Myceliumbox easy shroom grow - 3 strains, first time


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I know its kinda cheating, but technically then so is picking the fuckers!!

So to those who frown upon my ways kiss-asshehe only kidding

I did a bit of researching into growing shrooms and the whole spores process but im not really a shroom head yet, i've never tried them before so this mycelium box is a good way for me to get an easy supply and who knows, one day i might invest in the whole kit coz i know it CAN be way cheaper.

I ordered the myceliumbox combi pack from (the mushrooms is a plural!!) and they had a free shipping offer to orders of 75 euros or more so i jumped on it (the offer was for facebook fans, and expires on thursday this week)

so anyways, i ordered:

1x treasure coast
1x thai ban hua
1x orissa india

i payed on friday morning, the order was processed and shipped on monday morning, and i got them the next morning (today lol)

sorry to any americans, they don't ship to your country :( im in europe.

I'll just be uploading pics of the grow and hopefully they will do ok. I checked the boxes just now and the mycelium is webbed through the substrate so im gonna soak them, drain them, and its all systems go. They are gonna go in with three semi-auto lemon haze plants i got going, coz the plants will shade them from the light plus its around 24oC ambient temps in there. ermmm....yeah.....


Well-Known Member
Treasure coast 1.jpgTreasure coast 2.jpg Treasure coast

thai 1.jpgthai 2.jpg Thai

orissa india 1.jpgorissa india 2.jpg Orissa India

SO, i've just added water to the substrate and closed them up and put them in my drawer. I dont have a clue what to expect. Gonna empty excess water off at 12 tonight and then put them in the growbags and into the cupboard! Pretty exciting! :peace:


Well-Known Member
It's ok that they dont ship to the us because we actually have quite the offering of quality mycology right in some of our backyards. Almost every corner of the us and north america have some sort of psychedelic mushroom native to there area. Always best to do tons of research(up to date field guide) and have fun i say!


Well-Known Member
yeah theres apparantly loads of places to get liberty caps in this region but not without a heck of a drive. Ill go picking one day when ive got like a week or two to just go camping and hiking and might just happen upon some. And yeah, its essential to know exactly what ur picking. These shrooms im doin im gonna dry and freeze so ill probs be munchin on these for a year lol


Well-Known Member
Day 1

- I misted them up this morning before putting them in the growroom
- I have a temperature probe hanging off the top of one of the bags, and it reads at 24.1oC when i got home today
- Its weird coz im sure there is something pushing some substrate up in the air in the treasure coast box. But they are supposed to take longest. It might just be an illusion its hard to see through the bags with the condensation on them
- Got the house heating on at 23oC at night time
- The shrooms (and my lemon hazze semi-auto plants) are gonna be on 12/12 lighting. I know shrooms don't need light to produce food, but they grow towards the light and i heard light period does affect the rate of growth

2012-10-10 10.20.41.jpg



Active Member
Dude I wish I could get my hands on those kits, been looking at em forever. Just started my first grow so hopefully my jars will cake up! Btw I love that pic ^ got your shrooms right next to your ladies. Looks wonderful don't forget to keep us posted how they grow and final weight!


Well-Known Member
Hehe yeah i love havin them in there. I think ill be misting them up every day though as its pretty intense in there. Its so tense waiting for the first ones to appear, apparantly it takes 5 days so i should start to see teh first ones by monday. Next update will be if and when i see shroomage! Good luck with the cakes :D what strain u doing? What method are you using? :peace:


Active Member
Starting off with B+ cause it's suppose to be one of the easiest to grow, and i'm not sure the name of the method but i'm using BRF/Vermiculite


Active Member
Crownmeking you are reffering to the pf tek.

If anyone is going to grow mushrooms I'd reccomend buying a pressure cooker and researching grains and monotubs. Best harvest for your time/money/troubles. Keep in mind properly growing mushrooms can tough. So don't cut corners and read, read, read! And don't give up. It's easy to Fuck up but once you get the hang of it, its easy not to Fuck up. I personally would reccomend staying away from kits, they tend to be over priced and setups to failure. With proper technique you can enjoy more fruits (literally) of your labor, with a higher success rate, for cheaper. Not knockin ya for buyin a kit though. Hopefully you got a good one. Good luck! If you need anything/any questions pm me!


Well-Known Member
Crownmeking you are reffering to the pf tek.

If anyone is going to grow mushrooms I'd reccomend buying a pressure cooker and researching grains and monotubs. Best harvest for your time/money/troubles. Keep in mind properly growing mushrooms can tough. So don't cut corners and read, read, read! And don't give up. It's easy to Fuck up but once you get the hang of it, its easy not to Fuck up. I personally would reccomend staying away from kits, they tend to be over priced and setups to failure. With proper technique you can enjoy more fruits (literally) of your labor, with a higher success rate, for cheaper. Not knockin ya for buyin a kit though. Hopefully you got a good one. Good luck! If you need anything/any questions pm me!
I agree, if you are predicting you'll need alot of fruits! This myceliumbox is just perfect for a rookie like me 'cos i've never even tried shrooms and they are not a commonly dealed product round here. Like i said, if one day i really wanna get some big harvest in, i'll have to go get the pressure cooker or just buy sterilized growbags/tubs (the store i ordered my boxes from do the spores and all the DIY equipment, in fact half their business is selling certain medical equipment)

But its good advice for thos wanting to pull in a bit more harvest for the money. These boxes alltogether cost me 80 euros, which i know could get me most if not all of the equipment i need to do the whole process myself. But i wanna try the things first before i have a mycology lab goin on in my rom hehe Me and my friends are certified stoners and we have never been around shroom culture, so these pre-germinated spore boxes are a really easy way for me to provide us with our first taste of the world of psychadelics, as the mycelium is already developed its pretty much idiot proof (as long as I get the environment right for actual growth) :peace:


Active Member
Hell yeah man, things look good so far! We are both following acidjesus's hijack thread so I'm sure you saw that I'm out of town. My roommate has been watching my babies and he sent me this pic todayof my tub. This is its 3rd flush (ive picked fruits and soaked in water and they grow again)
Just realized I can't attach a pic from my phone. Haha ill have to do it when I get home on Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Day 4 (yesterday)

2012-10-13 12.00.05.jpg2012-10-13 12.00.18.jpg2012-10-13 12.00.31.jpg

Tings a gwaaanin. The Thai box is showing the most activity so far (far left) with loads of fluffy patches. The orissa India strain is showing some tiny white balls forming on the substrate in a couple of small patches (centre) and the Treasure Coast is showing very faint fluff coming through the substrate in a variety of places (right).

So things have gone well so far :/



Well-Known Member
Day 6

-The Orissa India strain (far left) has now started forming looooads of tiny little white balls with tiny brown specs on top. So im wellll happy with that!
- The Thai Ban Hua (Centre) has devloped about 5 patches of thick white 'mist' on top of the substrate, so i guess the mushrooms grow out of that stuff?
- The Treasure Coast has loads of really light kindy white candyfloss looking fluff forming over most of the substrate. Its the weirdest looking fluff as its so whispy it just doesn't look like the Thai fluff. You can kind of see it (the far right box) does anyone who knows this strain recognise this wispy white fluff? Or is it not a good sign?
OI.jpgT.jpgTC.jpg2012-10-15 16.28.49.jpg

Just a group pic on the far right there :D being shaded by the ladies :peace:


Active Member
try and get a closer pic of the "white mist" im curious to see it up close.

and here is that pic i promised, sorry for the delay!IMG954465.jpg 3rd flush. Mazatapec that has been isolated on agar.


Well-Known Member
Thats very impressive, how did you set up that box, whats in the bottom? That looks different to the 'cakes' ive seen. How did you use agar? Isnt that easily contaminated? we use that for showing bacterial infections in science :/ im interested, lovely harvest u must have had :)


Well-Known Member
In the Orissa India box, there are loads of mushrooms forming in really big clusters (like there must be about 20-30 of them all growing up from the same white patch. So when it come to harvest, how would i go about picking the ripe ones and not the growing ones? I saw a vid of some woman kinda levering a whole clump out together, but it looked like she was really pulling on the substrate, which i heard is a big no no. Can i cut them off with a disinfected stanley blade away from the others in the clump? Can someone please help? Thanks


Well-Known Member
In the Orissa India box, there are loads of mushrooms forming in really big clusters (like there must be about 20-30 of them all growing up from the same white patch. So when it come to harvest, how would i go about picking the ripe ones and not the growing ones? I saw a vid of some woman kinda levering a whole clump out together, but it looked like she was really pulling on the substrate, which i heard is a big no no. Can i cut them off with a disinfected stanley blade away from the others in the clump? Can someone please help? Thanks

Twist them off. Try to pick them solitarily but you will quickly find that is an imposibility. Do not cut them, the butts are prone to infection as they die back. Fill the divots you create as your substrate comes away with the fruit with pasteurized casing - even better in this case is sterilecasing but be sure that the divot casing is at field moisture. Remember that in your first flush, the pins (or primordia) are waiting to begin your second flush, the fewer you disturb in your first pick the more you will get in your second. This, I have found does not apply to your second flush, after that, the mycelial mass seems to regroup and start from the beginning.

(yet another reason to case btw)


Well-Known Member
Twist them off. Try to pick them solitarily but you will quickly find that is an imposibility. Do not cut them, the butts are prone to infection as they die back. Fill the divots you create as your substrate comes away with the fruit with pasteurized casing - even better in this case is sterilecasing but be sure that the divot casing is at field moisture. Remember that in your first flush, the pins (or primordia) are waiting to begin your second flush, the fewer you disturb in your first pick the more you will get in your second. This, I have found does not apply to your second flush, after that, the mycelial mass seems to regroup and start from the beginning.

(yet another reason to case btw)
I think i get what you mean. Have you got a link to the sterlie casing? I don't think im gonna buy anything else for these, but if its cheap and i can get some local i may as well do.

ALSO is it possible to make the growbag TOO humid for growth? Ive heard it should be 95% humidity so im guessing 100% means just a bag of water? Its just that in my growbag and grow box there are large water DROPLETS in the corners of the boxes that are kinda sitting amongst the developing fungi/patches of fluff. So it just looks strange to me as a beginner. I didn't want to spray the bags today even though its been two days since the last spraying, because it just seems like im gonna be drowining them. Thanks for the help :peace:


Well-Known Member
Day 9

- Orisa India are almost ready, i might be harvesting my first flush tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest but they are growing QUICK
- I can see only TWO thai pins growing lol but i guess thats a good start. Better than none!
- The treasure coast has loooooads of tiny white specs over the substrate, so i think they could turn ouut to be shrooms but ill have to wait and see.


^ Treasure coast, Orissa India, Thai Ban Hua

Im hoping to see more activity from the other two soon :/
