Frost and thieves!!


Well-Known Member
You really shouldn't act like a dog is defenseless, to be fair. Man has domesticated dogs for many things since he figured out how to, one of which was protection. My old rott mix ran off an asshole with a bat when I was a kid; that's what we put him in the back yard for. I don't expect my dog to put in all the work, don't get me wrong. Myself, and every other man I know, has always had an unspoken agreement with their dogs. Just like I would crack the skull of a man fucking with my dogs (As I almost did today with an asshole who was lurking in my alley and taunting them.), I would expect the man who fucked with my property to get similar treatment from my dogs. It's a mutually beneficial relationship: I provide food, shelter, medical care, mutual defense, and a sweet retirement plan: He gets to lay around inside whenever he wants and be lazy, once he gets too old to fulfill his duties; while still retaining full pay and benefits. In return, he provides the services of alarm, mutual defense, and companionship.

We are both the watch, and both the guard. We are a multi-layered approach, update your tactics. :p

what an awesome way of looking at things, actually gave me goosebumps! Your mindset is right on track, what a disclaimer for a dog!


Well-Known Member
in a modern day situation if you send your dog out to protect your crop you're basically allowing for the possibility of someone killing your dog. idk, karmically speaking it makes more sense to have the dog for VIGILANCE, which they are VERY adept at, and leave the fighting and defending, to us MEN, who are very adept at protecting our property.

just makes more sense to me that way.
When has turning a dog on a man not risked it's death? Please inform me, I am intrigued. Since man started wielding weapons of any sort, we have had an edge against dogs. Do you think they were impervious to everything other than bullets or something like that? If my dog is acting as a deterrent to a thief, it is at risk of getting harmed. If a dog is barking at you and keeping you from getting to the weed you want to rip, you poison the dog. It doesn't have to be attacking you to be at risk of harm. Really, the "karmically" right thing to do would be keeping it inside and training it to not bark at anything, and also train it to stay in a corner as you are being attacked. Otherwise you are intentionally putting it at risk of harm by making your dog an obstacle between a criminal and their objective.

My dogs are always outside, and by sending myself out to protect my crop when they go outside I am at equal risk of getting shot. Like I said MULTI-LAYERED APPROACH, it's a mutually supportive thing. Also, vigilance is part of an effective defense. Your dog's vigilance is protecting the property. If your dog didn't go off, how would you know someone is there and act to stop the thief? Since when were dogs not adept at committing acts of violence, by the way? If you are a predatory or territorial creature, defense comes naturally. I don't care how good of a shot you are, 5 angry dogs rushing you from less than 90 feet will take you down. I am not going to train my dogs to act counter to their nature when it is beneficial, that is pointless and slightly counterintuitive.


Well-Known Member
When has turning a dog on a man not risked it's death? Please inform me, I am intrigued. Since man started wielding weapons of any sort, we have had an edge against dogs. Do you think they were impervious to everything other than bullets or something like that? If my dog is acting as a deterrent to a thief, it is at risk of getting harmed. If a dog is barking at you and keeping you from getting to the weed you want to rip, you poison the dog. It doesn't have to be attacking you to be at risk of harm. Really, the "karmically" right thing to do would be keeping it inside and training it to not bark at anything, and also train it to stay in a corner as you are being attacked. Otherwise you are intentionally putting it at risk of harm by making your dog an obstacle between a criminal and their objective.

My dogs are always outside, and by sending myself out to protect my crop when they go outside I am at equal risk of getting shot. Like I said MULTI-LAYERED APPROACH, it's a mutually supportive thing. Also, vigilance is part of an effective defense. Your dog's vigilance is protecting the property. If your dog didn't go off, how would you know someone is there and act to stop the thief? Since when were dogs not adept at committing acts of violence, by the way? If you are a predatory or territorial creature, defense comes naturally. I don't care how good of a shot you are, 5 angry dogs rushing you from less than 90 feet will take you down. I am not going to train my dogs to act counter to their nature when it is beneficial, that is pointless and slightly counterintuitive.
5 angry dogs don't mean shit to someone with a proper knife . . . . .


Well-Known Member
no way.. 5 dogs trained properly would destroy 1 with a proper knife. by the time u get one.. they would already have bit the hand wiht the knife and ud be fucked.. ive seen a good friends 3 pitbulls destroy a dude on his security camera for breaking into his home with a knife and a bat.. lets just say the dogs won.. and the guy is now a vegetable and my friend is going to court.. and 1 of his dogs may be put down because of it ..

he didn't have a knife like this....

the finger grips are essential... 5 dogs MIGHT take down someoen with that, but not before 3 of the dogs got stabbed..... I'm not gonna discuss this further this is pretty clear to me, dogs are good for sneak attacks, or for someone who isn't prepared , but someone who is expecting 5 dogs to attack them has a SIGNIFICANT advantage over those dogs, IF they have a knife like this and know how to use it....
You need to get the best cameras EVERRRRRR!!!!! Dlc covert special ops game camera. Sends a instant pic to your cell or email. Motion sensor and a very good infra red light not see able at night time. bit spendy but well worth it!! You use them everywhere on the property


Well-Known Member
5 angry dogs don't mean shit to someone with a proper knife . . . . .
You fail to address the majority of my points. Such as how you have the karmic high ground, despite the fact that any dog that is used as a security system is at risk of harm. You also fail to address the fact that you know nothing of my dogs.

You assume that 5 Russian Caucasians could be as easily fended off with a knife as 5 chihuahuas. I don't know what kind of dogs you have owned, but no person in their right mind is going to confront 5 dogs that weigh over 80lbs (on average) rushing you as a pack (Barring some outlandish scenario.), ESPECIALLY considering the fact you have to vault a 7 foot fence directly into the mouths of 5 dogs. Not to mention the fact that you seem to think I'm sitting off somewhere observing, instead of being an active member of, this hypothetical fight. When my dogs alert, someone checks it out. If you tried to get in a knife fight with my dogs, you'd have one pissed off Marine with 4 consecutive expert shooting badges aiming down on you with a rifle he's had alot of practice with. If the firearm is impractical, I have a 2" diameter oak rod about as long as an M16 with a bayonet and a whole lot of hate and discontent for you. I'd dare someone to come at me with a knife in either situation. This "mutual defense" thing I keep harping seems to drift right over your head. I know how to set up a perimeter, I also know how to address a threat; thanks for trying to help though.

To further indicate how little sense your comment made, here's a 55 year old woman and ONE dog fighting off a robber with a knife. God knows my 5 various mutts of pit, boxer, shepherd, and brittany/pit descent couldn't manage the same thing with my help... :roll: That's almost offensive, but then I realize you didn't think before you spoke.


Well-Known Member
he didn't have a knife like this....

the finger grips are essential... 5 dogs MIGHT take down someoen with that, but not before 3 of the dogs got stabbed..... I'm not gonna discuss this further this is pretty clear to me, dogs are good for sneak attacks, or for someone who isn't prepared , but someone who is expecting 5 dogs to attack them has a SIGNIFICANT advantage over those dogs, IF they have a knife like this and know how to use it....
rofl, can tell this guys never seen real live action in theater! If it aint a k-bar dude, buy one! that aint no knife! That's a flea market special! You'd be better off with a leather sap than that p.o.s knife imo.


Well-Known Member
rofl, can tell this guys never seen real live action in theater! If it aint a k-bar dude, buy one! that aint no knife! That's a flea market special! You'd be better off with a leather sap than that p.o.s knife imo.

I was just showing that as an example of the type of handle grip you would need to not have the knife go flying out of your hand in an adrenaline filled moment.


Well-Known Member
I was just showing that as an example of the type of handle grip you would need to not have the knife go flying out of your hand in an adrenaline filled moment.
sorry then, there i go again jumpin the gun! I should go smoke huh?thCAAHPDYJ.jpg
th 1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I was just showing that as an example of the type of handle grip you would need to not have the knife go flying out of your hand in an adrenaline filled moment.
Or, you could grip the knife like you mean it, learn how to use it, and then realize you shouldn't try to hop a 7' fence into a bunch of waiting dogs with a knife in one hand. Anyone with a clue knows that is stupid. Hell, you'd risk stabbing or injuring yourself on the landing, either with the knife or in the process of avoiding it. Especially given the fact that I doubt you've fired one failure drill in your life, much less know what one is without googling it. Yet, I would be the guy waiting to give you one once you engaged my dogs on my property with a knife. You seem to think you would have the tactical high ground in a situation where you would be going onto my home turf. You must have the deepest ass I have heard of, at the rate you're pulling shit out of it.


Active Member
he didn't have a knife like this....the finger grips are essential... 5 dogs MIGHT take down someoen with that, but not before 3 of the dogs got stabbed..... I'm not gonna discuss this further this is pretty clear to me, dogs are good for sneak attacks, or for someone who isn't prepared , but someone who is expecting 5 dogs to attack them has a SIGNIFICANT advantage over those dogs, IF they have a knife like this and know how to use it....
IF you had a fully automatic weapon and a bit of a lead on the dogs, you might not get bit. As for stabbing 3 out of 5 dogs with your knife AND surviving the attack, not a chance. Have you ever seen pit bulls in action? They are widely illegal for good reason.

Did you see a movie where a Ninja cut up multiple attack dogs with a butter knife? That's Hollywood for ya.


Well-Known Member
IF you had a fully automatic weapon and a bit of a lead on the dogs, you might not get bit. As for stabbing 3 out of 5 dogs with your knife AND surviving the attack, not a chance. Have you ever seen pit bulls in action? They are widely illegal for good reason.

Did you see a movie where a Ninja cut up multiple attack dogs with a butter knife? That's Hollywood for ya.
Pit bulls are no more vicious than rottweilers, shepherds, mastiffs, dalmatians, or any other dog. It's all how you train them. That whole pit bull thing is the same as every other "deadliest breed in america", it'll blow over. Just like it did with the dobies, the rotts, and the german shepherds. Once the gangbangers pick another breed they think looks cool, it'll be that one. It's not the dog that should be banned, people that are too irresponsible to train a dog should not be allowed to have one.


Active Member
Pit bulls are no more vicious than rottweilers, shepherds, mastiffs, dalmatians, or any other dog. It's all how you train them. That whole pit bull thing is the same as every other "deadliest breed in america", it'll blow over. Just like it did with the dobies, the rotts, and the german shepherds. Once the gangbangers pick another breed they think looks cool, it'll be that one. It's not the dog that should be banned, people that are too irresponsible to train a dog should not be allowed to have one.

I find it rather disgusting that some of the posters here would sacrifice their dog over their harvest. These are almost certainly the same type of people who have wrongfully trained there pitbulls, or whatever breed they might have to be violent attack dogs. What happens when these dogs get loose or get a hold of the neighbours kid who unknowingly walked into your back yard grow? If you want to protect you harvest, grow it where people won't find it instead of growing 10ft plants in your backyard.


Active Member
Pit bulls are no more vicious than rottweilers, shepherds, mastiffs, dalmatians, or any other dog. It's all how you train them.
Ridiculous. In my area, about 85% of dog owners have pit bulls exclusively. I have extensive experience with them, to include being bit by one of the bastards. I have not seen a single local "train" their pit bull. They are the product of extensive genetic selection specifically for the trait of viciousness. All the owner need do is feed, water, and put the animal in the back yard: instant vicious attack dog on guard. THAT'S WHY THEY OWN THEM.


Well-Known Member
Problem solved..I installed Brinks motion detecting flood lights for the last week the girls were in the ground. I talked to the kids parents (who were no help). From my 6 plants I estimate that 6-8 ounces of immature buds were stolen (I hope they get a good head ache from it) I chopped them today and I have a shit load!!
I'll take some pics when I get it all trimmed and hanging..Had so much I had to hang three entire plants and get back at them tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ridiculous. In my area, about 85% of dog owners have pit bulls exclusively. I have extensive experience with them, to include being bit by one of the bastards. I have not seen a single local "train" their pit bull. They are the product of extensive genetic selection specifically for the trait of viciousness. All the owner need do is feed, water, and put the animal in the back yard: instant vicious attack dog on guard. THAT'S WHY THEY OWN THEM.
Pit bulls were originally bred for... wait for it... pit fighting. That means fights with other dogs. These rarely went to the death, as nobody wanted to lose a dog they had invested so much into. As a consequence, they were broken up by people. Those dogs were bred for viciousness against other dogs, not people. Think about it: If you train a pit fighting dog, do you want to risk it turning on you? Your point is invalid, they weren't bred to bite people.

On the other hand, Doberman Pinschers were bred to attack people. Either way, your statement does nothing to contradict my statement of bad owners. Maybe you should accept that people are responsible for their pet's actions. If a kid bites you, you sue their parents, not the kid.

Also, please inform me of the exact circumstance where you got bit. If you could list the breeds that fall under "Pit Bull" without looking it up, that would help your case.


Well-Known Member
Problem solved..I installed Brinks motion detecting flood lights for the last week the girls were in the ground. I talked to the kids parents (who were no help). From my 6 plants I estimate that 6-8 ounces of immature buds were stolen (I hope they get a good head ache from it) I chopped them today and I have a shit load!!
I'll take some pics when I get it all trimmed and hanging..Had so much I had to hang three entire plants and get back at them tomorrow.
You have my sympathies. I had 4 immature plants stolen about a month ago. I hope those fuckers got shot for trying to move weed that couldn't even get you buzzed.