ya not really, you must be one of those i p-ay others to do my labor kinda man, cause you forgot how to swing a hammer or use a drill, or maybe its the basic math part you cant figure out, the kind of guy who forgets what day of teh week it is if he doesn't have is Smart phone or work scheduled to remind him . . to many idiots in this world relying on something else other then themselves to get by . .
in the last 12 years i have been homeless, in jail and a homeowner who earned two trade degrees, i worked construction, and mechanics jobs and night work as a server to make my way, i can say with utmost certainty i will never forget how to build most anything, im not a dullard or fairwether employee, im good 100% not on my good days when i feel like applying myself
your the idoit if you think the engineer is more important then the worker, they are completely and uterly equal, one cant be without the other, you effing elitist fascist pig