Obama vs Romney? Who gives a shit?

And Romney said in Colorado, that this is not a concern of a President, one way or another. I saw the interview. It wasn't a brush off. It was a compassionate view and an obvious non-intrusive, measured response. States Rights. Between the Senate and the Governors. A President has a much larger task to focus on.

Sky Killer has increased the War on Drugs, after saying he would not. And he has decreased the War on Terror, although he claims he has not.

Watch the video I posted and see just what Romney means by that. He has no compassion for medical users. Period.
Yes, in the video the guy asks Romney if he will continue the raids and Romney said "I dont know" - I dont know what is going on in Nevada...

You think that Romney lies, I think that Obama lies, we have no basis for a conversation because neither person will accept the other's facts. Why dont you just start ignoring me?
Yes, in the video the guy asks Romney if he will continue the raids and Romney said "I dont know" - I dont know what is going on in Nevada...

You think that Romney lies, I think that Obama lies, we have no basis for a conversation because neither person will accept the other's facts. Why dont you just start ignoring me?

he'll LIE and tell you he put you on ignore.

but he really won't.
As I reclaim my identity, I feel that this is the proper thread for my first post. We all will one day come together become one, WEEDPUBLICANS, May we begin.... Chuuuuchhhh..
did you forgot that this guy promised to legalize medical cannabis and also stop raids in med states?

you have got to be fucking kidding me.

it has been demonstrated that you don't know what words mean, so perhaps that explains this delusion of yours.

cite the promise, sistah.
you have got to be fucking kidding me.

it has been demonstrated that you don't know what words mean, so perhaps that explains this delusion of yours.

cite the promise, sistah.

I love it when people quote me on typos. You're clearly too stupid to actually respond to me on the context of what I said, but instead you look upon typos to make yourself seem either smart or funny. Hate to tell you, but you more then likely will give people the impression that you're stupid and worthless.

It really pains me to see you guys arguing over issues, that's not why I made this thread. It's a wake up call. It doesn't matter how your president is, there is an agenda and cannibas will not be legalized any time soon. As many have said, politics exist to give Americans the illusion that your have a choice in the matter. Ask yourself this; after you vote, how much do you really have a roll in politics? Do you influence your local governor? Chances are, no. You merely vote once every four years and then watch the news as your politicians fuck you over.
I love it when people quote me on typos. You're clearly too stupid to actually respond to me on the context of what I said, but instead you look upon typos to make yourself seem either smart or funny. Hate to tell you, but you more then likely will give people the impression that you're stupid and worthless.

It really pains me to see you guys arguing over issues, that's not why I made this thread. It's a wake up call. It doesn't matter how your president is, there is an agenda and cannibals will not be legalized any time soon. As many have said, politics exist to give Americans the illusion that your have a choice in the matter. Ask yourself this; after you vote, how much do you really have a roll in politics? Do you influence your local governor? Chances are, no. You merely vote once every four years and then watch the news as your politicians fuck you over.

hey sistah, i asked you to provide citation for your ridiculous claim.

in case you were wondering, here is your claim:

this guy promised to legalize medical cannabis and also stop raids in med states

cite it please, sistah.
I'm not even interested,I have yet to see a debate.How I see it,if obama stays,cool,if romney wins cool,so either way,it's really nothing you can do about it.
Why do you believe that there is nothing we can do? I hear it said all the time everywhere from everyone but no one really ever says why we can't do anything to change it.
hey sistah, i asked you to provide citation for your ridiculous claim.

in case you were wondering, here is your claim:

this guy promised to legalize medical cannabis and also stop raids in med states

cite it please, sistah.

"I would not have the justice department Prosecute and raid medical marijuana users" -barrack Obama


Thats the link, skip to 2:18 for the quote if you don't have a 6 min attention spam. Sistah.
Why do you believe that there is nothing we can do? I hear it said all the time everywhere from everyone but no one really ever says why we can't do anything to change it.
If you understand the system that rules your country you will realize that there is no "grand conspiracy"... Your politics are not controlled by reptiliana, or illuminati masters... It's simply influenced by people who are very wealthy that don't want others to have access to beneficial things such as cannabis. For me, it was one of the fundamentals to becoming enlightened and van you imagine what would happen if a we all started thinking? We might actually realize that we don't have to let others suffer while some of us have too much. Can't have that. After all, an ignorant population is an easily controlled population.