i did NOT disable her sig. i don't have that power, i can edit it but i can't "disable" it.
Well that's comforting...the thought was kinda disturbingly Big Brotherish...had me paranoid...
Did someone say Griffith Observatory??? I haven't been yet, but I can't wait to go.
In Philadelphia at the Franklin Institute they had an observatory and on Fri and Sat nights they would have laser shows....they rocked!!! Midnight was always laser Floyd

They would usually do the Wall and some other songs.
Dude, you have James Dean in your av, you have to go now. lol, I totally didn't even think of that when I was telling the story...I need to get you a switchblade comb too.
something like that ... i think it would surprise most folks what can be seen on any given clear night. Most likely some planets and "shooting stars" make regular appearances. You can often see the ISS (international space station) and other satellites. and with a pair of binoculars... wow!
I LOVE just getting away from the lights, driving off into like the mountains or the desert, and just looking up at the sky. It's so awesome...I wish I knew more about astronomy, like, you know, be able to point out ALL the constilations instead of just the easy ones...lol
you remembered. thank you. that means a lot to me.
we went with an extra firm Beautyrest. we heard to many bad things about the sleep number. even dude at the mattress store said they suck. i am sleeping much better and i don't wake up cramped and stiff any more. well, except today. i think i've been sleeping to much.

damn, I wanted to know what your sleep number was....
My back hurts every night because the bed is so soft. It is a king size, and my wife is in love with it. It hurts me though, i feel like I am sleeping on down or soem shit. I want something with almost no give.
I can't stand to sleep on something that's too soft. I'll seriously opt for making a bed on the floor...except Luv Sacs...have you ever laid in one of those? I can do those...
Or hammocks...at my old apartment, I had a hammock that hung over one side of my giant bed...it was pretty bomb