
Well-Known Member
I'm honored that you pay enough attention to me to notice that fdd...

That bush remix was AWESOME, lol, I thought the actual song was gonna start up, and then I realized he was gonna do the whole thing....


Well-Known Member
GK, what's up with your av? You changed to that one guy for like...not even a day, and now you're...whoever that guy is....

Who are these people?


Well-Known Member
I almost wish I could go to county just to fit, FUCK NO! TOTALLY just kidding.
Don't even joke.. The constant jingling of chains and keys 24/7, The sickest slop food with powdered chocolate milk, the huge overweight meth addict going through withdrawal, shaking and having to throw up every hour, The toilet 5 feet away from where you have to sleep, constantly wondering what time it is and when your getting out, a cell that seems like it has never been washed..ever.. yeah it's pretty much hell.

Best thing ever- (other then not being in county)
Getting to smoke a bowl, take a shower, and sleep in your own bed after some time in county..


Well-Known Member
Don't even joke.. The constant jingling of chains and keys 24/7, The sickest slop food with powdered chocolate milk, the huge overweight meth addict going through withdrawal, shaking and having to throw up every hour, The toilet 5 feet away from where you have to sleep, constantly wondering what time it is and when your getting out, a cell that seems like it has never been washed..ever.. yeah it's pretty much hell.

Best thing ever- (other then not being in county)
Getting to smoke a bowl, take a shower, and sleep in your own bed after some time in county..
Dude, lol, once I picked my mom up when she got out of county (LONG story) and I took her to Jack in Box, and they were closed for like 15 we drove to another one. And THEY were closed for like....15 minutes. And like, Jack in the Crack is supposed to be 24 hours damn it.

My mom went OFF. Talking all this shit, "I just got out of county, and I want some fucking REAL food!"

I hear stories of peanut butter packets and small jellies...

its my mark ruffalo dedication week :)
OMG, that IS Mark Ruffalo! I totally couldn't tell....fuckin trip.


Well-Known Member
i really like the 12 ufo videos on the same page.. LOL...

so ill take it your watching the vid?????????????????? :D

in regards to aliens....ummmm...errrrrrr...... i do believe that there is a possibility that we have ET life in our vast universe. there are more stars in our galaxy(milky way) than grains of sand on all the beaches on earth(thats a fact)


Well-Known Member
Dude, have you ever been to the Griffith Observatory? I love their show, like the one where you go into the dome room and the whole ceiling is the screen. Shows you how the universe began and how big it is's fucking COOL.

My only regret is that I wasn't high while I watched it....


Well-Known Member
did you guys know that time goes in a circle, everything that is happening right now, will happen again exactly as it is now, similarly there are parallel universes with every reality imaginable...a reality where you were never born, one where bush was never president, one where we never landed on the moon....I havent posted on here in a while ;)


Well-Known Member
Dude, have you ever been to the Griffith Observatory? I love their show, like the one where you go into the dome room and the whole ceiling is the screen. Shows you how the universe began and how big it is's fucking COOL.

My only regret is that I wasn't high while I watched it....
I'm stealing this conversation!!!! muahahaha

I haven't been! It reminds me of watching that history channel show, The Universe. My girl and I love to get baked and watch those shows.

The observatory thing also makes me want to charter a glass bottomed boat! I think that could be way rad too. Space is just too far away to enjoy first hand y'know? Maybe I just need a vacation! Or maybe I need another rip ...bongsmilie