"he died for your freedoms"


Well-Known Member
I think that our country will be far better off when we are finally able to quit ourselves of this jingoistic, blind lauding of our military. I think that our solemn perpetual excuse for our soldiers deaths are blasphemous in the extreme.

I hear politicians repeat this sappy lie over and over again. When commenting on the death of a soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq they justify that death by claiming that the young man "died for our freedom". We are not allowed (because of conservative political correctness" to question which freedom, exactly did this man die for.

So long as we tell ourselves that our military, one by one, group by group are dying for our right to speak, or losing limbs for our right to vote or losing their eyesight for our right to protest, we will continue to believe such blatant propaganda.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
For the most part I agree with this post, but I don't think "conservative political correctness" is the cause of the limitation of questioning the status quo. Anybody that is a true conservative and not a neocon would not want to support the warfare / welfare state. As you allude to in the post, it's all about manipulation of the words.


Well-Known Member
If you were to ask an outsider what type of freedom is the USA fighting for? They would say freedom for Corporations to do "free trade" in the occupied country, but according to the (US) rules.


Well-Known Member
Sir people have died and been injured since America was born. I lost good friends and had a brother injured in viet nam, don't look at it as a bad thing, at least they don't draft people any more.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Sir people have died and been injured since America was born. I lost good friends and had a brother injured in viet nam, don't look at it as a bad thing, at least they don't draft people any more.
I'm not sure what your point is? What shouldn't be seen as a "bad thing"?

Not needing to draft people anymore could be construed as an indication of how effective their indoctrination has become.


Well-Known Member
I think that our country will be far better off when we are finally able to quit ourselves of this jingoistic, blind lauding of our military. I think that our solemn perpetual excuse for our soldiers deaths are blasphemous in the extreme.

I hear politicians repeat this sappy lie over and over again. When commenting on the death of a soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq they justify that death by claiming that the young man "died for our freedom". We are not allowed (because of conservative political correctness" to question which freedom, exactly did this man die for.

So long as we tell ourselves that our military, one by one, group by group are dying for our right to speak, or losing limbs for our right to vote or losing their eyesight for our right to protest, we will continue to believe such blatant propaganda.
I have no objection to questioning our military, it helps them to apply some critical thinking. However, at this point I realize that most of them are people with no better prospects and a belief that what they are doing is right, for the most part.. The increasing rate of military suicides is a bit of an indicator of our active troops' feeling about our moral imperative nowadays.


Well-Known Member
I think that our country will be far better off when we are finally able to quit ourselves of this jingoistic, blind lauding of our military. I think that our solemn perpetual excuse for our soldiers deaths are blasphemous in the extreme.

I hear politicians repeat this sappy lie over and over again. When commenting on the death of a soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq they justify that death by claiming that the young man "died for our freedom". We are not allowed (because of conservative political correctness" to question which freedom, exactly did this man die for.

So long as we tell ourselves that our military, one by one, group by group are dying for our right to speak, or losing limbs for our right to vote or losing their eyesight for our right to protest, we will continue to believe such blatant propaganda.
Saying a soldier died for our freedom is not an "excuse" it's a fact. It is not to be interpreted as if the soldier wanted to die for your freedom, it is a reminder that the soldier died defending our freedom.

Nobody is trying to "justify" the death, they are simply stating the fact that the soldier was killed while supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

If you have to question which freedom of yours the military defends and dies for then you are so far out of touch with reality it's absurd! It would so appear that you are an ungrateful fuck if you are asking that question. If you don't know which freedoms you enjoy in the US then allow me to give you a piece of advice...Get the fuck out!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Saying a soldier died for our freedom is not an "excuse" it's a fact. It is not to be interpreted as if the soldier wanted to die for your freedom, it is a reminder that the soldier died defending our freedom.

Nobody is trying to "justify" the death, they are simply stating the fact that the soldier was killed while supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

If you have to question which freedom of yours the military defends and dies for then you are so far out of touch with reality it's absurd! It would so appear that you are an ungrateful fuck if you are asking that question. If you don't know which freedoms you enjoy in the US then allow me to give you a piece of advice...Get the fuck out!
Apparently the freedom to express a different opinion than yours isn't one that you appreciate.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what your point is? What shouldn't be seen as a "bad thing"?

Not needing to draft people anymore could be construed as an indication of how effective their indoctrination has become.
Sir you don't know me, but it sounds to me like you would have been a draft dodger. If you don't love America then get the fuck out. People join the service now days they are not force to join.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I didn't tell him to shut the fuck up, I told him to get the fuck out!

Thanks for correcting me. I'm sure your diplomacy wins you many admirers.

Where could he go? Avoiding U.S. troops is difficult in this world, they seem to occupy much of the world don't they?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for correcting me. I'm sure your diplomacy wins you many admirers.

Where could he go? Avoiding U.S. troops is difficult in this world, they seem to occupy much of the world don't they?
Who cares where he goes?? You expect me to find a suitable home for him? Maybe he should go to a country that the people like people talking shit about their country??


Well-Known Member
"Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction"



Well-Known Member
The last time American soldiers "fought for our freedoms" was WWII.
Since the 1950's, our soldiers have died fighting for the freedoms of those in control to profit from international conflict.


Well-Known Member
Saying a soldier died for our freedom is not an "excuse" it's a fact. It is not to be interpreted as if the soldier wanted to die for your freedom, it is a reminder that the soldier died defending our freedom.

Nobody is trying to "justify" the death, they are simply stating the fact that the soldier was killed while supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America.

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

If you have to question which freedom of yours the military defends and dies for then you are so far out of touch with reality it's absurd! It would so appear that you are an ungrateful fuck if you are asking that question. If you don't know which freedoms you enjoy in the US then allow me to give you a piece of advice...Get the fuck out!
I have to question which freedoms I have are currently being defended by our military - so call me any name you wish, but answer the question. Which freedom is being defended by our military - right to assembly? worship? vote? There are plenty of people who are giving their lives, not in death but one day at a time in order to defend my liberty but no one in Afghanistan is doing any such thing, the wars are currently being fought in courtrooms.

And thanks for the invitation but I love this country - and I find most all of the people in it valuable in one way or another. I would never demand that any citizen "get out".


Well-Known Member
Who cares where he goes?? You expect me to find a suitable home for him? Maybe he should go to a country that the people like people talking shit about their country??
I don't "talk shit" about my country, I don't even talk shit about our military, I brought up a point - that our military is not currently, or even in the last 60 years, "fighting for my freedom". And that those deaths are indeed excused by those who simply make themselves feel better by claiming that those deaths were not senseless and pointless because they "died to protect my freedom". The reality is that my freedoms are not being jepordized by anyone outside of this country.


Well-Known Member
I don't "talk shit" about my country, I don't even talk shit about our military, I brought up a point - that our military is not currently, or even in the last 60 years, "fighting for my freedom". And that those deaths are indeed excused by those who simply make themselves feel better by claiming that those deaths were not senseless and pointless because they "died to protect my freedom". The reality is that my freedoms are not being jepordized by anyone outside of this country.
The reality is that your freedoms are protected by our military on a daily basis. If not for our military another country would be taking over our country. You might as well consider our country to be like Nazi Germany was in the past, for all you know. The Nazis could be kicking in your front door at 3 in the morning and killing you and your family. You're f'n clueless!


Well-Known Member
The reality is that your freedoms are protected by our military on a daily basis. If not for our military another country would be taking over our country. You might as well consider our country to be like Nazi Germany was in the past, for all you know. The Nazis could be kicking in your front door at 3 in the morning and killing you and your family. You're f'n clueless!

You hinted that I should know which freedoms those poor people died to preserve. I asked which freedoms those were and you seem unable to tell me.

Now you may well be correct, that there are folks holding the line against incursions from other countries that might serve to alter my way of life.

HOWEVER. The discussion surrounds soldiers "giving their lives for our freedom" and your reversion to some alternative reality where nazis kick down my door does not address the conversation. No soldiers are dying for my freedom.

Your saying that I am clueless does not make it so, help me out, give me those clues you seem to have in abundance - what freedoms have those 3000 + who have died in the middle east preserved for me?


Well-Known Member
You hinted that I should know which freedoms those poor people died to preserve. I asked which freedoms those were and you seem unable to tell me.

Now you may well be correct, that there are folks holding the line against incursions from other countries that might serve to alter my way of life.

HOWEVER. The discussion surrounds soldiers "giving their lives for our freedom" and your reversion to some alternative reality where nazis kick down my door does not address the conversation. No soldiers are dying for my freedom.

Your saying that I am clueless does not make it so, help me out, give me those clues you seem to have in abundance - what freedoms have those 3000 + who have died in the middle east preserved for me?
They preserved your life, your freedom to live, by taking the fight to the mother land and being proactive, instead of reactive like we were on 9/11. Reactive mode doesn't cut it, buddy. Just how many times can you tolerate terrorists destroying our lives and property?? Closing your eyes to terrorism doesn't make it go away, closing your eyes to terrorism helps it get stronger.

"You can pay me now or pay me later."