Don't Care to go Out Anymore


New Member
Maybe it just has something to do with where I am right now. There aren't many girls at all in this shitty oil field town. The ratio at bars is literally like 10:1 (males/females)

My friends clown on me a bit, joking around like "ohh he's staying in with his computer, his wife...*jerking off motion*"

Ok it's true. I haven't had intimacy with a girl in a long time. But going out, especially here, considering the awful prospects to meet a girl, just doesn't appeal to me.

Then there's the fact that I spend a lot of time in solidarity and have gotten so used to it that maybe I just don't care to be very socia anymore. I've had this vision in my mind of how it'll turn out great once I get a house and feel like I have something, a place, of my own, because I've lived in oil field man camps, hotels and my car for the past year and that lifestyle is continuing. And since I'm not working yet right now (work actually becomes a big part of my identity) I feel like I don't have a lot to show for myself

Either way, back in my college years I never ever thought I'd stop going to bars being social at 25. It really actually stopped when I reached 22...maybe I'm just in a funk right now, idk


New Member
Anyone else relate?

I never just liked bars...too loud, too crowded, too chaotic.

When i did go out I enjoyed the dance-club scene. Nothing made me happier then when girls danced with me...I considered it a rush, like sex, getting excited and everything

Sometimes I think...maybe I'm sorta autistic. As a little kid, I had a HUGE imagination and would play by myself often rather than with others...with toy cars and tonka trucks and know, little boy stuff. During car rides, my mom said I'd just gaze out the window and avoid talking to her often...she actually told me as an adult that she expressed her concern to my pediatrician about it... lol


Well-Known Member
dude theres no where to go in some towns, you have to drive and hour or 2 to get out of the city or deal with nothing but hills and mountains when you do go out. its hard as anything just to enjoy life cause the governement makes it difficult so we have to go to exextremes to get it.


Well-Known Member
I can definitely relate. I've moved around quite a bit since graduating high school, and it's been hard to make good friends moving around so much. So, like you, I got used to entertaining myself. I live in a college town, and I could go out if I wanted to, but I don't really have any friends here yet and I don't want to just go to the bars by myself. Also, I'll be 25 in January, so we're close in age.

I feel like I'm past going to the bars just to hook up with girls. I need something more substantial now. I don't want to meet somebody at the bar.


Staff member
i dont like going out infact becauseof tonight i literally have no friends i mostly stay in andplay video games, read or do home things like cooking, i wishi knew my online friends in irl because i would have real friends who didnt fuck me over


Well-Known Member
Maybe it just has something to do with where I am right now. There aren't many girls at all in this shitty oil field town. The ratio at bars is literally like 10:1 (males/females)

My friends clown on me a bit, joking around like "ohh he's staying in with his computer, his wife...*jerking off motion*"

Ok it's true. I haven't had intimacy with a girl in a long time. But going out, especially here, considering the awful prospects to meet a girl, just doesn't appeal to me.

Then there's the fact that I spend a lot of time in solidarity and have gotten so used to it that maybe I just don't care to be very socia anymore. I've had this vision in my mind of how it'll turn out great once I get a house and feel like I have something, a place, of my own, because I've lived in oil field man camps, hotels and my car for the past year and that lifestyle is continuing. And since I'm not working yet right now (work actually becomes a big part of my identity) I feel like I don't have a lot to show for myself

Either way, back in my college years I never ever thought I'd stop going to bars being social at 25. It really actually stopped when I reached 22...maybe I'm just in a funk right now, idk
Where you at? I too am in a shit hole (not as bad as most) oil field town. I stopped goin out at arou d 22 but ive been with my wife since i was 19. We just became home bodies. I worked messed up hours at wonderbread and just stopped having that social life i was used to.

Wonderbread hours were like oil field hours. 12 plus hours a day 6 days a week. Put tons of 16 hr days and quite a fes 19s. So i just became accustomed to sitting at home on my time off...

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I don't know if this will help you all. With my PTSD I have a lot of problems interacting with people in the real world. These days I am practically a shut-in. The way I combat it is by training. I bike and run every day. I go on hikes in the hills here and in the mountains in southern Colorado. I tend to meet people a lot like myself. It helps. I enter into marathons and bike runs every now and then and the camaraderie among participants is nice. Find something you enjoy doing that takes you out of your comfort zone. You'll meet people with similar interests and most likely strike up a friendship or two. Rinse and repeat. If you're religiously inclined then volunteer for some church activities/events. Anyway, that's my two cents.


Well-Known Member
i dont like going out infact becauseof tonight i literally have no friends i mostly stay in andplay video games, read or do home things like cooking, i wishi knew my online friends in irl because i would have real friends who didnt fuck me over
Aww, sunni, believe me when I say I know that feel.

I sometimes find myself having dreams about high school, and they're good dreams, because they remind me of what it was like to see my friends every day. Now that we're getting older, and people are starting families and shit....frankly, I kind of hate it. Haha, and I know people like neer probably laugh when people our age complain about getting old, but dammit, the effects are already being felt.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Aww, sunni, believe me when I say I know that feel.

I sometimes find myself having dreams about high school, and they're good dreams, because they remind me of what it was like to see my friends every day. Now that we're getting older, and people are starting families and shit....frankly, I kind of hate it. Haha, and I know people like neer probably laugh when people our age complain about getting old, but dammit, the effects are already being felt.
Actually us older folks feel for you. We know what you're going through and we know it hurts. My favorite quote, "Only a bleeding heart truly knows compassion". In time you'll see the curves and speed bumps coming. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge and experience. You're a gettin' there whippersnapper.


Well-Known Member
Actually us older folks feel for you. We know what you're going through and we know it hurts. My favorite quote, "Only a bleeding heart truly knows compassion". In time you'll see the curves and speed bumps coming. Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge and experience. You're a gettin' there whippersnapper.
Thanks, Carne. You're a good fellow!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
i dont like going out infact becauseof tonight i literally have no friends i mostly stay in andplay video games, read or do home things like cooking, i wishi knew my online friends in irl because i would have real friends who didnt fuck me over
ill be your friend .


Active Member
Was going to write something long and meaningful but in short pick up some sports/ social activities. Went and did some Brazilian jiu jitsu the other day, very friendly socialble people


Well-Known Member
You're a nice person, and I want to help you be happy any way I can

Anyone else relate?

I never just liked bars...too loud, too crowded, too chaotic.

I am exactly the same. I just don't go. The only times I've been I could probably count on one hand and it was for the purpose of supervising my mother.

When i did go out I enjoyed the dance-club scene. Nothing made me happier then when girls danced with me...I considered it a rush, like sex, getting excited and everything

I have to say it's nice getting a little attention. HOWEVER, these people are not really interested in you, I'm sorry. Those girls are most likely trying to boost their self esteem gyrating around you.

Sometimes I think...maybe I'm sorta autistic. As a little kid, I had a HUGE imagination and would play by myself often rather than with others...with toy cars and tonka trucks and know, little boy stuff. During car rides, my mom said I'd just gaze out the window and avoid talking to her often...she actually told me as an adult that she expressed her concern to my pediatrician about it... lol
I am on the autistic spectrum myself. It's a sociocommunicative disorder that affects your ability to socialize /interact 'appropriately' with other people (you did mention you found it hard to 'read' when girls were actually giving you good signals). It can also affect you physically. I am hypersensitive to alot of things, have a visual perception disorder/dyslexia ((ASDs often come with something like full blown OCD though ASDs often incorporate OCD traits anyway), frequent panic attacks, hate things being disordered or changed (routine, the cutlery/crockery I use or how my food is prepared/handled)tend to miss the big picture and focus on details, always played by myself, you tend to interpret things differently somehow to how the general populus might. ASD kids are often highly intelligent despite having learning difficulties and trouble expressing themselves, but girls are good at masking their symptoms because of inherently higher emotional intelligence and using linguistic ability to cover up shortfalls.

I'e even cried because the lines in my textbook made me 'feel weird' the way they intersected, or I get overloaded because I can 'see' orthographic projections drawing themselves from building sometimes and the angles and intersections feel like they are encroaching on my brain. I can totally freak out if I get crowded, or too many people are trying to talk to me. I'm a little funny about how I am touched. Either I will totally freak out if someone brushes past me but I'm extremely tactile with people I like. I can feel where something has touched me in one place for hours afterwards. Like if you were to touch my hand, sometimes it can drive me crazy that I'm still aware of that spot and the sensation isn't spread evenly everywhere, like it's blaringly obvious. Arrg. I can feel alienated, like no one understands me or be left wondering 'what the hell did I do wrong this time'. ASD kids are often told they behave 'inappropriately'. Sometimes I overload and lash out or withdraw. I like black and white thinking, solidarity and the theoretical makes my head spin because there are just too many variable and it makes my fucking head hurt. I identify better with animals. Did you know Temple Grandin wrote many books (Animals in Translation, Animals Make us Human etc) comparing the autistic mind to that of nonhuman animals. This might explain why so many members of the therianthropic community are on the autistic spectrum, like myself... So much more I could say but don't wanna thread jack.

So, if any of this sounds familiar, or you can identify with it, it is quite possible you are on the spectrum. The most frustrating thing is being intelligent enough to know your feelings, sensory experiences and behaviors are 'illogical' but most of the time being powerless to fix or ignore your own symptoms. Then getting people to understand that yes you are smart and self-aware, but there a places when you need people to be understanding and you might need help.. Learning to then accept the help can be hard, too.

And fuck them, do you WANT to hook up with some girl sitting around getting drunk, willing to go off with anyone, hunting for a piece of man/wallet?

You might find a hobby and find a proactive girl with other interests than drunken debauchery at the gym or fencing club or something. Or you stay at your computer and find yourself someone who connects with you, doesn't just say things to get in your pants telling you what you want to hear or trying to sway you with their body. Sometimes the computer helps you find the human side of people, encourages a little honesty when you think you might not have to deal with that person face to face, especially for us isolated, autistic people.

Hey... worked for me and Tip Top xxx


Well-Known Member
I know how you feel,theirs nothing to do in lake city,thats why I go to gainesville to club every weekend,bcuz we have no night life here.


bud bootlegger
i'm in the same boat m8.. about 10 or so years ago i walked away from all of my friends because i was using hard drugs with them, and in order to get clean i could no longer be around them.. it wasn't easy, but was so worth it imho..
but ever since then i have never really had much in the way of friends in the real world.. idk if it's the age in which i got clean, was 30 at the time, or what.. it seems like finding new friends was a bit easier when i was younger and would say go out to the bars / clubs, but being in my early 40's, trying to find friends now is not the easiest of things to do..
i've pretty much come to accept the fact that i more then likely will never have close friends like i did when i was younger, and i'm ok with that.. it seems that most of the people i called friends were only using me or got me into more trouble, neither of which i need


Well-Known Member
I also have trust issues,so it's hard for me to be buddy buddy with people,I never really had friends,I call them associates,I feel like as long as I have my family,and can find me a good girl,then I would be find,but I don't stress myself about having friends and being too social.I'm at the point in my life where I'm constantly trying to get to my full potential,and I had to cut alot of people off,and I focus more on trying to live my life instead of just existing.Born alone,die alone,that's how I feel now at this tender age of 23,anybody not in my circle or my family,I can give a fuck about,and is considered a threat if I'm ever crossed like that,I'll do anything to privide for my love ones,and will do anything tfor anybody who shows me that they are the same way.


Well-Known Member
I also have trust issues,so it's hard for me to be buddy buddy with people,I never really had friends,I call them associates,I feel like as long as I have my family,and can find me a good girl,then I would be find,but I don't stress myself about having friends and being too social.I'm at the point in my life where I'm constantly trying to get to my full potential,and I had to cut alot of people off,and I focus more on trying to live my life instead of just existing.Born alone,die alone,that's how I feel now at this tender age of 23,anybody not in my circle or my family,I can give a fuck about,and is considered a threat if I'm ever crossed like that,I'll do anything to privide for my love ones,and will do anything tfor anybody who shows me that they are the same way.
I tend to have one or two extremely lose friends and be friendly to everyone I can.

The relationship developing with a Close Friend is never an active choice, but very much like falling in love. Most often you don't notice it happening til it's happened, though trust can be a hindrance. I can honestly say I love my friends almost like a lover. Maybe properly polyamorous people just love their friends in a similar way. (do some people with FWB actually love alot of people and don't want to cheat or they are just horny and selfish?) I actually honestly wouldn't have a problem being a relationship with any of my Close Friends (not that I would cheat, nor would they be remotely interested anyway, I have my precious snugglebear and I loves him the mostest. He's all I need)

Yeah, don't stress about being too social, but embrace it if an opportunity comes your way. That being said you often need time to focus on getting shit done s as well as chatting to people socially. It's great that you know where your allegiance lies and are looking towards self-betterment all the time, which means a better relationship for you and the other person when someone really worth your time comes along x


Well-Known Member
I tend to have one or two extremely lose friends and be friendly to everyone I can.

The relationship developing with a Close Friend is never an active choice, but very much like falling in love. Most often you don't notice it happening til it's happened, though trust can be a hindrance. I can honestly say I love my friends almost like a lover. Maybe properly polyamorous people just love their friends in a similar way. (do some people with FWB actually love alot of people and don't want to cheat or they are just horny and selfish?) I actually honestly wouldn't have a problem being a relationship with any of my Close Friends (not that I would cheat, nor would they be remotely interested anyway, I have my precious snugglebear and I loves him the mostest. He's all I need)

Yeah, don't stress about being too social, but embrace it if an opportunity comes your way. That being said you often need time to focus on getting shit done s as well as chatting to people socially. It's great that you know where your allegiance lies and are looking towards self-betterment all the time, which means a better relationship for you and the other person when someone really worth your time comes along x
Exactimundo,I feel what you saying.I use to want to have alot of friends,I guess that was my grade school days,but as I got older,something inside of me just told myself to sit down and think,are these people really your friends,and I get to thinking deeper,and come to a conclusion not at all.I think of times where I would go out on a limb for somebody,and then when I needed that same favor,it seemed like no one was their,I think that's when I started cutting my circle small.To me,it's a diffrence between just smoking,drinking,laughing,joking,partying with someone,then it is to have a connection with a person,and have somebody you can count on.I had to ask myself,do I really know these people? and my answer was no.

I honestly think that in order to find out who we really are as a individual,is to go through solitude,without all the outside pressure of,people pulling your arms,left and right.Solitude brings a silence to where you can hear your own voice inside that has been screaming but drowned out by peers,solitude is the route to finding who we truely are,and it's a manifestation to become great,know who we are,know our worth,and take full control over our destiney and live the type of life we want.I't starts off confusing,but then you find out that it was a good process that may not take a week,may not take a month,but for most may take years,and I know it may sound cheesy but really soul searching is a good way to breaking down new doors and becoming more than what we could ever imagine,and I think that I've found that,through looking in too myself and being more than what others may have thaught I would turn out to be.