I want my plants to stop budding


My plants are about 10 weeks into flowering. Or longer. They just keep growing new buds near the top while the ones near the bottom are close to ready. Is there anything I can do to force them to stop growing and mature so I can harvest?


Ok cool. I have noticed them to be milky white but thought I should wait till all turn amber. Plants I have grown before usually fill right out on top and that just hasn't happened yet. Some at the top look very immature and thin? But I'm thinking I really have harvest soon
Ok cool. I have noticed them to be milky white but thought I should wait till all turn amber. Plants I have grown before usually fill right out on top and that just hasn't happened yet. Some at the top look very immature and thin? But I'm thinking I really have harvest soon
WHAT! DUDE! Amber is when they DIE that means there will be no THC for the curing to turn into THCa, When they are all amber, they will be high in CBD or CBN i forget which exactly, but that only has the medicating effects, you won't feel stoned or high at all, just pain relief if you had pain! Who told you to wait for them to turn all amber?!??!?!?!?!?!?


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahhahahhaahahah! 10 weeks into flowering! That's like the longest I've ever heard of. Obviously sativa, and with sativa, the hairs don't necissarily turn all brown, and the plant will continue growing. We go by the color of the trichromes, When most potent they are hazy white, when the trichromes are dead they turn an amber color. You want to harvest at the very first sign of ambering or even before in my opinion. Truely any time when there are amber trichromes on your plant you should harvest, otherwise you're just waiting for more trichromes to die.
10 weeks is the longest you ever heard of? Really?

george xxx

Active Member
My plants are about 10 weeks into flowering. Or longer. They just keep growing new buds near the top while the ones near the bottom are close to ready. Is there anything I can do to force them to stop growing and mature so I can harvest?
Chop lower buds and let it grow :!: If you have more bud than you can handle just trash the plant and be done with it.
Hey, I grow a couple 12-14 week sativas. They do the same thing.

There is not much you can do really. If there is a very large section of growth that has passed the reflector at max height... i either bend it down, or cut it off if all the space is already full. Many people would not like to cut it off.... but with some varieties indoors, you just gotta draw the line somewhere.

If yours is like mine... they go through waves of growth... mine starts to slow down a bit at about wk 10. It is still putting out new growth but it slows and most of the plant matures at end of wk 12. If I let it go past week 12... it comes back with another wave of growth that will mature quite a bit by week 14... Ive never let those specific plants go further.
WHAT! DUDE! Amber is when they DIE that means there will be no THC for the curing to turn into THCa, When they are all amber, they will be high in CBD or CBN i forget which exactly, but that only has the medicating effects, you won't feel stoned or high at all, just pain relief if you had pain! Who told you to wait for them to turn all amber?!??!?!?!?!?!?
It's quite a bit different with Sativa... You do not get nearly the difference in high from flowering longer... The harvest window opens and closes with most of the sativas i know. Amber sativa buds are not lacking in potency, ime.
Many many many...

In my stable it is Haze varieties. Just far leaning sativas... Columbian x Lambsbread,, Killing Fields, Thai varieties. Orig Haze. Mexican Sativas (el dorado)

Not so good for commercial ambitions. But they are appreciated by many.
Many many many...

In my stable it is Haze varieties. Just far leaning sativas... Columbian x Lambsbread,, Killing Fields, Thai varieties. Orig Haze. Mexican Sativas (el dorado)

Not so good for commercial ambitions. But they are appreciated by many.
They sound like some pretty exotic and amazing strains to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of sativa highs, so even though I've just started growing, I know that the strains I'm going to grow are 8-10 week flowering minimum, and I'm fully prepared for the 12-14 week strains at some point in the future. Scrog, scrog, scrog. Nothing beats a sativa high in my book. It's worth vegging for a full 8 weeks and flowering for however long they need. Such is the price of perfection!


Well-Known Member
haze varieties can easily go 14 weeks. and not everyone is going for the highest thc content. many people are growing high cbd strains. more amber trichs=couchlock

Dice Clay

Active Member
WHAT! DUDE! Amber is when they DIE that means there will be no THC for the curing to turn into THCa, When they are all amber, they will be high in CBD or CBN i forget which exactly, but that only has the medicating effects, you won't feel stoned or high at all, just pain relief if you had pain! Who told you to wait for them to turn all amber?!??!?!?!?!?!?
Why with no real world experience do you continue to post your confused expertise as fact? You have admitted yourself that you are on your first grow, and I have seen you muddle many different things from other novice's posts together and state them as unwavering fact. What is even better is that when someone with a decade or more experience offers a different (and frankly correct) opinion or set of specific instructions you go ballistic, and then try to spin in some later posts (after many have stated your opinion is unbased and incorrect) how you actually were saying the correct thing... tread quietly and learn before you go barking out bullshit advice.
A few things I do to force ripen long flowering sativas that tend to re-bud
Lower ppm. Water less often. Colder and dryer environment. Move to a dimmer light or raise the lights. Shorter light cycles, ie more time lights off then 12 hrs.

Really anything you can do to mimic the on coming of fall will help to speed up ripening of the plant as it wants to be done before it dies and knows its time is limited when these factors start playing a role.


Well-Known Member
you can harvest your plant in stages you could take the bottom well leaving the top to finish also letting to try some of your rewards a little earlier bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
they have a heirloom sativa strain Dr.Grinspoon that has a flowering period of 95 to 100 days