Just needed to post this somewhere it would be appreciated..

So my dad was my best friend ever! We smoked together all the time. At the age of 58 he decided to try and grow pot for the first time. After a few failed attempts he finally had it. He had one plant, her name was Louise. He treated that thing like his baby!!! He even sent me a pic of the plant for my birthday with the message 'happy birthday sista, love you! He was quite the jokester... We were all set to have some Thanksgiving weed. Then a terrible, unexpected event happened and my dad passed away 8 days ago. He had a major heart attack at his home. After several attempts at reviving my dad with no luck they pronounced him dead and then began to snoop around. They found Louise. They took her and the lights and the fans. I just wanted to share the last pictures my dad ever took of Louise, at 830am the day he died. He was so proud of her and his accomplishment. I just wanted to post them somewhere I thought they would be appreciated. :)



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, u should grow one of your own in homage to your dad, and name it after him. U should be proud if him for producing a finished plant


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that, u should grow one of your own in homage to your dad, and name it after him. U should be proud if him for producing a finished plant
Sorry for your loss, and that seems like a great idea, providing you are either legal or can get away with it. I would grow 1 let it cure til the anniversary of his passing and sit at the grave site and get blistered.
Again, sorry for your loss.
Thank closet, knuc and 420. I do appreciate the replies back. I will definitely be growing some espcially for him. My dad was cremated so his ashes will be here with me. Even after death him and I will still get high :) It may seem weird but I was thinking of maybe putting a little of his ashes in the plant, like that movie How High. He had mentioned me doing that a few times. Not sure if that would be possible. I've never grown before but I did learn some things from him and I still have his notes, his Ed Rosenthal's marijuana growers handbook and his calender where he wrote all of his notes on nutes/lighting/etc and of course I will be back here to ask questions and for advice.


Active Member
So my dad was my best friend ever! We smoked together all the time. At the age of 58 he decided to try and grow pot for the first time. After a few failed attempts he finally had it. He had one plant, her name was Louise. He treated that thing like his baby!!! He even sent me a pic of the plant for my birthday with the message 'happy birthday sista, love you! He was quite the jokester... We were all set to have some Thanksgiving weed. Then a terrible, unexpected event happened and my dad passed away 8 days ago. He had a major heart attack at his home. After several attempts at reviving my dad with no luck they pronounced him dead and then began to snoop around. They found Louise. They took her and the lights and the fans. I just wanted to share the last pictures my dad ever took of Louise, at 830am the day he died. He was so proud of her and his accomplishment. I just wanted to post them somewhere I thought they would be appreciated. :)
My heart goes out to You, sooo sorry for yer loss , deaply, cherish the great times and spread the love he has instilled in you...again ,so sorry....rip.


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty girl he had im sorry about your loss. maybe he had some seeds.... perhaps a strain from his seed named after him?


bud bootlegger
man, sorry to hear about your dad m8.. sounds like a very cool man growing his own plants and all, not to mention the relationship you had with him..
again, sorry to hear of his passing, really like what you're doing for him here.. :D

Garden weeds

Active Member
ahh man, shame to hear that he will be proud of you for putting it on this site, well done to ur dad. like Closetgardner said, grow one of your own in memory of your dad, would be nice!! best wishes mate, GW


Well-Known Member
My condolences to you and family.
Great looking plant!
I know your loss, as I had 4 immediate family die, + 1 uncle, and 1 great uncle within the past 6 years.


Well-Known Member
So sorry for your loss. It's lovely that you and your dad had this in common, and hopefully you will feel connected to him every time you smoke or grow.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear what happened. I feel your pain... Its great your dad got to develop his green thumb and produce such good quality. At least you had a really good relationship with him. I bet you got some great stories too.

Just a few days ago was 7 years since my dad passed from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) aka Lou Gehrigs Disease and it's hard to believe that it has already been that long.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that as well, best wishes. If you document your grow I would like to follow it and help you along, either way you will get help from the RIU community!! I am sure he was very happy though, growers are a happy bunch.