Why does everyone of facebook think they're a philosopher?

That kid ruined everything and told so many lies, I liked all of you, it just sucks some 21 year old kid was so evil :(
No I am pretty sure you unfriend me, when Goped had you all lie to me about coming to your house, I knew it was true I heard it from more than one person :( it's cool though

you heard it from ME. then you unfriended me. i was the only of that group that was honest about the whole thing. i CANCELLED my party because of all the drama over everyone lying to you. that was when it was moved to kmk's house and i didn't bother going.

i have never unfriended anyone on facebook. i have had several people block me though. mostly for political reasons. usually dirty hippies that i laugh at.
Hahahaha I have had people block me cause if dumb politics too, well I know I heard it from him and my girl told me, I only wanted to be cool with everyone he was just mad I didn't want him, whole thing was sad really :(
I just made bad choices about Goped and his partner and then they fought about everything hahhaa whole thing was screwed from the get go, guys always want more from me than I want from them, I wanted my own place and he was trying to take it over as his grow house No way ;) oh well live and learn right ! Worked out better I prob would have never met the Kaptain haha ;)
i'm exactly the type of person that ppl on facebook love to hate. i post quotes sometimes...treat it as a diary to fill ppl in on what my life's been like, i post political rants, etc.

facebook sometimes seems like nothing more than a giant blog of narcissists.

you take the good, you take the bad, you take em both and there you have...my opening statement ;) -peter griffin
I use fb for my business because it is free advertising, but that is it.

On my news feed I have unsubscribed from all my "friends" except for 4 or 5 people that post really interesting stuff about their lives, jobs, etc.

The rest? I have no interest in looking at baby pictures, drinking at the club pictures, rants about stuff they are too scared to do anything about in real life, etc.

Remember Kony 2012? Who followed through with that?
I use fb for my business because it is free advertising, but that is it.

On my news feed I have unsubscribed from all my "friends" except for 4 or 5 people that post really interesting stuff about their lives, jobs, etc.

The rest? I have no interest in looking at baby pictures, drinking at the club pictures, rants about stuff they are too scared to do anything about in real life, etc.

Remember Kony 2012? Who followed through with that?

LOL KONY! people were posting shit and they didnt even know what kony stood for if you actually read into it, it wasnt for me...i dont have facebook anymore too much dramalamamamamama, not in my life but in others, also no one ever bothered to write on my wall anyways, if you have literally no friends but online gaming buddies likeido then its pointless to have an fb! LOL
LOL KONY! people were posting shit and they didnt even know what kony stood for if you actually read into it, it wasnt for me...i dont have facebook anymore too much dramalamamamamama, not in my life but in others, also no one ever bothered to write on my wall anyways, if you have literally no friends but online gaming buddies likeido then its pointless to have an fb! LOL

I have an empty facebook with 0 friends. ya know, just for when I do get friends...

it'll happen... in my next life...:(