3 1000W or 5 600W?


Well-Known Member
Jorge Cervantes gained his knowledge from other growers, I don't think I've EVER seen a plant that he grew himself.

Ugh I refuse to let you drag me into this bullshit however I will say that you are full of shit, nobody is giving out your personal information. Nobody even has access to it except for Rolli and the site owner. Nice try though.


Active Member
where did he get the giving personal info bit from? did I miss a post or did he just pull that out of his arse with all the rest?


Well-Known Member
He's from Texas apparently. Houston or DFW, Im still backtracing the DNS logs to locate his exact whereabouts so I can forward them to the proper authorities.


New Member
He's from Texas apparently. Houston or DFW, Im still backtracing the DNS logs to locate his exact whereabouts so I can forward them to the proper authorities.
Well luckily I am a cautious person who knows a little bit about network security and run a proxy so that vindictive and ignorant admins could never threaten my way of living.


Active Member
i do agree inicadom does get ppls backs up, but it concerned me him saying admins can give ur details out, is this true that they can?


Well-Known Member
i do agree inicadom does get ppls backs up, but it concerned me him saying admins can give ur details out, is this true that they can?
This is not true. That know no more then you put on when you signed up. And anyone can ping your ip but with proxys and other things it's safe.


Well-Known Member
i do agree inicadom does get ppls backs up, but it concerned me him saying admins can give ur details out, is this true that they can?

Admin made a joke about cocky people "especially Texans"

Then this tool piped up and said that he was from Texas and admin gave out his location.

Then admin messaged him and said it was all a joke was he really from Texas and Tool said, no I'm not really from Texas.

If I had a ban button he would be gone without further a due.


Well-Known Member
If the dude is so worried bout security, why is he still on here posting? Damn dude, go lay in the corner and lick your nuts or something. Find something else to keep your feeble ass mind occupied other than coming on here with your bullshit.

Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Check out my grow in my signature. 3 1000w on 6ft light movers. Covers a great space. I am in the midst of harvesting so I cannot update for a little bit, but update coming soon.


Active Member
cool, i trust riu admins then, gta be cautions as we all know a little anonymity goes along way. 3 x 1000w dam thats alot of lumens.