Trump is a self aggrandizing idiot

desert dude

Well-Known Member
So, Trump is offering to deposit $5M with a charity of Obama's choice in exchange for some transparency from the president regarding the president's college and passport records.

I hope the prez takes him up on the offer because I would really like to see some of this rumored transparency, but I won't hold my breath.

Having said all that, Trump is almost as dis-likable as Santorum and Newt.
He is such a prick!!!!
So, Trump is offering to deposit $5M with a charity of Obama's choice in exchange for some transparency from the president regarding the president's college and passport records.

I hope the prez takes him up on the offer because I would really like to see some of this rumored transparency, but I won't hold my breath.

Having said all that, Trump is almost as dis-likable as Santorum and Newt.
This will never happen. They would have been released everything already if there wasn't something to hide........

Trump is only offering the $$$$$ since he knows that already. It's reported Obama has already spent over $3 million in lawyers fees to stop any release of the info.

It's just Trumps way to bring it back in the headlines.......
sounds like an easy way to make 5 mil..... or help a lot people. If it's gonna kill his reputation i wouldn't do it, but if it's all clear you can feed a lot of hungry kids for 5 mil.
So, Trump is offering to deposit $5M with a charity of Obama's choice in exchange for some transparency from the president regarding the president's college and passport records.

I hope the prez takes him up on the offer because I would really like to see some of this rumored transparency, but I won't hold my breath.

Having said all that, Trump is almost as dis-likable as Santorum and Newt.

LOL! I think it is awesome... Probably the cheapest money spent on advertising Trump has ever had to do :P
Trump looks like a president. He'd make the best president. If people fuck up around him, "You're fired!"

If you have ever watched him in the boardroom you can tell that he is pretty good at telling people when, where and why they fucked up and then holding them responsible.
Trump looks like a president. He'd make the best president. If people fuck up around him, "You're fired!"

Sadly I am afraid he would piss off whats left of the world, that is not already pissed off at us. He and his employees could probably fix the economy with out thinking twice tho, sure it would fuck us all over in the long run, but we would do great for the 8 years he was in the office.
This will never happen. They would have been released everything already if there wasn't something to hide........

Trump is only offering the $$$$$ since he knows that already. It's reported Obama has already spent over $3 million in lawyers fees to stop any release of the info.

It's just Trumps way to bring it back in the headlines.......

Actually, the only person who can authorize the release of a person's college transcripts is that person his/herself. For anyone else to do so would be a violation of FERPA, (Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act) and cause the releaser to lose his job as well as face other penalties. The only person who can release Obama's school records is Obama. Obama has released his birth records, and the implied notion that the federal election commission does not vet presidential candidates for authentic citizenship is ludicrous. You may as well argue that he is not old enough to be president. Presumably Trump would not even believe the authenticity of Obama's birth forms if he got to hold the documents in his hands.
Why the fuck would PRESIDENT O'Bama feel the need to capitulate to The Donald's utter stupidity? No other president in U.S. history has dealt with this level of obstructionism and challenges to his legitimacy as a citizen. This is getting beyond ludicrious.
Yea, I thought it was a mistake to release birth records because that lent an air of legitimacy to Trump's claims.
Yea, I thought it was a mistake to release birth records because that lent an air of legitimacy to Trump's claims.

Actually it was a brilliant move on O'Bama's part. It shut The Donald's fucking piehole and made him look like the complete ass he is. It burned him so bad that he's looking for any means to get back at O'Bama (he now claims he has evidence of the O'Bamas considering divorce.... in the past). He's a vindictive, selfish, stupid bastard that should not be given access to the media. Just the fact that he prefers to be called, The Donald, is proof that he's a pompous blowhard.
Why the fuck would PRESIDENT O'Bama feel the need to capitulate to The Donald's utter stupidity? No other president in U.S. history has dealt with this level of obstructionism and challenges to his legitimacy as a citizen. This is getting beyond ludicrious.

I dunno, $5 million to charity sounds like a pretty good reason. Unless you're hiding something. This is clearly NOT a challenge to his legitimacy as a citizen. What contorted logic did you use to come up with that statement?
I dunno, $5 million to charity sounds like a pretty good reason. Unless you're hiding something. This is clearly NOT a challenge to his legitimacy as a citizen. What contorted logic did you use to come up with that statement?

Riiiighht. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with his claim to citizenship. Asking for passport information is COMPLETELY innocent and every president since the beginning of passports was required to submit his passport for scrutiny.... to a private citizen whose only authority comes from the amount of money (allegedly) in his bank account.
Riiiighht. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with his claim to citizenship. Asking for passport information is COMPLETELY innocent and every president since the beginning of passports was required to submit his passport for scrutiny.... to a private citizen who's only authority comes from the amount of money (allegedly) in his bank account.
4 times in corporate bankruptcy and close to personal bankruptcy I wonder who is really putting the 5 million up?

I dunno, $5 million to charity sounds like a pretty good reason. Unless you're hiding something. This is clearly NOT a challenge to his legitimacy as a citizen. What contorted logic did you use to come up with that statement?

$5million would go a long way for people in need, if Obama doesn't take him up on this, it only shows Obama doesn't care for the less fortunate and only cares about himself!
$5million would go a long way for people in need, if Obama doesn't take him up on this, it only shows Obama doesn't care for the less fortunate and only cares about himself!

And that right there is the ONLY reason Trump is offering the 5 million. He doesn't give a shit about the less fortunate. He THINKS he is backing O'Bama into a corner. It's purely a political move with no thought given to the poor. While O'Bama, on the other hand, gave us The Affordable Care Act. I'm getting treatment for a pre-existing condition that, before The Affordable Care Act, would have kept me from getting insurance. I had an extension on my unemployment and COBRA insurance (with a HUGE deduction on the premiums) thanks to O'Bama. O'Bama has done a great deal for the "less fortunate" since he took office. Despite the efforts of the GOP. Trump likes to fire people. Like Romney.
He should give that money to the people and businesses he devastated with his antics.

Who did he devastate? He gave people jobs. Some businesses dont work out.

You somehow thinks he OWES people something but opportunity. He has many sucessful businesses yet you focus on the failures. Funny enough, when Obama's failures are pointed out you dont want to talk about those...

Trump is a businessman, he doesnt apologize for it...
Who did he devastate? He gave people jobs. Some businesses dont work out.

You somehow thinks he OWES people something but opportunity. He has many sucessful businesses yet you focus on the failures. Funny enough, when Obama's failures are pointed out you dont want to talk about those...

Trump is a businessman, he doesnt apologize for it...

You haven't the faintest fucking idea what you're talking about. Do a little research before you start spewing your clueless shit.

This is the finest example of irony I've ever seen. I laughed my ass off.

Oh, the irony.

The condominium board at Trump Place has quietly fired the Trump Organization from managing the pricey high rise on the Hudson River that bears its name.

Sources told The Real Deal that the condominium board replaced Trump with AKAM Living Services, a management firm that has presided over luxury buildings at such high-end zip codes addresses as Central Park West, Fifth Avenue and West End Avenue.

AKAM confirmed to the Huffington Post that they have been retained to manage the property as of November 1st.

The move came as a surprise to the Trump organization, according to the real estate blog.

“We certainly would have been willing to discuss the concerns of the board if they had contacted us,” Sonja Talesnik, general counsel for the Trump Organization, told The Real Deal. “They gave us no indication that they were looking to change managing agents.”

But Anna Fishbeyn, vice president of the Trump Place board, said the change was a long time in coming.

"We've been waiting for their services to improve for years," Fishbeyn told the Huffington Post. "And when they didn't, we started investigating other services."

Although Fishbeyn said the decision to replace the Trump company was difficult, especially given the name recognition, the board ultimately made the right call. The Real Deal quoted anonymous sources as saying some residents were displeased by the change, but Fishbeyn countered the claim, saying her office has been flooded with thank you's.

"I have received email after email thanking me for the decision," she said. "We were in part responding to [residents who] over the years who had been accruing complaints, and talking about the lack of responsiveness... of maintenance issues."

With close to 300 apartments, at an average price of $1,326 per square foot , the move is sure to sting the pride of the billionaire real estate mogul and reality television star famous for his catchphrase, "You're fired."

And lately, the ever-colorful personality has been firing people left and right. He told ESPN that Yankees star Alex Rodriguez should get the boot. He also thinks actor Robert Pattinson should "fire" former girlfriend Kristen Stewart, and released a mocking video meant to air at the Republican National Convention in which he fires President Obama.