What is the deal with Alien Gear?

Swerve knock it off man, you know his fire og male is passing out hermes. too many instances occurring with them fire x's as of lately.
can't blame him though, so many people want to jump on the bandwagon and try their hardest to ignore certain facts, why not keep making and passing out hermie gear if they're still going to sell?
the funny thing is i have heard nothing but good things with his other x's, but people still choose to buy everything that has fire og in it, just to say i got it too.
Here is my Purple pheno Alien Grenade! Day 52!




if that's the case, my apologies. yeah i've been seeing a lot of not so good reports with those fire og x's. one came from one of his biggest fans. one dude suggested that he up his count back up to 11 a pack(fems) so people could find at least a keep in the pack. i'll post links if you need them.
Alien has some fire ass genetics put 150 on some Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Rock Candy, or Ewok and i guarantee you wont be disappointed unless your inexperienced gets in the way
The Alien grenades Yeild is Huge for OG sence it is A hybrid! i have 5 phenos. 1 being a purple pheno no one else has yet but me!
Sounds like some good stuff.. I myself couldn't get over the first price tag of bins for 1000 dollars but hey other people gladly payed it and are happy with it..
Ive seen most of hungry mans plants and let me tell you, i def would not think twice about buying those seeds.

Maybe he'll let sum clones slip my way after he got me too high to drive home. Lol

Dude is very knowledgeable. U should takewhat he has too offer as far as advice goes.
Nice you cant go wrong wit that strain! i have 2 Kill bill phenos from them 1 smells like strait up Lemon Trix and the other pheno smells like Grape cream tart sauce!