Obama vs Romney? Who gives a shit?

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
I know we're all extremely busy with the elections and whatnot but can someone PLEASE fill me in as to why you give a fuck at all? I'm trying to analyze the options Americans have. You can either vote for the same black guy that promised you so much hope and "change" four years ago but has literally done nothing at all. If you claim he has done anything truly benneficial you're clearly in denial because He hasn't. He's added about 5trillion in the last 4 years and the (unwinnable)war across seas is still going on.

My next point, you guys are being tricked because your only other valid option is so completely retarded that if he gets elected then I officially have lost hope for all mankind. I don't think I even need to explain how stupid and racist Romney is. Why tell when I can show... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0rgQ_Mjv-P0

You know when it's Olympic season suddenly everyone thinks they're an athlete or a sport buff, at world cup everyone thinks they're a huge soccer fan, etc. it's just ridiculous to see so many retards posting romney vs Obama status updates on Facebook trying to look sophisticated or whatever.

Okay my rant is over, but In conclusion, I made this thread to let you all know that you're fucked. It doesn't matter who your president is because there was really no difference between even bush and Obama. So basically you guys are fucked, but it's ok don't worry about it just grab some beer and forget bout it.
I'm not even interested,I have yet to see a debate.How I see it,if obama stays,cool,if romney wins cool,so either way,it's really nothing you can do about it.
This belongs in the political section.

Thats debatable in itself. I'm not looking for political based responses here. If you read that's exactly what I'm not looking for... I want to know what the average American has to say not get a response from people who think they actually know what they're talking about.

This entire website belongs in the political section, we are all breaking the wonderful laws politicians have put forth are we not? (except me, that's not a confession)
Polotics give people the illusion they have a choice. I beleave we do not, or a lot less than most believe. Goverment will be corrupt as long as lobbiest and corporations have seniet and congress in there pocket. We are children controled by media and big money shoving what they want us to see in our face through CNN, FOX, MSNBC and everyday propoganda. bongsmilie
I know we're all extremely busy with the elections and whatnot but can someone PLEASE fill me in as to why you give a fuck at all? I'm trying to analyze the options Americans have. You can either vote for the same black guy that promised you so much hope and "change" four years ago but has literally done nothing at all. If you claim he has done anything truly benneficial you're clearly in denial because He hasn't. He's added about 5trillion in the last 4 years and the (unwinnable)war across seas is still going on.

My next point, you guys are being tricked because your only other valid option is so completely retarded that if he gets elected then I officially have lost hope for all mankind. I don't think I even need to explain how stupid and racist Romney is. Why tell when I can show... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0rgQ_Mjv-P0

You know when it's Olympic season suddenly everyone thinks they're an athlete or a sport buff, at world cup everyone thinks they're a huge soccer fan, etc. it's just ridiculous to see so many retards posting romney vs Obama status updates on Facebook trying to look sophisticated or whatever.

Okay my rant is over, but In conclusion, I made this thread to let you all know that you're fucked. It doesn't matter who your president is because there was really no difference between even bush and Obama. So basically you guys are fucked, but it's ok don't worry about it just grab some beer and forget bout it.

That sir, is a political opinion. A biased one I might add. The same "black guy"? He is the President of The United States and deserves the respect that office holds. Once again, this belongs in the politics section.
That sir, is a political opinion. A biased one I might add. The same "black guy"? He is the President of The United States and deserves the respect that office holds. Once again, this belongs in the politics section.

you finally won one!!! :clap:

it got moved to the politics section.
That sir, is a political opinion. A biased one I might add. The same "black guy"? He is the President of The United States and deserves the respect that office holds. Once again, this belongs in the politics section.

toke n talk is the place to be to discuss things when you're baked, i didn't think i was breaking any rules by posting that there since im baked. i find it ironic that this ENTIRE website is based on breaking the law and yet there is a politics section.

i have news for you, you're exactly the type of person i try to avoid with threads like this. "the respect that office holds", that quote is all i needed to hear from you. are you fucking kidding me? there's no respect in office, it's just a matter of lying to stupid fucks like you for four years, and then another four, and so on.

i feel confident that even someone as unintelligent as you can do a better job then that coke selling assface. did you forgot that this guy promised to legalize medical cannabis and also stop raids in med states? of course you did because chances are you're too busy getting high and attempting to have threads moved to understand your surroundings. i'm going to give you the respect you deserve and let you reply to my quote and let you win the argument because quite frankly you're not worth me spending any more time. respect of the office lmfao im still laughing at that hehe
You accidentally ended up in the politics section...

Run away fast and forget about this thread if you value your sanity ...
toke n talk is the place to be to discuss things when you're baked, i didn't think i was breaking any rules by posting that there since im baked. i find it ironic that this ENTIRE website is based on breaking the law and yet there is a politics section.

i have news for you, you're exactly the type of person i try to avoid with threads like this. "the respect that office holds", that quote is all i needed to hear from you. are you fucking kidding me? there's no respect in office, it's just a matter of lying to stupid fucks like you for four years, and then another four, and so on.

i feel confident that even someone as unintelligent as you can do a better job then that coke selling assface. did you forgot that this guy promised to legalize medical cannabis and also stop raids in med states? of course you did because chances are you're too busy getting high and attempting to have threads moved to understand your surroundings. i'm going to give you the respect you deserve and let you reply to my quote and let you win the argument because quite frankly you're not worth me spending any more time. respect of the office lmfao im still laughing at that hehe

This little rant is exactly why this thread belongs here. Join your racist brothers.
Romney will make sure that even legal medical cannabis will be ended. He wants to toughen penalties (he loves Oklahoma's drug laws like he loves Arizona's new unconstitutional immigration laws) and increase incarceration.

Obama is the one fucking with states rights continuously...

Romney might not even make it an issue.

Either way, MJ is not going to be legalized in the next 4 years.

If it is your top priority then you have your priorities screwed up anyway.
Obama is the one fucking with states rights continuously...

Romney might not even make it an issue.

Either way, MJ is not going to be legalized in the next 4 years.

If it is your top priority then you have your priorities screwed up anyway.

NL - you've read every thread on this subject and who is exactly responsible for those raids. I'm not going to rehash that shit over and over again just so you can continue with your fucking retarded talking points. Romney has made it plain he is going to end medical marijuana and toughen the drug laws. You're talking out your ass again. My priorities are: Ending the war and bringing our kids home, A stable economy, Fair taxing for all, affordable health care, and the right to make choices about our own bodies (Roe vs Wade). Cannabis is the least of my priorities but this IS a Marijuana website and we're all here for the same reason. Marijuana. Dumb ass.
NL - you've read every thread on this subject and who is exactly responsible for those raids. I'm not going to rehash that shit over and over again just so you can continue with your fucking retarded talking points. Romney has made it plain he is going to end medical marijuana and toughen the drug laws.

I have seen where he is against legalization but dont believe he has stated he will invalidate Medical Marijuana. Would you like to show me directly where he has said this? Pardon my skepticism but the media is portraying Romney so falsely on so many levels I dont believe much of what I hear from them...

My priorities are: Ending the war and bringing our kids home,

Mitt will do that and his timeline seems to be identical to Obama's.

A stable economy,

Obama has not delivered this despite stating if he didnt manage it he would not seek a 2nd term. There is no evidence he can deliver it after 4 years of failure...

Fair taxing for all,

Well then how about a flat tax? Because right now we tax the rich much more than anyone else and I agree it is unfair that they have to pay the bulk of the taxes.

affordable health care,

Under Obama, despite him promising you that costs would go down by 2500 dollars, they have gone up by that much and are projected to go up by that much again. You cannot add 30 million people to the system plus bells and whistles and expect healthcare to get cheaper, the math just doesnt work.

and the right to make choices about our own bodies (Roe vs Wade).

Romney cannot overturn Roe Vs Wade...

Cannabis is the least of my priorities but this IS a Marijuana website and we're all here for the same reason. Marijuana. Dumb ass.

Well, your president lied to you about that too... Once someone has lied to me I take what they say with a grain of salt. Once a person shows themselves to be a flagrant liar I stop listening. Obama has failed..

Based on your priorities you should be voting for Romney...
Well, you gotta keep up. New news, every day. The election of 1000 cuts. It is getting old. Politics and Security is mixing pleasure
with business.
Another thing to consider is that Obama is not opposed to a global tax on the internet along with further restrictions on access to the internet...

More big brother.
And Romney said in Colorado, that this is not a concern of a President, one way or another. I saw the interview. It wasn't a brush off. It was a compassionate view and an obvious non-intrusive, measured response. States Rights. Between the Senate and the Governors. A President has a much larger task to focus on.

Sky Killer has increased the War on Drugs, after saying he would not. And he has decreased the War on Terror, although he claims he has not.
Another thing to consider is that Obama is not opposed to a global tax on the internet along with further restrictions on access to the internet...

More big brother.

There is more than this, of course. The UN thinks they will monitor the elections in Texas. Messin?

There is so much money going abroad that is supposed to work on new Laws of the Sea and how to catch Carbon Tax cheaters. Pay-offs, large and small.

Donations from abroad. We eves-dropped on something with Putin, "after re-election."

Tip of the iceberg is all the Lies.
I have seen where he is against legalization but dont believe he has stated he will invalidate Medical Marijuana. Would you like to show me directly where he has said this? Pardon my skepticism but the media is portraying Romney so falsely on so many levels I dont believe much of what I hear from them...


Mitt will do that and his timeline seems to be identical to Obama's.

Seems to be? LOL You really like swallowing that camel and choking on a gnat don't you? Seems to be.... what a fucking joke. It reminds me of that Molly Shannon episode on Will & Grace where she repeats everything Grace says to win over a client. Kind of like what Romney is trying to do with voters.

Obama has not delivered this despite stating if he didnt manage it he would not seek a 2nd term. There is no evidence he can deliver it after 4 years of failure...

Only you would consider saving us from the brink of economic collapse and staving off another Great Depression DESPITE the obstructionism a failure. Very telling.

Well then how about a flat tax? Because right now we tax the rich much more than anyone else and I agree it is unfair that they have to pay the bulk of the taxes.

Even some of the more honest millionaires are speaking up and saying they want to be taxed more. Bulk of the taxes. Bullshit. Asking for a 4% increase is not PAYING THE BULK OF THE TAXES.

Under Obama, despite him promising you that costs would go down by 2500 dollars, they have gone up by that much and are projected to go up by that much again. You cannot add 30 million people to the system plus bells and whistles and expect healthcare to get cheaper, the math just doesnt work.

Keep spewing those GOP talking point lies. Maybe someone will fall for it.

Romney cannot overturn Roe Vs Wade...

I never said he could, but, he can appoint justices of the supreme court to do it for him.

Well, your president lied to you about that too... Once someone has lied to me I take what they say with a grain of salt. Once a person shows themselves to be a flagrant liar I stop listening. Obama has failed..

After all the flip-flopping and being caught in so many many lies you call O'Bama the liar. What a joke.