What's For Dinner Tonight?

its soon time for us to spend a little extra and purchase a nice rack of lamb or lamb chops , they are just so expensive here in the states

Same here. Rack of lamb is pretty much the most expensive cut of meat there is. Pretty much any cut of lamb is crazily priced though unless you want to buy nasty supermarket pre-packaged rubbish. A good leg of lamb will often cost between £20-£30, but good god is it good :) herby crust, fresh mint sauce, oh my, gonna have to drop my mother some hints i think.
SCORE! Figured a box of prawns wasn't sufficient so went to the shop. Found bags of frozen pork ribs in their clearance section for 50p a go instead of £2. Freezer full of em. Whoooo.
Pork&prawns, with the right sauce ... yum. cn

Think it's just a chinese style sauce on the ribs. But all in all dinner tonight cost me 50p for surf and turf. When the cat's away, the mice play. That is to say the parents go down to the holliday cottage and i raid the freezer :D Love surf and turf though :) really want to visit the gulf of mexico and have me some good affordable shrimp. Over here while i get mine on offer at times, if you want an real sized shrimp, it's like £1 each, if you want something like an 6/8 or even 8/10, get a second mortgage.
tutorial please?

I already have one for the chili:


Refritos are just beans I pressure with a Tbs. of oil for an hour and a half. I place the drained beans (don't throw out the bean soup) in a non-stick skillet and smash them with a potato masher. I add fresh garlic, onion, 1/4 cup bean soup, a Tbs. of unsalted butter, 1 Tbs. chili pequin flakes (can be adjusted to your level of spice tolerance), medium sharp grated cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

The Spanish rice is pretty easy and straightforward. In a large skillet heat up 2 Tbs. oil on low. Add one cup of rice and toast slowly. Rice retains heat so you don't want too high a temp. to toast them. Add 3 cloves garlic, 3/4 cup diced onion, three slices minced bacon and 1 cup chopped bell pepper (I cut up red, yellow and green bellpeppers to brighten up the dish). Stir frequently (so the garlic doesn't burn) until the onions are translucent. Add one 28 oz can of whole tomatoes (pureed in blender), salt, and paprika. Cover and simmer until rice is tender.
I already have one for the chili:


Refritos are just beans I pressure with a Tbs. of oil for an hour and a half. I place the drained beans (don't throw out the bean soup) in a non-stick skillet and smash them with a potato masher. I add fresh garlic, onion, 1/4 cup bean soup, a Tbs. of unsalted butter, 1 Tbs. chili pequin flakes (can be adjusted to your level of spice tolerance), medium sharp grated cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

The Spanish rice is pretty easy and straightforward. In a large skillet heat up 2 Tbs. oil on low. Add one cup of rice and toast slowly. Rice retains heat so you don't want too high a temp. to toast them. Add 3 cloves garlic, 3/4 cup diced onion, three slices minced bacon and 1 cup chopped bell pepper (I cut up red, yellow and green bellpeppers to brighten up the dish). Stir frequently (so the garlic doesn't burn) until the onions are translucent. Add one 28 oz can of whole tomatoes (pureed in blender), salt, and paprika. Cover and simmer until rice is tender.
Preciate it,I might do this tonight,bcuz I got french fries and onion rings coming outta my fucking ears mane lol..*SIGH* wish I had a woman in the kitchen butt naked doing this for me.
I already have one for the chili:


Refritos are just beans I pressure with a Tbs. of oil for an hour and a half. I place the drained beans (don't throw out the bean soup) in a non-stick skillet and smash them with a potato masher. I add fresh garlic, onion, 1/4 cup bean soup, a Tbs. of unsalted butter, 1 Tbs. chili pequin flakes (can be adjusted to your level of spice tolerance), medium sharp grated cheddar cheese, salt and pepper to taste.

The Spanish rice is pretty easy and straightforward. In a large skillet heat up 2 Tbs. oil on low. Add one cup of rice and toast slowly. Rice retains heat so you don't want too high a temp. to toast them. Add 3 cloves garlic, 3/4 cup diced onion, three slices minced bacon and 1 cup chopped bell pepper (I cut up red, yellow and green bellpeppers to brighten up the dish). Stir frequently (so the garlic doesn't burn) until the onions are translucent. Add one 28 oz can of whole tomatoes (pureed in blender), salt, and paprika. Cover and simmer until rice is tender.

I know we have a cooking section on the forum. Bu i'd love to see more recipes in this thread. Everyone has thier style an their little quirks when it comes to ingredients, and good god does this thread always make me hungry! Once i'm a legitimate border nominee, i'm gonna have to pay you a visit for some fine cuisine Carne :) While we get this and that in terms of foreign cooking in the likes of london etc, nothing like what you post about. Makes my mouth water!
Well I have some good news and some bad news. The good news? Food was great. Everyone loved it. I got plenty of pictures. Step by step process. Took me a little longer but well worth the effort. I had it all typed out. All it needed were the photos to place in the tutorial. So, after the cooking and cleaning I had planned on retiring to my bedroom to convert the photos from raw to jpeg, resize them and then upload to flickr.

That was the plan.

After I finished cooking and putting together everybody's plates I sat down to eat. My oldest nephew wanted to know how to go through the pictures on the camera. I showed him what buttons to push and how to get out of the menu when he was done. It even has an option to enlarge the photos so you can get a better view. He loved it and expressed the desire to own a camera like mine. Cool.

I open up the camera software and downloaded all the photos into a folder I created. Once that was done I shut down the camera, disconnected the cable and stored it in its drawer then I proceeded to edit the photos. I opened up the folder and... Where the fuck are all the photos? Most of them didn't download. what the hell???? I grab the camera, turn it on and start flicking through the saved files. Same thing. Most of them gone. That's when I realized my nephew, by accident, deleted most of the photos. I guess he thought he was going to the next photo. He was deleting them. Somehow after he had looked at several photos the correct way a wrong button was pushed... somewhere. I still can't figure out how he managed it but, there it is. The following photos are all I have left. :(


The beans.



And the rice.

It's all I could salvage. :(

I'm sorry. It was really good though...