Ladies of RIU, would you make a porno?


Ursus marijanus
I still don't get what your problem is. Do you even read most of my posts trying to be insightful, running around finding information/threads for lazy people, giving support/advice, making stuff etc? Or do you just live for that moment I post anything to do with sex huh? What? Did you only like me when I posted pictures in my panties? Sorry I was wrong, your dick is so huge you can't see past it.

What do you want me to be a slut going around getting all the cock I can and yelling about it on the Internet?

How about me when I go all shy and start hating on people for watching porn? Be the killjoy? If I got pissed at guys for asking a girl to make a porno you'd be complaining I'm a feminist prude so make up your fucking mind.

I haven't been a happy medium for a while so don't you fuck it up.

And the answer is no one, because I've never taken a picture of my asshole..

I hate sinking to your level. I don't like being a mean person and yiu're bringing all the nasty out in me.
Some advice (free, and worth it)? Disengage. Be a ____ ________ and call upon improved spirits. cn



Pickle Queen
What? ::ears perking up::
LOL well no, not going there this evening, the contradicktions are driving me mental but I can't, just can't, i'm being nice April....just let it go April.... let it

Sorry hyprocrites annoy me!!!!!!

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well i had a few i trashed most mine i dont have anymore you cant wen you got someone man if they find it its a big ow fight and i dont like that shit but i did show a friend of mine one he to this day seas i should have sold it. lolz but the girl was just strate out a fucken freek and to tell you the truth i ran into alot more freeks than nice girls.. girls can be fucken crazzy and i mean crazzy...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
LOL well no, not going there this evening, the contradicktions are driving me mental but I can't, just can't, i'm being nice April....just let it go April.... let it

Sorry hyprocrites annoy me!!!!!!
But.. but... I wanted to see a puckered asshole!


Well-Known Member
LOL well no, not going there this evening, the contradicktions are driving me mental but I can't, just can't, i'm being nice April....just let it go April.... let it

Sorry hyprocrites annoy me!!!!!!
Kuroi gets honest: Thong was posted. T'was stupid and rightfully deleted. No asshole was seen though.

I do remember some super daring crotch shots from Jadeey though. Like, doesn't the gusset hurt you down there when it's that stretched like that?


Well-Known Member
I'm kidding! I'm not even drinking tonight. I have to work tomorrow. Plus I'm saving up for the weekend. I'm gonna have a meteor shower party. :p
Yes, I was reading about that in another thread. I think it's cool you're smoking with your nephew. I've smoked with quite a few of my older relatives, several uncles and aunts and both of my parents. I'm glad we can share that part of our lives. It makes our relationship feel more honest. I was 19 when I started smoking with them also.

And lol, I wasn't kidding about drinking. Fortunately I don't have class til 1:30 tomorrow, so I should be good. I started drinking while manicuring my buds, and well, here I am now.


Ursus marijanus
Kuroi gets honest: Thong was posted. T'was stupid and rightfully deleted. No asshole was seen though.

I do remember some super daring crotch shots from Jadeey though. Like, doesn't the gusset hurt you down there when it's that stretched like that?
The gentlemen among us oh-so-gently averted their gaze. cn