seemed to work best. Also we mixed some oil into my dog "rose's" food to help his coat. Yes rose was a he.



Well-Known Member
There is no reason to put down a dog solely because it is epileptic. But like with all animals, quality of life is important. If the seizures are multiple times a day and the dog is severely injuring itself, that is no way to live. If the seizures are less severe than that and less frequent, then finding a way to lessen the severity and frequency a little more so that there's an opportunity for a high quality of life is a great option, no matter what that way is.

Warlock, I've pm'd you on this...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the pm and advice here. She isn't having alot of atacts. Maybe once a week that we see. She plays outside alot. But has had a few bad ones and left her not fully in control of her body. Basically you can she she is trying to run to you but legs go different ways and she flips and falls when exsited. But when calm she is in more control. Reason I'm medicating her treats. I grow master kush so it is high in THC and decent in CBD .12% area. If she starts suffering from pain or just can't be a dog I would put her down. But just becouse she needs alot of specal treatment and work. Isn't a reason. I will know when it's to much and do what is needed then. Till then she will be spoiled.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the pm and advice here. She isn't having alot of atacts. Maybe once a week that we see. She plays outside alot. But has had a few bad ones and left her not fully in control of her body. Basically you can she she is trying to run to you but legs go different ways and she flips and falls when exsited. But when calm she is in more control. Reason I'm medicating her treats. I grow master kush so it is high in THC and decent in CBD .12% area. If she starts suffering from pain or just can't be a dog I would put her down. But just becouse she needs alot of specal treatment and work. Isn't a reason. I will know when it's to much and do what is needed then. Till then she will be spoiled.
I repped you last night for having a heart. Today I spoke with a friend who rescues dogs and she also uses mj for their ailments. The cannabutter i plan to make from the trim is getting gifted to her for her canines that need it. You started something good!


Well-Known Member
GOOD LUCK brother! hope you figure everything out. this shit made me tear up a little :cry:

Our dog (pitbull) was super anxious everytime we would leave his site, granted it was in an apartment so his space was limited, but he would not stop wining whenver we left even for just a second. and anyone whos owned an apartment know how welcome dogs are... so we would mix a little budder with his dry food, make sure to leave him extra water and that we took him out side before all this to pre calm him down haha.

it worked wonderfully! he almost wanted us to leave at some points hahaha.

in the right dose it works wonderfully. hell even if you over do it a bit as long as your intentions were for the dogs best life do whatever you can!

Also with the grain alcohol tincture you could drip some on dog treats and let the alcohol evaporate

(if the dog doesnt like the alcohol, which i assumed didnt)

best of luck to you!