• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Legal bud get you high?


Well-Known Member
does that legal bud advertised on this site actualy get you high? or is it complete bollocks and doesnt do shit?.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if the stuff on this site does anything or not but I bought some "legal buds" from a local place in my city and it didn't do anything at all..... until I got some real weed then I was good. But that's just my experience anyway.


Well-Known Member
i was feeling to buy a half ounce of the stuff cos there a drought round my area atm an weed is rely hard to come buy, maybe i can get some less legal bud off somone thats had a recent harvest :P hehe


Well-Known Member
that you're aware of this stuff Salvia divinorum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I bought my daughter an ounce for XMas . . . she loved it? I wussed out and didn't even try it. Too old and cautious, I assume. The price has gone up since it's January 08' "illgali-zation" in more U.S. States.
If interested, it appears you can still get some here Buy Salvia Divinorum @ Arena Ethnobotanicals

I'd shop around.
That stuff scares me too, lol. Search on Youtube and you'll see plenty of people being videotaped as they smoke that salvia.


Well-Known Member
I've had a strong relationship with salvia divinorum for the last 3 years or so. It's intense as hell and will not get you "high," but it'll make you trip balls in a really interesting way. I suggest starting with the S.D. 6X extract from iamshaman.com - really trustworthy, great business, they have a TON of other "legal highs" as well as some "legitimate legal highs". Salvia is the most potent, naturally occurring, hallucinogenic in the world so show some fucking respect when you pack ur bong! PS - only smoke it from a bong, inhale and hold as LONG as you fucking can - then, on the exhale, you're off to funky town.

Oh.... yea, most "Legal Buds" are shit. I bought hawaiian gold bud once out of curiosity and Xtra cash flow and it's a pleasant smoke and a real herb but there's nothing in it that'll get you high. It's like.... picking random flowers, drying them and smoking them, there's no point.


Well-Known Member
I've had a strong relationship with salvia divinorum for the last 3 years or so. It's intense as hell and will not get you "high," but it'll make you trip balls in a really interesting way. I suggest starting with the S.D. 6X extract from iamshaman.com - really trustworthy, great business, they have a TON of other "legal highs" as well as some "legitimate legal highs". Salvia is the most potent, naturally occurring, hallucinogenic in the world so show some fucking respect when you pack ur bong! PS - only smoke it from a bong, inhale and hold as LONG as you fucking can - then, on the exhale, you're off to funky town.

Oh.... yea, most "Legal Buds" are shit. I bought hawaiian gold bud once out of curiosity and Xtra cash flow and it's a pleasant smoke and a real herb but there's nothing in it that'll get you high. It's like.... picking random flowers, drying them and smoking them, there's no point.
i orderd some salvia yesterday x10 extract or some shit, you said that u shud only smoke it in a bong, would it be ok to :hump:"ROLL IT UP":hump: (see what i did there ;)) in a spliff? or is it only bong smokable. whats the high like? does it actualy make u halusinate or is it anything like being stoned?

cheers for the reply guys


Well-Known Member
Salvia made me laugh hysterically.
No point to roll it in a spliff.
Should be smoked from a bong or a pipe.
Take a real hardcore hit and hold in for 20 secs or so (You can't hold it in for more because the effects will start in that time, maybe even earlier.) ;)
About the legal marijuana buds- Those are a complete ripoff.


Well-Known Member
ew fake bud is so nasty man. it taste so gross that it made me gag!! you dont get high cuz its THC free. its not worth it bro!


Well-Known Member
right, well i got my slvia through the post today it was 1g 10x extract, i put half of it in a bong and took a big ass hit. all i can remember is is blowin the smoke out, from then on i was seeing some fucked up shit. lol the best way to describe it is for the first couple of minutes i was seing shaped and corners overlapping and shit i had no idea i was consious if you know what i mean and to be honest it wasnt that plesent. lol so once i recoverd ffrom my shapeseeing thing i thought that i had better go lye down. when i was walking up stairs to my bed it felt as if i was 20 feet tall and i was trying to keep balance.
when i got to bed i shut my eyes and the tv was blurring in the background and when people were speaking on the tv i was imagining weird things talking in my head it was so random. when i tried to watch tv it was fukin hard to undertnd what the people were saying and everyone looked realy disturbing lmao (i think im gonna have some nightmares tonight) over all ive never experienced anything like ever before and to be honest it wasnt that pleasent at all. but the first few mins were so fukin strange its like i forgot i even existed and i was seeing some weird shiz. i still got half left but i dont think ill be taking it again.

to some this whole post up - stick to weed kids! :D


Well-Known Member
I reckon I should've emphasized the importance of reading up on the environmental factors involved in enjoying Salvia, ie: mood, A GUIDE, environment, etc . . .


Active Member
the high is no good lol well you have to expierement to know lol... trips you out in the head like a big mental trip. but yea as far for smoking it.best to use a bubbler if you have one cuase that shit gets nasty.


Here, for those of you that want the info on Salvia or "legal buds" hope this helps.
Parents of teenagers are becoming concerned about an emerging drug of abuse that, until recently, few had ever heard of: Salvia divinorum.
Salvia is a member of the sage family. It's also a cousin to the popular flowering salvia plants that many of us may have in our gardens.
Scientific researchers say the public is right to be concerned about the herb's growing abuse. But some say salvia is also showing promise in legitimate laboratory research.
Salvia divinorum's active ingredient, Salvinorin A, is a powerful hallucinogen, "as potent as LSD, and essentially, the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogenic drug," says Dr. Bryan Roth, a biochemist and neuroscientist at Case Western Reserve University.
Roth also directs the National Institute of Mental Health's Psychoactive Drug Screening Program. Three years ago, he and others in his Cleveland lab discovered how Salvinorin A affects the brain.
"What we found is quite remarkable and unprecedented among naturally occurring drugs of abuse," Roth says. "This compound seems to have absolute specificity for a single receptor site on the brain."
Studies have shown that Salvinorin A works in the same place in the brain as morphine and related pain reducers known as opioids.
"There's been some showing that by modulating opioid receptors, you can potentially treat stimulant abuse," says Thomas Prisinzano, a University of Iowa professor in the division of medicinal and natural products chemistry.
Most studies of salvia's effect on the brain have been on rodents, and no one knows yet whether the results can be duplicated in humans. Such scientific developments still may be a long way off.
Other medical, biochemical and pharmacological scientists have published early studies suggesting that research on Salvia divinorum and Salvinorin A might eventually lead to new drugs that could be used to treat Alzheimer's, schizophrenia and other diseases.
"The bottom line is, we really don't know enough and we need to know more," Prisinzano says. "The field is really beginning to grow, and we are beginning to know and understand more of what Salvia and Salvinorin A are able to do in the body."
He and others worry that classifying Salvia as a Schedule One drug of abuse -- a class that includes marijuana and LSD -- could slow or even halt promising research. Yet because of salvia's powerful effects, few believe that the drug shouldn't be regulated at all.
"Even experienced hallucinogen users say that the effects of Salvia divinorum are qualitatively and quantitatively different than any other hallucinogen that they have ever taken," Roth says. "It appears to cause an experience that we have dubbed 'spacio-temporal dislocation.'"
In other words, if the dose is strong enough, users take an instantaneous trip to another time and place, an experience many first-time users of salvia find too intense, disturbing and even frightening. Those who try salvia often don't like it and won't try it again.
"Most people who do it hoping to have just an interesting high find it confusing and disappointing," says Daniel Siebert, who has researched Salvia divinorum extensively and urges its responsible use. "It's not something that's fun to do. It doesn't have a stimulating effect. It doesn't really have a euphoric effect."
Siebert worries that salvia is being marketed to teens and young adults as producing a marijuana-like high, when nothing could be further from the truth. He thinks salvia should be regulated in the same way as alcohol -- and be kept strictly off-limits to teens.


I have tried salvia bout three times and it was some crazy shizznet. The very first time it felt like a huge see-through blade appeared in front of me after takin a big hit, and then it sliced me in half vertically and the blade felt really cold, I just sat there aware of every thing but sliced in half, a few minutes later i was back to normal but kinda hot and i was sweating. The other two times were even more trippy I felt a needle and thread tie my arms and legs on two the couch and then i was stuck, after takin the biggest and last hit it felt like I totally left the earth and i was unaware off all my surroundings the only way i can explain it is like bieng sucked into a colorfull black hole and the i had a crazy feeling that some sort of supreme bieng was talking to me. the trip usually only last bout 2-5 mins max and i ended up sweating every time. I can truly say its the biggest trip ive ever had and i would try it again.


Active Member
Why would you hurt your lungs smoking that crap.
Everyone should experience Salvia once, and thats it.

Just like lsd everyone should try it at least once. I think the world would be alot cooler of a place if everyone had at least one good mind expansion in their youth.