Trump is a self aggrandizing idiot

And that right there is the ONLY reason Trump is offering the 5 million. He doesn't give a shit about the less fortunate. He THINKS he is backing O'Bama into a corner. It's purely a political move with no thought given to the poor. While O'Bama, on the other hand, gave us The Affordable Care Act. I'm getting treatment for a pre-existing condition that, before The Affordable Care Act, would have kept me from getting insurance. I had an extension on my unemployment and COBRA insurance (with a HUGE deduction on the premiums) thanks to O'Bama. O'Bama has done a great deal for the "less fortunate" since he took office. Despite the efforts of the GOP. Trump likes to fire people. Like Romney.

Oh yeah, that Obama guy is one charitable SOB, problem is he didn't use a dime of his own money to do it.
Democrats have always taken the credit for using other peoples money!
Oh yeah, that Obama guy is one charitable SOB, problem is he didn't use a dime of his own money to do it.
Democrats have always taken the credit for using other peoples money!

That was the most substantive portion of your rant. Oh, yeah! Classic.
this is some funny shit. looks like someone learned a new word this week ...

Only you would consider saving us from the brink of economic collapse and staving off another Great Depression DESPITE the obstructionism a failure. Very telling.

Why the fuck would PRESIDENT O'Bama feel the need to capitulate to The Donald's utter stupidity? No other president in U.S. history has dealt with this level of obstructionism and challenges to his legitimacy as a citizen. This is getting beyond ludicrious.

O'Bama will win the election. Hopefully, the democrats will sweep the house and senate and we can continue what O'Bama has been trying to do without GOP obstructionism. Give the GOP four years to recoup and find out who the fuck they are.

I have a lot to be thankful for due to the O'Bama presidency. I had unemployment extended after I was two years out of work and no jobs were available. My cobra insurance was extended during my period of unemployment and the monthly premiums were reduced to an affordable amount. I have a job. I have new insurance with affordable premiums WITH a pre-existing condition. I have access to medical marijuana.

I'm voting for O'Bama because I like him and despite all the opposition, bullshit, GOP obstructionalism, and two wars, he managed to do some truly great things.

After all the GOP has done and where they put us today you have the unmitigated gall to claim Democrats don't compromise. Which party has become known as the party of Obstructionism over the last four years? Let me give you a hint. The word starts with REPUBLICAN.

It's not just about O'Bama. It's about local and state politicians too. We were overrun by tea party candidates (well coordinated and with an agenda) who won office by lying and misrepresenting their positions. Then they proceeded to do everything they could to make O'Bama a one term president. I still can't figure out how Susanna Martinez ever made it into the Governor's Palace. Once we can fill the house and senate with democrats then we can start to correct the tea party (koch brother entity) race towards the Corporate States of America. The welfare queen narrative along with the unwashed millions who live off the government teat scenario is propagandist nonsense. Bullshit that people are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Without GOP obstructionism we can finally get the single payer system and amend the Affordable Care Act to where it was supposed to be in the first place.

someone needs to quote this. LOL
this is some funny shit. looks like someone learned a new word this week ...

  • quote_icon.png
    Originally Posted by Carne Seca

    Only you would consider saving us from the brink of economic collapse and staving off another Great Depression DESPITE the obstructionism a failure. Very telling.

    Originally Posted by Carne Seca
    Why the fuck would PRESIDENT O'Bama feel the need to capitulate to The Donald's utter stupidity? No other president in U.S. history has dealt with this level of obstructionism and challenges to his legitimacy as a citizen. This is getting beyond ludicrious.

    Originally Posted by Carne Seca
    O'Bama will win the election. Hopefully, the democrats will sweep the house and senate and we can continue what O'Bama has been trying to do without GOP obstructionism. Give the GOP four years to recoup and find out who the fuck they are.

    Originally Posted by Carne Seca
    I have a lot to be thankful for due to the O'Bama presidency. I had unemployment extended after I was two years out of work and no jobs were available. My cobra insurance was extended during my period of unemployment and the monthly premiums were reduced to an affordable amount. I have a job. I have new insurance with affordable premiums WITH a pre-existing condition. I have access to medical marijuana.

    I'm voting for O'Bama because I like him and despite all the opposition, bullshit, GOP obstructionalism, and two wars, he managed to do some truly great things.

    Originally Posted by Carne Seca
    After all the GOP has done and where they put us today you have the unmitigated gall to claim Democrats don't compromise. Which party has become known as the party of Obstructionism over the last four years? Let me give you a hint. The word starts with REPUBLICAN.

    Originally Posted by Carne Seca
    It's not just about O'Bama. It's about local and state politicians too. We were overrun by tea party candidates (well coordinated and with an agenda) who won office by lying and misrepresenting their positions. Then they proceeded to do everything they could to make O'Bama a one term president. I still can't figure out how Susanna Martinez ever made it into the Governor's Palace. Once we can fill the house and senate with democrats then we can start to correct the tea party (koch brother entity) race towards the Corporate States of America. The welfare queen narrative along with the unwashed millions who live off the government teat scenario is propagandist nonsense. Bullshit that people are swallowing hook, line and sinker. Without GOP obstructionism we can finally get the single payer system and amend the Affordable Care Act to where it was supposed to be in the first place.

someone needs to quote this. LOL

And the word of the week is...???
Actually it was a brilliant move on O'Bama's part. It shut The Donald's fucking piehole and made him look like the complete ass he is. It burned him so bad that he's looking for any means to get back at O'Bama (he now claims he has evidence of the O'Bamas considering divorce.... in the past). He's a vindictive, selfish, stupid bastard that should not be given access to the media. Just the fact that he prefers to be called, The Donald, is proof that he's a pompous blowhard.

Yuh'd think that a certain two-dimensional duck's very three-dimensional attorneys would slowly flense Bridge Term in a wood-paneled room for trademark infractions ... cn
Yuh'd think that a certain two-dimensional duck's very three-dimensional attorneys would slowly flense Bridge Term in a wood-paneled room for trademark infractions ... cn

I would laugh. Hard. First, he gets fired, now he has to stop using his favorite affectation. Irony abounds.
Nah dude, Obama takes money from people like me and gives it away, he just takes credit for it.
For some reason, dummies cant grasp this concept.

He took tax money used to run the government and gave the economy a boost. Even your favorite Rethuglicans have accepted stimulus money and thanked O'Bama for it. Paul Ryan got caught flat-footed when it was brought to light the he too enjoyed the benefits of stimulus money. I see signs all over San Juan County announcing the stimulus money used for road repairs, the new bridge we have, and a plethora of other projects that have provided jobs and revenue. Revenue that is attained locally. For local businesses. We're starting to see the light. Just like the rest of the country. Who's the dummy?
Nah dude, Obama takes money from people like me and gives it away, he just takes credit for it.
For some reason, dummies cant grasp this concept.

number one, it has not been established that you have ever paid a red cent in taxes in your life.

number two, you admitted to getting tax breaks from obama.

so, in the unlikely scenario that you are not sitting at mommy and daddy's computer, pretending to be a republican archetype, obama lowered your tax burden.

you're welcome, clayton.