The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye so it was :( can't hold a thought to day am sat jittery as fuck thinking about the derby. mackems are getting a hiding today by the grace of SHOLA.


Well-Known Member
Advise please... i bought 6 bags of''canna coco natural '' yesterday, i now find out theres ''canna coco professional" ! ,it seems the "natural" is un buffered ? but it says it is on bag ? can i start using it now or do i soak in nutes or what ? i got the full "hesi" nute range. first time with coco.

Kind Regards in advance.:?

Your probably gonna need cal mag with hesi and canna coco, i managed without it but it would of made things easier if i'd used it


Well-Known Member

becouse my tenancy agreement runout on the 14th of this month an i informed the landlord il b out by the end of the month he decided to let himself into my flat yesterday afternoon to see how id lookd after the flat an found my grow an decided to get the police who rippd up all plants smashd 5 bulbs with my own baseball bat aswell as the ballasts fans carbon filter an then pourd the soil all over the floor and over the bed
the first i new of this was when i got a call from my local police telling me what had happend an that i need to hand myself in at 11:00 this morning
the landlord has now said he is not paying back my deposit even tho theres no damage to any of his property but on the bright side i should be able to press charges on the landlord for burglery as he has no right to enter the property
il put a few pics of the mess up later but first i must go n see what fate has instore for me
you might be lucky mate amd that was your punishment?soil on the bed see what thy have 2 say at 11 if your getting done proper,then take it the legit way,they arent ment to smash up your shit in the house,do you have pets?,glass ect cunts,say minimum as they will trip you up,dont sat you even give anyone a smoke not even you lass.peace out i know how you feel,a few times over lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the answers lads, just waiting for the dog beans now .looking forward to trying air pots & coco ! My last 2 grows have been half of previous grows, current grow back up to par. I tried everything, & eventually changed bulb ( 600w sun-master) MUCH improvement !, i only used it on 2 flowerings ! think i must of feked it by switching it on & off a few times to quick ? never thought of the bulb ! Twat !


Well-Known Member
how old was the bulb? they say to change it every 2-3 grows
It was about 8 months old, but only done 2 flowerings with it ! it looked a bit black inside down by the screw-in end, but light output seemed ok. ( obviously i couldn't tell for sure without meter !) must have been a shity batch or i fucked it in some way !, but i wonder how many grows suffer because of poor bulbs !. exact 3 flowerings ,but with new bulb, the 3rd is much much improved !


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever had any experience with green room hydroponics in Northampton?
i had some shiz off them a few years back, payed with my debit card, 2 days later my card had been used to top up PAYG phones ! had £390 out of my account ! not hard to see who had used it,CUNTS !