Get rid of illegal immigrants!


Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree in regards to Halloween candy.

Quite a few poorer people do drive across town to neighborhoods like mine and go trick or treating.

I view it as cheating. When I was kid you hit up your own neighborhoods or ones right by it. And you walked there.

Some of these people drive 20+ miles to show up and trick or treat.

How do you know they aren't from your neighborhood you ask?

Well that's fairly simple: when everyone drives luxury cars in the neighborhood and people are showing up in beat up old datsuns or barely running cars from the 80's and 90's... You realize, there aren't any of those in my neighborhood...

is it a real problem? Fuck no! It's a first world bs problem that means nothing.
Hmm i cant help but dissagree. My wife and i make good money and drive older cars. Both are from 99'. You can see the age on them but they both run perfectly. Why get something new? To fit in with the in crowd? Fuck that. I prefer having no bills over a brand new car.
And people have been driving their kids to trick or treating as far back as i can remember. A car doesnt make a person "rich" or "poor", it just takes them from point A to point B.


Well-Known Member
Hmm i cant help but dissagree. My wife and i make good money and drive older cars. Both are from 99'. You can see the age on them but they both run perfectly. Why get something new? To fit in with the in crowd? Fuck that. I prefer having no bills over a brand new car.
And people have been driving their kids to trick or treating as far back as i can remember. A car doesnt make a person "rich" or "poor", it just takes them from point A to point B.
Correct. But when you live in the same neighborhood for years, you tend to know the cars that are from your neighborhood. As well, if you knew the neighborhood I refer to, the people there are all about the in crowd. It's in a suburb of Dallas, and down here, we are known as people who are all about appearances. There are a lot of teens driving Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, and even Ferrari's that their parents got them.

When you see cars that you have never seen before, you know they aren't from your neighborhood.

I lived in the same neighborhood as Deion Sanders and Troy Aikman. You don't see older beat up cars filled with Latino kids there.


Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between a kid walking to your town and kids that have parents drive em to your town? Nothing. If you dont like people that drive older cars in your (red) neck part of the woods then dont celebrate the holiday. This holiday is for the kids and i, along with everyone in my suburb welcomes everyone of all walks of life.

Redneck is a term im using for ignorant people.

Cars dont make the people man.

On a side note, ive met far mpre interesting people in the slummier parts of towns than i ever met in the middle class and upper class developements. And illegals? Get used to it, especially in texas.


Well-Known Member
I use a car to go from point a to point b. I'd prefer to have a shitty car and a boat over a nice car.

Once I lost $8k on a car when it blew up. Never again will I spend even that much on a car no matter how much money I have....I'm not a car guy. Boats are more fun.

My neighborhood is 98% white. I do probably have the shittiest car around haha but there are a ton of old cars, but restored nicely...lots of old volkswagon vanagons and buses. Cheapest shitty house 1k square feet from 1920 in my neighborhood costs over $ Seattle...I drive 5 miles per day, I'd drive a moped if it didn't rain so often.


Well-Known Member
Whats the difference between a kid walking to your town and kids that have parents drive em to your town? Nothing. If you dont like people that drive older cars in your (red) neck part of the woods then dont celebrate the holiday. This holiday is for the kids and i, along with everyone in my suburb welcomes everyone of all walks of life.

Redneck is a term im using for ignorant people.

Cars dont make the people man.

On a side note, ive met far mpre interesting people in the slummier parts of towns than i ever met in the middle class and upper class developements. And illegals? Get used to it, especially in texas.
If the kid can walk 20+ miles I'm all for it.

And I never said they make the man. Pointing out my observations.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Because New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Arkansas suck, and Mexico blows?
Sorry, its an old Texan joke. I couldn't resist.
What the OP needs to remember, is the Hispanic population was here first. Many Hispanics fought along side the anglos against Mexico in our fight for freedom. When the Republic of Texas became a reality, there were many Hispanics cheering too.
I agree illegal immigration is a problem. They come across the boarder with no health check, which has resulted in a rise in deadly strains of TB, and other diseases. They flood the welfare, school, and free healthcare systems, which has resulted in those systems being stretched beyond reason. (Too many needs, not enough money). The economy is in the toilet, and jobs have been more difficult to obtain, putting more pressure on the unemployed. Tax payers carrying that burden have become disgruntled. (Understandably)
It's a mess.
But in answer to your question Carne Seca. New Mexico sucks...
Did you hear about the Oklahoman that moved to Texas? Raised the I.Q. in both states. ;)

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You ever seen the movie Latter Days? I rather liked it. A bit sad. Is there any truth to it? Has that sort of thing happen, if so, does it still?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Ugh all butthurt cos I used an American term for Mexicans? I think Mexicans are awesome, we don't even call them illegals or anything... just Mexicans.

Nice try tho Mormon-man.
No just observing your usual race baiting and sticking your ass in things that have nothing to do with you. Just like the presidential election. You spew your O'Bama hate every chance you get. And from what I can gather your hate stems more from skin color than policy.


Well-Known Member
No just observing your usual race baiting and sticking your ass in things that have nothing to do with you. Just like the presidential election. You spew your O'Bama hate every chance you get. And from what I can gather your hate stems more from skin color than policy.
You're an idiot, Obama is an idiot because of his thick, creamy, Keynesian Socialistic Drivel that you Democrats love wiping off your chins.

Mitt Romney is an idiot because he's Mitt Romney (and somewhat akin to Matt Damon in Team America).

Its not about race, it's about policies, you big gay Mormon you.

But Obamas last 4 years have shown that his policies are junk, so it's understandable that the race card is gonna start getting played a hell of a lot more, it's all you Democunts have left (no pun intended).

As for "minding my own business", shut yo fucking mouth facist, free speech isn't purely for American citizens.


Well-Known Member
While immigration laws do need to be changed, the reality is the illegal aliens are causing a major economic, health care, and educational crisis in all of the boarder states. The problem is getting worse, with no good answers from the DEMS OR GOP.
Not according to the comptrollers of the states in question

The Comptroller’s report estimates that undocumented immigrants in Texas generate more taxes and other revenue than the state spends on them. This finding is contrary to two recent reports, FAIR’s, “The Cost of Illegal Immigration to Texans” and the Bell Policy Center’s “Costs of Federally Mandated Services to Undocumented Immigrants in Colorado”, both of which identified costs exceeding revenue.


Ursus marijanus
Ugh all butthurt cos I used an American term for Mexicans? I think Mexicans are awesome, we don't even call them illegals or anything... just Mexicans.

Nice try tho Mormon-man.
"Wetback" is a slur, up there with the n-word. It also is not a universal term for a Latino or a Mexican. It has other things in there that you perhaps don't know. cn


Well-Known Member
I have a problem with illegal immigrants but mostly it is with how the government allows the two class system. I dont have a problem with legal immigrants.

Either way I dont have a problem with Hispanics.


Well-Known Member
"Wetback" is a slur, up there with the n-word. It also is not a universal term for a Latino or a Mexican. It has other things in there that you perhaps don't know. cn
I understand the word, it's called intentionally winding up "racially sensitive Democrats" ;)

EDIT: Why are democrats the only ones on this site "allowed" to use racially derogatory words? Buck et al. seem to freely use the N-word, etc as long as it goes party line.

So obviously these words are ok sometimes? Or are only Democrats allowed use these "power words"?


Ursus marijanus
I understand the word, it's called intentionally winding up "racially sensitive Democrats" ;)

EDIT: Why are democrats the only ones on this site "allowed" to use racially derogatory words? Buck et al. seem to freely use the N-word, etc as long as it goes party line.

So obviously these words are ok sometimes? Or are only Democrats allowed use these "power words"?
I would like to think that you're a little better than that, Harrekin. I have seen posters on both sides and apart from that divide use nasty language and ugly descriptors, and I haven't seen it apply to or from one side more than the other. Jmo. cn


New Member
I don't know why peeps keep saying I'm butthurt when I got a fucking head-ache from this internet BS instead

I got some f'ing issues but they don't involve my butt or anus or rectum, etc

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You ever seen the movie Latter Days? I rather liked it. A bit sad. Is there any truth to it? Has that sort of thing happen, if so, does it still?
Yes and no. I went through something similar to that. I had four years of Reparative Therapy and ended up in a pysch ward after a suicide attempt. That's when I decided it was o.k. to be me. They don't do the shock treatments anymore. It's more of IT'S ALL YOUR DADDY'S FAULT kind of thing. The outside world has no idea what Mormon's give up when they step outside the box. The consequences are heart rending and a lot of times end up with a suicide.