HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Last report: I sprayed the Calicleaner 4 times over about a 2 week period. It had limited success. I'm finding plenty of eggs again. It's on to Floramite to end this crap for good. Not the healthiest stuff to spray on your smokables but I have 5 weeks before flowering is finished so it will break down in plenty of time. Liquid Ladybug, Mighty Wash, No Pest Strips, etc.- all work with only limited success. It may control the population temporarily but it's nearly impossible to kill everything which means they'll be back. I'm now on to the chemicals to be done with this once and for all.....

This only happened because you are LAAAZY! 4 times in 14 days? Did you know spider mite eggs can hatch in up to 2 days? Lol, I got rid of every single one of the mites in my room, I sprayed pepper spray every other day for two weeks, stopped seeing signs at a week to a week and a half but continued to spray anyways. Now it's been three weeks and haven't seen a sign of those little critters. All you need is $5-6 and a little TLC instead of buying products hoping one will work without putting the time and effort into it.. Just my suggestion.

I use vodka, it vaporizes before the plants are able to absorb it (if they even can), i sometimes mix it with water but the vodka out here aint too strong so usually i just spray pure vodka.
i was skeptical about this at first but it really doesnt seem to hurt the plants, the mites (orwhatever it is) dont all die immediatly you must spray on a daily basis, i stopped spraying for a couple days and they where all back just to show how weak vodka is comparing it with pure alcohols.
it doesnt kill the eggs so you might want to spray after they are all gone.
Peace yall
This only happened because you are LAAAZY! 4 times in 14 days? Did you know spider mite eggs can hatch in up to 2 days? Lol, I got rid of every single one of the mites in my room, I sprayed pepper spray every other day for two weeks, stopped seeing signs at a week to a week and a half but continued to spray anyways. Now it's been three weeks and haven't seen a sign of those little critters. All you need is $5-6 and a little TLC instead of buying products hoping one will work without putting the time and effort into it.. Just my suggestion.


+rep for you rot.

this pepper spray concept won't work for u unless it is followed TO THE T!

information and step by step processes are there so you can follow them with little to no effort. If you are too lazy to do this in its entirety then u shouldn't be growing. Just my Honest Opinion

and we'll all toke on...
could u get these peppers in uk? crop guard works well for me ... but like the look of this.. great post thanks
you can buy these peppers in uk!
just google peppers by post.
thats were i got mine from, there are also a few other shops that sell them, the chilli shop in brighton is one i remember?.
hope that helps
from another uk bloomer, thanks for the habanero trick, works 95% fisrt time for me just needed a 3 spray when the eggs hatched!
I usually rely on diatomaceous earth, pyrethrins, and horticultural oils (neem oil, tea tree oil, sesame oil, etc) with sesame oil based solutions being among my favorite. However, as farther and farther I get into flowering I tend to avoid them in favor of cold water from a good sprayer that's set to Jet Spray. Works so so on mites, but great with aphids and larger soft body insects.

I haven't used pepper extract in the garden yet because I'm worry about the capsicum being absorbed by the plant like it does with human skin. I once used an over-the-counter pain reliever cream that use capsicum. A week after I was still getting random heat sensations where I applied it and the container said it can stay in the skin for up to two weeks. Also I thought most people use a few drops of soap and warm water extract. You actually simmer like a tea huh? Interesting.

What's the latest you've used this on your plants? And did you make any edibles, drinks, or oils to see if it really washes away with water? Also do you know if it repels at all for x number of days / weeks or is it just an instant killer with no lasting affects?
i have young young puppies in the place where mine is, wen i spayed scotch bonnet on the ladies 4 and half wks into flower the other day i couldnt breath that great, although not enough 2 you think the habs would be dangerous for young animals or children wiv new underformed lungs??? that is my only concern scotch bonnet just keeps them down in my own personal opinion! and i badly need 2 eradicate these money draing and murderous barstar** PLEAS HELP!!!
** happy smoking my brothers and sisters! **
i have used the cali spray and it kills them on contact. ive pulled leaves with crawling mites, put them under microscope, and watched them die as i sprayed their nasty ass's!
BUT, you must keep spraying every 3 days or so to keep beating them back. and wear some protection! the stuff will choke you up to breath. i"m growing my own habinero plant now, but at 3.99 a lb.,, u can make a gallon!
Just want to say this Habanero tea works great on the mites, really does kill them on contact and I've erradicated the mites after a couple of sprays and haven't had to spray for them since. It's been about a month and a half since I've seen a mite.

Now I have some new unwanted guest in my veg room, Thrips! They seem to be Flower Thrips based on the descriptions I find on the internet. I've sprayed Habanero tea once so far and it did seem to slow them down and maybe killed some of them. I'm on day 3 after first spraying Habanero tea on the Thrips and they seem to still be thriving. I'm going to spray them one more time with the Habanero tea tonight and if I don't see some decent results I'll be using "Monterey Spinosad Organic Garden Insect Spray" and some "Safer Brand 5118 Insect Killing Soap" that I just ordered online. Based on my research the two later are the best natural/organic insecticides for getting-rid-of/controlling the Flower Thrips. I will only be using them on my mother plants, not my budding/flowering plants.

I've also added some all natural bright yellow and blue sticky traps that have seemed to kill/caught ALL flying insects in my veg room. I also added them to my flower room, but have only caught two small insects, so the Flower room is still under control.

I'd also like to ad that the Habanero tea does not harm the plants seemingly at any concentration. When I brew my hab tea I use a blender to chop a pound of habs(1 pound of habs cost me $4 at the local mexican market), using some water to help with blending/chopping. I then pour that in to a large pot and add a little more water, probably have just less than a gallon of chopped hobs and water in the pot, bring to a steep without boiling. lol check it's potency by putting your face in the steam coming off, if it chokes you real good then it's ready. Let it cool, then I use a old shirt to make a filter over a 5 gallon bucket. Now I have some seriously strong concentrated tea. I'll dilute it at about 50/50 with water, and this is what I use for spraying and even a little soil drench. The plants LOVE it, lol the bugs hate it and/or die.

Will report back with my results.

Thank you calibuzz for sharing your knowledge and this awesome tea! And thank you community for all your knowledge and wisdom.

Best regards,

I'm a Canadian legal grower and have been battling 2 spotted mites for far too long, by way of alcohol and various other spraying methods, but have finally started using Persimilus bio control predator mites. I use these in my mother room and have seen a major reduction in the 2 spotted mite population. I've been putting 2000 in the room every Tuesday for 3 weeks now and have one more week to go and I can't believe how well this is working. No webs and no adults are detected after 3 short weeks and I had quite the problem built up over time with eggs. From what I've discovered, the predators love eating the mite eggs the best and I can hardly find a single egg after 3 weeks of bio use. Will be using this method from now on in my veg room, but I still have been treating my flowering rooms with alcohol and pyretherin sprays and soap, but refrain from using the pyretherin past 2-3 weeks of flowering as it affects the flavor. Thought I'd share my recent experience with bio control as this will definitely be my choice of control for the foreseeable future. :-o
l run a perpetual grow and have a infestation of mites. l have webs and everything. Now l harvest every week, so l have plants from start to finish in the same room.

Am l safe to spray on everything in the room or should l just spray the earlier ones and not touch the ones close to harvest. And how close to havest should l stop spraying (1 week, 2 weeks )

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could spray really cold water from a pump sprayer right up to harvest and not harm the flowers ..... you could also vacuum the webs from the plants carefully, but I've used a powerful spray from a pump sprayer effectively before and it cut the infestation by at least 2/3rds.
Ya. l spray every nite with a spray bottle set to really blast them. l spray down everything, including the buds, but if l miss one day by the next night there starting to web again. l got them bad.
Calibuzz, Hi I read this post several months ago. I wished at the time I had located this posting way before I did. I used your recipe, I am getting ready to make some more and I have a question. Is it ok to do double batches? If you are going to suggest no then what about a much bigger pot so it is the same heighth as the smaller pot doing 1 batch? Oh and by the way. Your recipe is vicious but very very effective! I am amazed, I tried the Red hot pepper stuff, I tried the Aza stuff, The soap one. Oh way too much money for the end result the same, I was just fending them off making no real headway. Then came the majic Habanero. It kicked those evil litte critters right where it counted. I thank you so very much. Thank you so much for this posting. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
I wanted to tell you how we did it. We took 3/4 cup of water put 5 peppers in the blender, puree it, put it in the pot, put the remaining water in the blender, turned it on to get all those peppers had to give and put it in the pot, then we did the 20 minute simmering, then we strained it with a fine strainer and smashed the remains to make sure we had all the liquid. I do have another question, should I be using a lid when simmering, we didn't use one last time so there was not a full pint when done?
Calibuzz, Hi I read this post several months ago. I wished at the time I had located this posting way before I did. I used your recipe, I am getting ready to make some more and I have a question. Is it ok to do double batches? If you are going to suggest no then what about a much bigger pot so it is the same heighth as the smaller pot doing 1 batch? Oh and by the way. Your recipe is vicious but very very effective! I am amazed, I tried the Red hot pepper stuff, I tried the Aza stuff, The soap one. Oh way too much money for the end result the same, I was just fending them off making no real headway. Then came the majic Habanero. It kicked those evil litte critters right where it counted. I thank you so very much. Thank you so much for this posting. Thank you for sharing your experiences!

Calibuzz hasn't been on the thread since 2011. He got pissed off by some of the earlier posters and said screw it.
I wanted to tell you how we did it. We took 3/4 cup of water put 5 peppers in the blender, puree it, put it in the pot, put the remaining water in the blender, turned it on to get all those peppers had to give and put it in the pot, then we did the 20 minute simmering, then we strained it with a fine strainer and smashed the remains to make sure we had all the liquid. I do have another question, should I be using a lid when simmering, we didn't use one last time so there was not a full pint when done?

Make a double dose to counteract the lost water from the simmering so u have enough. Don't use a lid or the mixture will get too hot and burn off some of the protein (hotness), as mentioned earlier in the thread. MAKE SURE YOU WASH YOUR PLANTS OFF WELL BEFORE HARVEST OR THEY WILL BE HARSH AND BURN YOUR MOUTH, THROAT AND LUNGS WHEN SMOKED.
Just want to say this Habanero tea works great on the mites...

Now I have some new unwanted guest in my veg room, Thrips!...I've sprayed Habanero tea once so far and it did seem to slow them down and maybe killed some of them. I'm on day 3 after first spraying Habanero tea on the Thrips and they seem to still be thriving. I'm going to spray them one more time with the Habanero tea tonight and if I don't see some decent results I'll be using "Monterey Spinosad Organic Garden Insect Spray" and some "Safer Brand 5118 Insect Killing Soap" that I just ordered online...

I've also added some all natural bright yellow and blue sticky traps that have seemed to kill/caught ALL flying insects in my veg room...

I'd also like to ad that the Habanero tea does not harm the plants seemingly at any concentration.


Will report back with my results...

Just want to report back. I ended up not using the Hab tea again, as I just did not have the time for it and my Spinosad and Insect Killing Soap arrived the following day. I mixed the Spinosad and Soap in the same sprayer to apply at the same time. Not one Thrip to be found since the first spray! Will spray again in a few day to ensure the Thrips an any other insects are gone. I might even do a third spray just to be safe, but so far I'm very please with the effectiveness of the Spinosad and Safer Soap at getting rid of the Thrips.

Once all bugs are gone I can resume putting my clones in to flower. Eventually I will aslo be setting up an aquaponic system in my veg room for maintaining my mother plants and cloning. Unfortunately the Spinosad, Safer Soap and Hab tea are unsafe for aquaponic systems.