The UK Growers Thread!


hi dudes, here are a few plants i grew in my garden, i also had a small GG plot with 3 big girls.
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up close.jpg

the first shot is the biggest of the bunch, she was 9.5ft from the top of her 70 litre pot.
the second is of the four i grew in my garden.
third shot is my lil GG plot, they all reached around 8-9ft a piece.
i started them all in my tent around march, after two months i move em into my greenhouse, then a month later i plant them out in either 60-70 litre pots or in the fields.
they were all in plant magic soil and fed half strength plant magic grow and bloom.
this my second year at having a crack at growing outdoors and i had a lot more success this time round, i lost everything first year.
anyways dudes, hope you like the pictures,

over 'n' out


Well-Known Member
hi dudes, here are a few plants i grew in my garden, i also had a small GG plot with 3 big girls.
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the first shot is the biggest of the bunch, she was 9.5ft from the top of her 70 litre pot.
the second is of the four i grew in my garden.
third shot is my lil GG plot, they all reached around 8-9ft a piece.
i started them all in my tent around march, after two months i move em into my greenhouse, then a month later i plant them out in either 60-70 litre pots or in the fields.
they were all in plant magic soil and fed half strength plant magic grow and bloom.
this my second year at having a crack at growing outdoors and i had a lot more success this time round, i lost everything first year.
anyways dudes, hope you like the pictures,

over 'n' out

do they look photoshopped to anyone else,,spesh the 1st one

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye man, he's really in spain nd just made the sky grey to fool us ;) nee getting past ye like Ic3.

nice trees data. best uk outdoor i've seen.


do they look photoshopped to anyone else,,spesh the 1st one
i assure you brother, they are not photo-shopped in any way, i have dozens more shots if you would like to have a look.
i live in suffolk, i only wished i lived in spain.
im a regular on another canna forum and i thought i'd pop over and show you the big girls.

over 'n' out data.


Well-Known Member
They are fucking impressive I will give you that! Real or not... I've tried outdoors here and, well, let me just say mine were far off them lol!!


here is a shot with my mate standing next to it, it is hard to grasp how big she got.


we propped her pot up against a chair to steady her, just before the chop.

over 'n' out data.


hi mate,
its decieving that shot, the lil metal shed is maybe 10ft away in the background,
but she was much taller in the pot, maybe another 2.5ft, taking to around 12ft.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ic3, what you reckon he midget or a photoshop pro. lmfbo

guessing you've enough land round you not to worry about folks seeing a fuck off tree like that data.



here is a shot of her where she lived in our garden, i used bungees to strap her to a wooden seating thing
and a lot of string.


ps...shall i keep posting a few shots or you all bored now?


hi don,

guessing you've enough land round you not to worry about folks seeing a fuck off tree like that data.

i do live in the middle of nowhere mate, i have one neighbor and he's cool about my hobby.



alreet data,
you do indoors aswell or just start them indoors ?
i also grow indoors mate, in a 2x2m grow tent, started off 3 years ago in a DR80,
happy days having a smaller grow, a lot more manageable.

you'll love this, i was paying what little time i had to the garden girls and gg plot, i ballsed up me indoor grow.
i let em stretch, they got burnt and looked a mess.
note to self, must pay more attention.

over 'n' out,



i put these four out to flower in the sun, its a fucker having to put them in the shed every night,
and back out at 6 in the morning.
i grew them in me tent, then in the greenhouse for a few weeks, then weather them off for a week,
then out in the sun and in and out the shed for 2 months until they finish.
i try and do this twice through the summer, small yield, but something different to smoke through the summer.

this shot is of the big girls half way through uk summer time, they shot up and all four looked real long and skinny,
and i thought at that point they would stay like that, and be all air bud, but 3 months later they all filled out and fattened up and
they all dropped around 15+ oz on the floor.

over 'n' out