I WANT seeds from my plants...so what is the best route to take?


Hello, first post in the forum.

I understand the basics. I've germinated plenty of seeds from dirt weed and grown a few plants up just playing around but always had to trash them or give them away due to some unforeseen reason before I could let them bud.

That being said, a little background on why I'm here. A while back I found some seeds in some killer bud that had apparently hermied. I only found 3 or 4 seeds from this strain and then one seed from another. I saved them of course.

I realize I'm starting these way late in the season, but I'm down South so I should still be able to grow them although they probably won't be as productive, correct? (note: I'm growing outdoors). I germinated, and planted the seeds and now, just one week later, have four successful babies. Since I won't really be able to grow clones over the short winter we have here without investing in some indoor equipment...and since I'm only growing for personal use, and hobby, I don't want to make that investment.

So is it logical to keep the male plants (should there be a few) near any female plants so some seeds will be produced? I don't want to order seeds for next year.

I'd like to top them so I can get a smaller, bushier, less noticeable plant, but I'm unsure when to top for an outdoor plant.

Lil' help??

2012-09-28 16.38.07.jpg2012-09-28 16.38.21.jpg2012-09-28 16.39.45.jpg
1st two - tallest.
2nd - looks just like the other two.


Well-Known Member
If you're 'down south' like me, I personally wouldn't try outdoors through the winter, come Nov.- Feb., the rain hardly quits here.
If you got buds to form on them, they probably wouldn't have a chance to dry out.


If you're 'down south' like me, I personally wouldn't try outdoors through the winter, come Nov.- Feb., the rain hardly quits here.
If you got buds to form on them, they probably wouldn't have a chance to dry out.
Where I have them most of the time, they're shielded from the rain, but still get sun. Plus I'm home 24/7 to keep an eye on them and move them if need be.
Good luck growing in the winter months, I'm an outdoor grower my self and I live in West Virginia, I plant my babies in April or May and pick around October, but best way to get seeds and still have plenty of smokeable bud left is to just keep the male with the female for a while when you start noticing a few of the pollen sacks open then you move the male far away from the female or trash it and when your crop is done hang er' upside down and the seed pods with fall off and the seeds will fall out this is what I did, I left my male with my females for a few weeks while the females were started flowering and I ended up with a small tuperware container about half full of seeds and still got a few ounces of perfect killer bud.


So far they seem to be doing ok in this late season FL weather...I anticipate they won't be a huge bushy plant but should provide a little smoke and some seeds for next year if I keep the male (if any, of four) around, right?
2012-10-05 08.59.36.jpg


Active Member
odds are you won't have males
if there were only a few seeds in sack and 1 in another, i'd say you called it
a banana threw a few seeds(feminized) into some poor guy's grow
just the same, good luck - have fun - hope you get fifty fuckin pounds


Active Member
RIGHT ON!!! In case I don't get any seeds, is there a way to keep clones alive through the off season without indoor lighting equipment? Would they survive in a window sill that gets sun most of the day?
All you would need is 1 or 2 cfls to keep them good. If they get too big for your liking, just take a clone or two from those clones and your back to smallys again. Chuck the big one and repeat as necessary.


Active Member
Only problem with putting them in the sill is they'd flower on you because of the light cycle outside. You might be able to put the cutting or the clone in a fridge for a month or two though. If you want seeds but don't want a bunch of seeded buds then remove the males but keep them alive and collect pollen from them, then use a paint brush or makeup brush etc to apply the pollen only to a few nodes so that way not all the bud gets ruined :)


This is good, right?
2012-10-11 12.26.21.jpg

Question: this late in season, should I top them or just let them run their course?

The plants are smelling like nice already and I don't want to stunt their growth any, since hours of daylight will quickly diminish.


Btw, JohnBaked...I'm currently reading your grow journal about the triploid. What a coincidence to see you post here.


Active Member
Id say Indoors to might get to cold thro the flowering stage or whatever and kill it. but male plants have seeds and to my guess 2 to 3 of those plants might be males who knows


Active Member
i have almost the same looking one but older in my topic. topic is called (female or ,male) check it out look at my plant


Active Member
It looks good, looks like it still might be vegging. Just make sure ya won't have a frost in the next two or two months, if so you'll probably need to bring em inside or cover em up at night. Ans youd probably be able to get away with topping but id just tie em down just in case still get more colas, and less stress but then again youre looking for seeds...Nice to see some people are following my grow, can't wait for my harvest :)


Active Member
Id say Indoors to might get to cold thro the flowering stage or whatever and kill it. but male plants have seeds and to my guess 2 to 3 of those plants might be males who knows

Just to clear the common misconception, male plants do not have/yield seeds. :eyesmoke:


So, I went out of town this weekend. When I got back I noticed a couple of things about my plants. The first (pic 1 and 2), is that on my two tallest plants (only about a foot) there was some new growth...in the form of balls. I was hoping for one male, looks like I got two males. Thats ok though, I'll try the technique of pollinating the females by brushing technique or whatever. The second thing I noticed is that I had two bugs. One was a little green bug (seen in the second pic), and the second is a tiny black spider, quick and jumps around a lot (third pic). I brushed them off, but can you identify them? Lastly, I took a picture of one of the smaller plants (fourth pic). Can you identify if it is female yet or not?
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