Audrey 1 (my first grow log - comments/help welcome)


Well-Known Member
thnx canna. Its cooler out today and i opened the room up to get some fresh air in. 75 degrees and around 20% humidity. Going to the hardware store today to exchange some things and get something that I can clamp my cfl's onto. Ill probably have it set up by tonight so expect some pictures and check back here. Leave me some comments. thanks

Shelf setup completed! Well, enough to move the plants anyway.. I may still fine tune it a little. I got a spray bottle and I added (2) 24 watt Daylight bulbs... looks nice and bright, but now I'm having heating issues. I read the daylight bulbs are good for the vegging period. I left the door closed for a couple hours and the temp shot up to 95 degrees! I need to figure something out.



Well-Known Member
Should I switch the lights to 18/6? When and why?
I got a light timer so this weekend I'll switch to 18/6.. thanks everyone for the tips. I'll have the lights shut off from 12-6PM to try to keep cool during the hot hours.


Well-Known Member
Ok set up the shelf better so heres what I'm working with now-

2x - 4 foot 40w plant/aquarium bulbs
2x - 4 foot 40w cool white bulbs
4x - 27w Daylight CFLs (5500k)
2x - 27w soft white CFLs (2700k)

I'm going to get a 200w RED nlite CFL for flowering. I'm cutting down to 3-4 plants after I sex them, so I think we have enough lights. In the pictures, the plant with the broken stem is just a little experiment. I was about to ax it for good but decided I would see how much one of these little ladies could take... I may have killed it but we'll see.



Well-Known Member
sumbodi!!!!,please pass me my cfl blockers,its a little too bright for my pupils....i only use 3 cfl's,so i know how bright your grow room must be:peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea my closet is glowing like the freakin' sun lol... I usually wear shades in there.

Borrowing power tools from a friend to DRILL THROUGH THE WALL!! Wmahaha!!! At first I said I wouldn't do anything major for ventilation but now I don't think I have a choice... its too damn hot. I'll keep you posted.

When do I need to transfer to bigger pots? My plants have been out of soil for a little over a week I think and some of them are in Solo cups.. do I need to transfer them yet do you think? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Ok its been a couple days.. heres whats been going on. I cut two holes in the wall, and used a trash bag to connect a fan to one hole, blowing air out. The other hole I left open to suck air in. It looks crappy, but does a great job keeping the air moving. Now the temp is 78 or lower at all times.

The plants are doing good.. I will need to transplant soon I think. (that big sick one you can see is getting the ax soon.. i just want to see what would happen with it). That plant I beat up before has completely recovered! Resilient lil bastards..

I took a close up of my favorite plant.. stil looks like a mutant!



Well-Known Member
Another few days have gone by and its time for an update. I cut down to 4 plants, and transplanted them into larger pots (I numbered them 1-4). I also traded in the 2 soft white 27 watt bulbs for 2 daylight 27 watt bulbs... so now Im using..

2x - 4 foot 40w plant/aquarium bulbs
2x - 4 foot 40w cool white bulbs
6x - 27w Daylight CFLs (5500k)

I took some pictures of the girls.. the first two are group shots, and then in order; plant 1, plant 2, etc.



Well-Known Member
Its been about a week, time for an update. I started low stress training 3 days ago.. they seem to be fine with it. I'm kind of free styling the technique, I'm trying to wrap the stem around the pot as much as possible before budding.

I think they were droopy before from the shock of being transfered.. they look better now. They are still a little young for nutrients, but I am getting some today so can start easing them into it.

So far I have named them The Mutant, and Big Stinky #2, the other 2 are nameless.. but they are all named Audrey. Now I'm off to the forums to find what kind of nutes to buy..

check out my monthly energy consumption!



Well-Known Member
They are definitely looking better than the previous pictures where they were drooping!
I've heard your supposed to wait until at least the 4th node before starting to LST. It's kind of hard for me to tell how many nodes you've got since that thing is growing so compact and nicely! Keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
I started right when the 4th node appeared. I didn't stress the stem too much and I had been "teasing" the stem to get it stronger. Right now the "mutant" is growing so compact. It's 5th node is almost out and in between nodes 2-4 are booming with new growth. I'm surprised at how compact these really are. I thought they'd be stretching a little bit more since I'm using CFLs. Not the fastest way to grow but definitely getting the job done.


Well-Known Member
It's been a few days. I have been continuing the LST, and getting more experimental; I topped one of the plants, and am trying a mesh on another.

One plant is a lot smaller than the others.. might get the ax, but not untill I can sex them. It might be hard to tell the size, because I took a birds eye view pic of it.



Well-Known Member
this grow is gonna be great...i can jus see them now...with thier buds sticking through the say thier small they sure do have a thick ass stem!!